"Door To The Heart"

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"...I just wish...Hyung can say it back to me. I wish he could say it without being ashamed..Is that a lot to ask for? Hyung?" I asked. Then Jin suddenly stopped at his track leaving me to walk alone. I slowly stopped and turned around to face Jin who was a few feet away from me.

"Jeon Jungkook, Saranghamnida. You're The Cause Of My Euphoria."
"I'm glad..." I said looking at Jin who was looking at me with a questioning look. "I'm glad I was able to hear Hyung say that..."

"Tsk! Hearing that isn't even that special-"

"No, You're wrong. Hearing that from you is everything." I cut off Jin and started to swing slowly on the swing. We were at a near by park sitting on the swings while enjoying the breezing wind on a quiet dawn.

"Jungkook-Ah...You must have suffered a lot..Sorry I wasn't there for you til now.." Jin's voice sounded raspy and shaky.

"Don't be sorry..You're here now, So it's okay."

"I don't even know how I'm 'saving' you but..I'll try." He chuckled.

" He chuckled

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"...When I hate being myself, when I just want to disappear forever...I open one door and there I was in your heart..." I looked up at the sky that were filled with endless void of darkness. "I didn't ask for me to turn out how I am right now..I actually want my parents to love me, I want to live like a normal high schooler but it was probably my dumbass who went to the wrong path. I started thinking I want to be the best. I was was impatient, I was anxious all the time. Comparing myself to other became my everyday...But looking back I didn't want to become the best. Haha..! Pretty pathetic right..?" I drag my feet on the ground coming to a slow stop.

"Yah. Do you remember? When we first met years ago...I kept telling you about how pathetic you looked?" Jin said with a chuckled while remembering back.

"Of course..How could I forget?"

"And you know...You really have-"

"Changed," I finished his sentence but was rewarded with a smack on the head.

"Tsk! What changed?! I was gonna say you really have not changed at all! You're still that pathetic little kid like back then!" I looked down at the ground hearing these words from Jin. It made me embarrassed and guilty for some reasons that I can't explain.

"I'm sorry...How disappointing, right?" It was him. It was Jin. He is the only person who can make me feel terrible inside.

"I want to comfort you, I want to end your sadness and pain. It's okay to trust me." Jin's voice echoed inside my head repeatedly and my body was completely frozen because I was so focused on the words he just said. His words made my stomach feel sick, my whole body felt numb and I couldn't think straight.

"If we are gonna be together forever...Then of course I want Jungkook-Ah to be happy!! Who would want a rough scary looking sad partner all their life right? Haha! Don't worry, Pink Fairy Jin is Here!" Jin flipped his imagery hair and started to rock back and forth slowly.

"Haha...What the hell was that...?! Tsk!! BWAHAHAHA!! S-So...! HAHAHAH!! So fucking embarrassing!!" My sudden laughter seems to startle Jin because he came to a stop and stared at me. My was laugh so hard I didn't realize that tears started to roll down my cheeks like waterfall. No, my tears roll down not because I was laughing so hard. It was probably because I was Happy.

"Wow...I didn't know you could laugh like that!"

"O-Of course..-HAHAHA!!" I still couldn't calm down.

"No! No! I knew you could laugh but I didn't know you had that kind of weird laugh! PFFT!! So ugly! HEHAHEHA!!" Jin burst into laughter while slapping his thighs trying to keep his posture.

"My laugh is ugly?! Then what is yours?! Yours is even worst then mine! You seal-whale-windshield-wiper!!!"

Just like that Jin and I kept on bickering like we always do. It's what we do best, It's our own special way of showing our affection.
"Agioo~ All that laughing and bickering made me sleepy!" Jin got off his swing and stretched.

"It was your fault for-"

"Don't start it again," He warn me with a devil like glare.

"Whatever. Anyways..It's getting late. I'll walk you home," I made my ways towards Jin who was still stretching.

"Eh~ Why do you always walk me home? I'm not a girl! I'm older than you too! I can walk you home!" Jin started to whine while swinging his arms in objection.

"You're not a girl, I know that idiot. I have have to walk you home because you're old-" before I finished my sentence I sure I saw Jin glaring with black flames around me. "Older! OLDER! I was gonna say older! Since you're my Hyung, I should walk your home!" He probably thought I was gonna call him Old.

"Whatever! Let's just go! I'm getting more and more sleepy as we talk!" Jin walked ahead but I slowly caught up next to him. Unexpectedly, I felt his hand intertwining with mine and his grip tighten. I looked at our hands, and then at Jin.

He gave me a smile, and looked ahead. That's right, this is what we are supposed to do. Look ahead, and keep on walking together without letting each other go.

"We are here! Thanks for today! It was pretty fun! I think Jungkook-Ah is trying into a more fun and cheerful person! Right?" Jin said while unlocking the door.

"Whatever. Think however you like...It's up to you."

"Yah. Don't start acting rude right after I said you were starting to act c-" I had enough of his nagging for today. I pull him closer and our lips were introduced to each other again. Jin was completely caught off guard at first but he slowly kiss back. Our lips moved in sync, dancing and playing together.

I wanted it to last forever. I didn't want him to get out of my grasp. I wanted him in my arms forever. "YAH! KIM SOEKJIN?!? YOU COMING IN?!?" Jin suddenly kicked me away after a loud yell from inside.

"Y-YAH!! KIM NANA!! SHUT UP!! I AM COMING!!" Jin yelled back.

"The hell...?! You kicked me...way too hard..!" I was panting while holding my stomach.

"Sorry..! Sorry! I got startle-"

"YAH! HURRY UP OR I'LL EAT WITHOUT YOU!!" That obnoxious deep voice cut off Jin and I swear Jin was about to summon the devil himself.

"Jungkook-Ah! Go! Go home!! I'll call you later! I'm gonna kill that kid!" With that Jin marched inside closing the door behind him. I walked back towards home with that smile that I couldn't hide at all.

I phone flashed a notification, I looked at the message from Jin that read: "I beat that kid up! Anyways, Goodnight! Love you."

I giggle and reply: "Goodnight. Love you too, you ball of idiot. And don't forget to Dream about me." I put my phone back into my pocket and kept walking.

Hyung, meeting you was Fate after all. It was not a coincidence at all.

"Fuck! I'm so damn lucky."
Omfg. I finished. I was completely satisfied but...Thanks for reading! See you in my other books! New one coming really soon! Maybe..- King

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