"So Can I Get A Little Bit Of Hope?"

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"You swing your fist and I won't let you enter the infirmary room ever again," Jin threat in a demanding voice. I was holding up a guy's shirt, who started a fight with me, and my right fist was balled ready to punch him. Jin came in the worst time, if he hadn't come I would've beaten the shit outta that dick.

"Both if you to the office," Jin took us to the office and the principle gave us a long ass speech. I wasn't listening at all, his speech was going in one ear and out from the other. After that Jin and I went to the infirmary room.

"How many is that this week? 4? You stupid! Stop getting yourself into fights!" Jin flicked my bruise making me flinch.

"It was him who started it! I gave him a chance to back the fuck off but he kept bothering me," I explained but Jin didn't seem like he was listening, rather focus of treating my wounds. "Don't ignore me."

"Huh? Oh, I was just making sure you're not in pain.." Jin said wrapping my hand with some bandages.

"I don't care. Just don't ignore me."

"Well I do!" Jin said gritting his teeth,"You're lucky he didn't get your face."

"Yea, You wouldn't want to see any bruises on this handsome f-" Jin pushes hard on one of my bruise on my arm making me groan.

"You were saying?" He smiled innocently as if nothing every happened. "Now, Get to class! The bell is gonna ring soo!"

"Jin-Hyung..Let's meet at the park today!" I said opening the door.

"Today...Sure, I don't think I have any work at the hospital," Jin replies with a smile satisfying me. I waved him goodbye and went to class.
Before I know it School was already over. Like usual Jin stayed after to talk with the teachers and I head back home with Taehyung. "I told you his busy! You fuck tart! Use your small brain a little bit more. Don't go bothering him because he is also a student," Tae scold me.

"Tsk! Just cause you won't get to hang out with him!" I smirked at him but he just gave me a crazy smile and flicked my forehead.

"Whatever. Do what you want, I'm gonna go bother Yoongi-Hyung!" Taehyung smiled his boxed smile and ran off leaving me.

I walked home and changed into more normal and comfortable clothing. "Where are you going?" my sister barged in.

"None of your business."

"Yah! Don't talk to your big sister like that! Show manner!" She yelled.

"When have I ever showed manners?" I chuckled.

"To that Jin guy or whoever. Who is that guy anyways? His pretty handsome, is he your friend?" She started to get close to me wanting me to answer her questions.

"I don't know who the fuck you're talking about. You better stay away from him you crazy bitch or I'll fucking kill you."

"...GAH!! The hell-" I left without listening to her finish.
It's been about 13 minutes and Jin hasn't arrived yet. I texted him and called him but there was no reply nor answer. I was getting impatient. I took my phone and dial him once more. This time I hear a ringtone from afar, I looked around trying to figure out where it was coming from.

Then I saw Hyung. Looking at his phone, not picking. But that wasn't what pisses me off. He was with someone else.

 He was with someone else

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