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"I told you that you can't win against me on archery," Jin sass flipping his invisible long hair. I just smile admiring him as he aim for his next target on the counter. Jin and I went to a amusement park near by and we've been here for at least an hour.

"Let's go get something to eat! I'm hungry," Jin said rubbing his stomach as he walked off. I put down the toy gun and walked behind him, like always.

The waiter took order and we waited. "It's our first.." I said taking a sip from my coke.

"Hmm?" Jin hummed.

"Our first official date."

"W-What..? Who said it was a date..?" Jin mumbled while blushing. Just looking at him made me weak and feel small.

"My first date with you my heart keeps pounding like a kid."

"You still are kid!" Jin chuckled.

"Hmm~ You think you top me?" I said blankly and Jin choked on air.

"Y-Yah..When did you learn those stuff??" Jin said with a twitching smile.

"Didn't I tell you? I'm eighteen, I know what I need to know." The waiter came back and lay out order at our table.

"When I was your age I was studying hard and working for my family. What have you been doing?" Jin asked as he started to eat.

"Hmm...If I have to be honest with you. Fighting gangs, stealing, going to clubs, and watching porn late at night and....yea. That's pretty much it." I said shamelessly as I took a a slurp on my jajangmyeon.

"WHAT?!? Ugh...Why am I even surprised?" Jin rolled his eyes and kept eating.

"Is there something wrong with having fun?" I asked.

"..It's okay to have fun. But you're old enough to think about your action and the consequences it can lead to. You should study more and think about your future."

"Are you my parents? Don't talk like that, it's disgusting." I said but Jin just gave me a pout as he kept eating. I was finished already so I watched Jin, waiting for him to finish.
"Today was a fun day!" Jin said holding on to some pink stuff animals I bought for him. It was noon and the sun was setting down slowly.

"Yea, I'm just happy Hyung had fun."

"Oh~ Smooth words!" Jin nudge me with his elbow while smirking weirdly.

"I can be a gentleman, Cause I'm your boyfriend." I said and Jin nudged me hard making me wince. We both chuckled and kept walking, side by side.

"Yah. Jeon Jungkook!!" Jin and I froze when we heard someone yelling for my name. We turned around and I saw someone I didn't want to see.

 We turned around and I saw someone I didn't want to see

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"You're Jeon Jungkook...Right?? Yah! You've grown a lot and it's only been a year since we've seen each other!" He said with a smile. But his smile wasn't a pleasant smile but filled with evil, hatred, and wickedness.

"...Ah...Bang Yongguk...Long time no see." I said without any expression nor feelings.

"Who's that with you? Hmm?" He looked at Jin with curious eyes. I held Jin's hand tightly and glare at Yongguk.

"Someone that has nothing to do with you," I spat.

"Hm? Really?......Well, this isn't a good time..is it?" Yongguk had a smile painted on his face. But it wasn't real.

"I don't think this is the right time either," I glared.

"...Then..I'll see you next time or..more like you'll see me next time." He waved with a fake cheerful smile and left.

"Who was that?" Jin asked curiousness filling his face.

"No one...No one important.." I said.

"Than why were you so tense? Jungkook..? Are you hi-"

"No! He is no one! Forget about him!" I yelled cutting Jin off. Jin wanted to say something but stopped himself. "Come on...I'll take you home.." I said and drag Jin towards home.
"WHAT?!? He's back?!? What?! What the fuck is he doing back here?!?" Taehyung yelled over the phone. I was walking down the sidewalk after dropping Jin off to his house.

"That's what I'm saying! He left year ago and now his back?! That doesn't fucking make any sense!!" I yelled in frustration.

"Do you think he brought his gang with him?" Tae asked.

"The fuck should I know....Ugh! He is such a pain in the ass."

"..Just keep a look out. You never know what he is gonna do. Don't let him do what he did a year ago," Tae warned.

"Don't bring back those memories," I tried to not remember.

"I'm just saying that dude is fucked up! You saw what he did last year right?! That is creepy and brutal as shit!"

"I just said don't bring back the memories!!"

"I'll tell the others. Be careful," Tae said and hung up. I looked around my surrounding uncomfortably. I'm working more than I should be...

My phone vibrated and I looked at the message. It was from an unknown number and it said: I'm not done with you yet...

Then my phone suddenly rang and I looked at the number. It was from Hyung so I took the call. "Hello? Hyung?" I answered expecting to heard his sweet gentle voice. But it never came. Over the phone I heard weird noises and couple of  different voices.

"Hurry, Say it." I heard a voice say and I know that voice didn't belong to Jin. Then I heard whimpering, a voice I knew so well. A voice that I love and cherish so much but He didn't say anything. But it cried out. And I heard:

"J-Jungkook...! S-Sallyeojooseyo..!!

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