"Don't Try Too Hard, It's Okay To Lose"

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"I already knew."

"Huh? What?" I was surprised at Taehyung's answer.

"I knew you were in love with him a long time ago! All you ever do is talk about and think about him, but you just never realized you were in love." He ramble on as he got his bed ready. We were at our campus at the stop of the hill, and the leaders divided us into boys and girls.

Taehyung and I were roommate with two bunk beds. It was a small yet comfortable room. "Why don't you just tell him?" Taehyung blurted our while touching his phone.

"Yah! Are you fucking dumb? That's like the last thing I wanna do. If I tell him the truth then it would ruin our relationship now. It's best I keep it away from him, and if he knew he'd be disgusted for sure. And stop talking about it, it's annoying." I said tucking myself in bed.

"Ah! Kookie, Can you go get our name tags from the leader? I totally almost forgot about it."

"Why don't you do get it? Why do you have you legs for?" I glared at him. He didn't reply but lay on his bed, snoring. "Asshole. Don't pretend to be asleep. I'll get it."

I got up and went over to the building next to us. "Jeon Jungkook? What are you doing here? It's late." One of the teachers came up to me.

"Name tags for me and Taehyung." I simply said.

The teacher looked at me for a second and gave me our name tag,"You really should learn to have manners." He said and left.

"Who gives a damn about manners." I mumble and walked back. But when I was walking back I heard some noises, talking.

"I don't think this is right...!" I heard a voice say and I immediately recognized the voice. I quietly followed it, I peeked by the bushes and saw Jin being dragged away by some girl.

"Oppa! I might get sick in the middle of the night so come to my room just in case!" She said as she kept dragging him. Jin didn't do anything and followed her, looking back constantly. I got up and ran over to both of them, I grab the girl's hand that was holding Jin, and grip on it tightly.

"A-AHH..!! It's hurts..!! Let go..!" She yelled.

"Yah! Jungkook, let her go!" Jin pull me away and take a look at the girl's hand. I pull Jin away and stood in front of him. "Jungkook! What're you-"

"You're Yuri aren't you?" I glared at Yuri. "Aren't you ashamed? You disgusting slut. Dragging him like that just to make him come to your room? Tsk! He'll never be into some rotten like you."

"!!!!...I-I hate you..!! T-This is why no one cares about you!" She slapped me across the face and ran off.

"Yah..!! Are you okay?" Jin held my cheeks checking as if there could be a major injury. All I did was stared at him as he kept checking with a worried face.

"Yah. Do you think I'm gonna die by a bitch slap?" I said with a straight face.

"Well..! I was just checking..If you had some injuries...Or..Hehe." Jin laughed awkwardly.

"You. Why did you follow her? Did you also want to sleep with her?" I asked with a grim straight face.

"Eh? What?! No! She told me she was sick and she wanted me to take care of her for the night. And since I'm gonna be a Doctor I need to take care of people when they are in pain." Jin was so innocent I could punch myself.

"Are you fucking dumb? You're 23 years old, use your brain. If you keep being naive then you will be in danger.  Don't just go and trust someone that easily, you almost got yourself in trouble." I scold him.

"...Sorry. But thanks for looking after me Jungkook!" He smiled.

"..Tsk! Who's looking after who? I'm just point about the fact that you're an idiot." I said trying to kept myself calm.

"Yah!" Jin punched my chest softly,"Have some manners! Respect your elders and use honorifics when you are talking to them! Yaahh~ This Kid!" He shook his head with his hands on his waist.

"Whatever." I said and watched as Jin pouted looking away. "But...I mean if Jin.....-Hyung wants me to...I guess.." I mumbled looking away.

"Aigoo~ There you go! Jin-Hyung is better then YAH!" He smiled giving me a big thumbs up. "Let's Head Back, or we might get in trouble." Jin and I walked back to the boys campus. I was about to go in to my room but I looked at Jin as he yelled out my name.

"What?" I said acting annoyed. He ran over to me and handed me a present. "What is this? Why are you giving this to me? What's in it?"

"Open it later." He said smiling suspiciously. He walked back to his room but came back running.

"What now?" I asked.

"Jungkook...You know?" He started as he stared at me making eye contact. "When you're around me you don't have to act all cool and stuff." He said.

"Huh? The hell are you saying? This is how I always am." I said trying to make my words smooth.

"Liar. Don't pretend and fake it when you're around me. It's okay, I wanna see the real Jungkook. Don't be afraid to show me, I don't mind." He gave me his sweet smile again.

"...That'll just make me look weak."

"No. Showing me your true self would be very brave of you." He said as he nod his head reassuringly.

"Are you telling me to change? You're not the one that make a choice on how I live you know? Don't tell me how to act..It's annoying." I said. Annoyed.

"I mean I'm not telling you to change or change you ways of living. Live however you want, it's yours anyways. Don't try too hard, it's okay to lose. You don't have to endure just to win."

By every word he just said, I feel like I'm putting the shatter self into pieces bit by bit.

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