"I'm Scared"

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"No, I'll take care of him...You guys take care of him," I said and they nod. I carried Jin and went in to my apartment. I lay Jin on my bed and covered him with a blanket. I sat there next to the bed not knowing what to do.

I got up to go to the kitchen but I felt a small tug on my shirt. I turn my head so fast I though I was gonna break my neck. "Hyung..! You're awake..?!"

"Mm.." He hummed and sat up with my arms supporting him.

"Are you okay..? Are you hurt?" I asked.

"..No, I'm fine.." Jin gave me a small reassuring smile. I got on the bed and slowly hovered on top of him while gently pushing him down.

"Did He Touch You?" I asked and it came out aggressively than I thought.

"W-What..?!" Jin looked shocked.

"I asked did he touch you? Where..?!? Where did he touch you?!?" I yelled frustrated and pissed.

"J-Jungkook..! Calm dow-" I cut Jin off by sealing his soft plumped lips with mine. The cut of my lips was burning but I didn't care. It didn't last long as my kiss travel downwards.

"Did he touch you here?" I laid soft kisses on his neck. "Or here?" His shoulder. "Or here?" And his chest.

"Jungkook..!! You idiot!! That hurt..!Stop..!!" Jin pushed me away. "He didn't touch me..! Calm down! I'm fine.." He pull me down next to him and embraced him. My face was buried in his chest while he stroke my hair gently.

"Am I hurting you..?" I asked softly.

"No..Let's stay like this for a bit..." Jin answered while embracing me tighter.
"Sorry for making you worried..."

"Tsk..! The fuck are you sorry for..?! I couldn't protect you. I got you into this mess. I was..I was the one that caused Jin to..." I couldn't go on. Not because I didn't want to but my tears were getting in the way of my speaking.

"Geez..Why are you crying..? Dont blame yourself.." Jin pulled away and cupped my cheeks to look at him. "Don't think of anything, don't say anything, not even a word. Just give me a smile.."

Jin gently brush my tears with his thumb and gave me a warm smile. He got up slowly and I did as well. "Let's get you treated..And you can also help me bandage up!" Jin smiled.

I love Jin. I alway do but right at this very moment I just fell for him all over again. He is smiling and keeping strong because he doesn't want me to worry about him. He is keeping all of the pain inside and showing me his warm smile to reassure me. I love him so much I might go crazy. What did I do to deserve this..?!

Soon, Jin started to take care of my wounds after we finished taking care of his. While he was focused on the treatment I was focused on him. Hyung, I'll change. I won't be just a kid. I'll be someone you can lean on. I'll protect you and give you love. I'll stay with you forever, even when we are ghost.

"Hyung..." I called up and Jin gave me a small hum, his eyes still fixed on my bruises and cuts. "There are so much I wanna tell you..." I said and Jin didn't respond, probably meaning he was listening.

"Seeing Hyung in front of me is crazy.. I still can't believe it. All of this seems like a dream. I want you to be in front of me forever. Don't try to disappear."

"Huh? Where else would I go?" Jin chuckle.

"I have never been this scared in my life. I have never tried to risk my life for others. I have never felt his weak and useless before in my life. But after you came into my life...I felt all of this," Jin looked at me. I held his hand softly.

"If I let go of your hand, you'll fly away and break. I'm scared of that. I'm scared I'll lose you." I said. And these were not just mere words that is coming out from someone like me. They were my sincere words that I want to deliver to Jin.

"....What a ball of idiot," Jin flicked me hard on my forehead.

"Yah..! I was being sincere! You didn't have to ruin the moment like that!" I yelled.

"What moment?! You know? It's really awkward and weird hearing these cringy things from you! Especially when I know how you are to others, that just makes it even more awkward!!" Jin yelled back.

"HUH?!? What's that supposed to mean?! I can't just do this to someone I love?!"

"You know what I mean! And no you can't!"

"At least I have the guts to say them you gramp!!"

"AISH!!! This kid!! I'm still young!"

"You're gonna be halfway fifty soon-" I was cut off when I felt Jin press hard on one of my bruises. "OWAH..!!! You..!"

"Anyways..What were you saying?" Jin gave me a creepy-not-so-innocent smile.

"N-Nothing..." I said turning my gaze away from him. Then there was a silent.

"Don't worry...Everything that is happening now..It's just how it is. The possibility of me and you meeting isn't a coincidence. I think...We Were Chosen By Fate." Jin said confidently.

Chosen By Fate....He said.

"Looks who's saying cringy things now?" I smirked.

"Ah..! Ughh!! Shut up! It was because of you!" Jin made the stupidest excuse which was kinda cute.

"Me?! It's my fault now?! You were the one-" and again Jin presses on my bruise making me zip my mouth immediately. "Okay..!! Okay..!! I'm sorry!"

"Say it was your fault!" Jin pouted.

"It was NOT my fault Jin started to say cringy things!" I said and laugh while defending myself from his playful punches. Like that the bickering continued.

That's right. I should just kept quiet and smile. Jin said our meeting was Chosen By Fate...And I think his right.

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