"Listen To My Heartbeat, It Calls You Whenever It Wants To"

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"Oppa! Are you done? Let's go!" Lisa was anxiously waiting for me by the door. I was packing my things, today was the last day of our field trip. The time here have past by very quickly. Everyone head out of their rooms getting ready to hike back down to get on the buses.

"Yah. Oppa, Why are you dressed so...normal? It's so unlike you..and you're not wearing any accessories?" Lisa came and snoop around.

"Just didn't feel like it," I lied.

FlashBack Yesterday•
"Yah! Watch yourself! You just got my sweater dirty!" Jin complained while wiping off the ketchup from his pink sweater.

"Tsk! What kind of guy wear pink sweater?" I scoff.

"I do! I rather wear all pink than wear..whatever you are wearing! Not my style at all!" Jin shook his head side ways as he took a bit of his hotdog.

".......Then what's your style?" I asked but it came out as a quiet mumble. But I guess Jin hear it since he made his thinking face.

"Hmmm...I like people that are dress nicely and neat but also simple."

"Your response is just like how old people would respond," I said rolling my eyes.

"Yah! Are you calling me old?! I'm only in my early 20s! You really need to learn some manners and learn how to treat your elders! Yaahh~ And dress up nicely for once! Act like a mature teenager!" Jin nagged at me and I thought it was adorable and childish of him to do so.
End Of FlashBack•

After getting my things Lisa and I caught up with the others as we head on down to the buses. "Jimin just gave me a call, he said to come visit after we get back home," Taehyung said.

I just nod. There have been some distance between us after what he mentioned the other day. "Yah. If you're thinking about that, don't worry about it. You're still my bro! May the best man wins! Hehe!" He slap my back hard and walked ahead.

"Win what? What's going on between you two?" Lisa asked.

"Nothing..We just want to win over the same thing...That's all."
We all took a small break to drink some water and to fill our stomach. "Jungkook-Ah!" I saw Jin come over to me and Lisa with a girl next to him. Sehyoon, she was the class star who always has straight As, but why is she here with Jin?

Jin stopped and looked at me, up and down. "Oh~ How cool! You look even more handsome when you wear normal clothing! But not as handsome as me though, but still quiet handsome!" Jin smiled and winked at me. I almost drowned in invisible water by his self confidence.

"Whatever....What?" I answered Jin while glaring at Sehyoon.

"Can you look after Sehyoon? She strain her ankle and if she needs someone to be carried, Can you carry her?" Jin asked holding my left hand while giving me a sweet smile. I mentally wanted to slap myself for being steeping into his trap.

"Why me?" I said trying to avoid eye contact.

"Maybe because everyone is afraid of you but you're also strong! So just be her bodyguard until she gets come!" He shook my arm.

".....Fine. You owe me."

"Okay! Okay! I owe you! And don't hurt her! I need to go back to the leaders!" Jin let go of my hand and all the cold breeze rush against my hand. He stroke Sehyoon's hair and went back with the leader.

I looked at Sehyoon and she seems to be afraid of me. 'Don't hurt her!'  He said. I slowly walked over to her and stroke her hair just like Jin did a second ago," Don't be scared...Tell me if your ankle hurts.." I said kinda cringing inside.

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