"I Am Eighteen, I Know What I Need To Know"

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It has been over 2 weeks now since I've met Jin again. Today was Friday, and it was the Junior field trip, and we were going hiking. I wasn't excited about it AT ALL. But Taehyung told me someone else was coming along.
"I told you to stop following me! Go play with your friends!" Jin yelled annoyed as Taehyung and I were just avoiding eye contact with him. "I need to keep a pure clean image. And with you guys around...Dressed like thugs, it's not helping me."

"Kookie was the one that told me we have to stick close to you." Taehyung said.

"W-What..?!? What the hell..?!? Did not- Well..Maybe. Who cares!!" I tried to deny but I couldn't.

"So? Why are you here again Hyung?" Taehyung said put his arms around my shoulder.

"Well...Doctor Heechul  said that he wanted to me follow the high schooler on this field trip and be their doctor. He said it would be a good experience when you need to act quickly even if it's not at a hospital. And he also gave me a list of assignments I gave to complete during this field trip as well." Jin said looking through his assignments.

"GUYS!! Stick together and don't get lost!! We are taking 15 minutes break!" One of our leader yelled out loud for everyone to hear. Some student took pictures, ate, and chat with friends. Taehyung, Lisa and I were sitting together as Lisa took her lunch box and shared it with us.

I looked around looking for Jin but he was with the teachers and leaders, talking. "Doctor Jin!!" I almost choked on my food when I heard a group of girl yell 'Doctor Jin'.

"You're so handsome!!"

"We are so lucky you're in our group!"

"My leg hurts! Can you please carry me?"

I felt disgusted by the girls. Without realize, my chopstick snapped by the force of my hand. "Oppa! Why did you do that? Geez! Here, Use mine." Lisa handed me her chopsticks but I set my lunch down and walked away.

"Where are you going?!" Taehyung hollered.

"I'm taking a piss! Do I need your fucking permission?!" I yelled backed and kept walking into the woods. I stopped in front of a large tree, I balled my fist and punched it over and over again until my hand was filled with blood.

"What the hell is this?!? Why is happening to me?!? Is the devil playing a game with me?! This game isn't fucking fun!" I yelled out.
I walked back to our break spot and I saw everyone crowded around. I walked over and joined them."What's going on?" I tapped a guy shoulder. He turned around and flicked when he saw me.

"H-H-He is back..!!" He said. Then everyone turn their attention towards me.

"Jungkook! Did you see Soekjin when you were in the woods?" One of the leaders asked.

"No..? Why...?" I asked in a deep tone making the atmosphere tense.

"He went to the woods to look for you but he hasn't returned yet. And we have to leav-"

I ran back into the wood without letting him finish. "YAH!! JEON JUNGKOOK!!!" I heard Taehyung yell after me but I didn't stop. The branches and leaves greeted with slaps as I kept running and running. "KIM SOEKJIN!!!" I yelled out his name over and over again.

I ran for five minutes straight, running left right and center. Everywhere. Calling him was negative, yelling out his name was negative. What else can I do?! I started to panic.

I sat down and remain silent. I was trying to think of a way to find him. And in the mist of all over panic and worries I heard a faint voice calling my name. I immediately stood and ran towards the voice, and with every step it was getting louder and louder.

Finally. He stood in front of me panting and sweat running from his forehead down to his chin. "Ah..! You found me! Hehe!" He smiled sheepishly.

I ran over to him and embraced he tightly. "YOU ARE SUCH A HEADACHE!! What the hell were you thinking?!? Are you fucking dumb?!? Who told you to look for me?!? Who told you to run off by yourself?!? You're such a pain in the ass!!" I yelled out all my anger. Anger that contained all my worries.

"Ah......I'm sorry..I'm sorry.." I heard Jin say softly like he was about to cry. I pulled away from him.

"I'm sorry..." I said looking away.

"No! I should be apologizing! Hehe! It's funny! You said I was your hero...But It's more like Jungkook is my Hero."

"...Jin-Hyung...Don't act so natural around me. I have been weird every since I've met you after 8 years.." I mumbled.

"Weird? It's call growing up. Everyone goes through that phase!" Jin was so relaxed and calm that it made me want to do something. I stared at Jin and realized this ugly weird affection.

"Jin-Hyung..It's all your fault."

"Eh? What is?" He asked cluelessly.

"Let me just warn you..Don't act to comfortable towards me...Let's get going, the others are waiting." I said and walked off as Jin followed.

"Yah. Why are you treating me like I'm younger then you? I'm 5 years older than you! 5!!" He held out his hand, five. "You're still a small little kid to me so don't treat me like I'm younger than you."

I stopped and Jin stopped with me. "Huh? What's wrong?" He asked.

"Hyung...I'm eighteen, I know what I need to know."

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