"Your Existence Is Against The Rules, It's A Foul."

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"YAH! Are you crazy?!? Do you always get in a fight?! Look at you! Your lips is busted, you have a black eye and you have bruises all over! You should be careful!!" Jin yelled at me as he treated me. He look care of my wound gently but his expression wasn't gentle at all.

"That asshole was the one who started it..." I mumble under my breath.

"I don't care who started it. And how did a fight even begin in the first place?! Your job was to cook rice and help the others make lunch! It was a group thing! Teamwork!" Jin kept nagging me over and over again.

"Are you blaming me?!? He was the one that poured boiled water on me and he did it on purpose!!" I yelled back.

"Jeon Jungkook! Stop talking and sit still!!" He yelled and I immediately zip my mouth, and sat silently as Jin finish up treating me.

"Next time, be more careful. Getting into a fight isn't gonna solve anything." When Jin said that I was kinda pissed off. My temper slightly got ticked off.

"People have their own ways of solving their own problem. Well...You wouldn't know how I feel since you don't know shit about me." I said, pissed, and walked out slamming the door behind me. I went back out to help Taehyung and the others staying away that asshole, who was trying to be tough, as much as possible.

"The hell is wrong with you? Why are you making a scary face?" Taehyung nudged me.

"He always has a scary face," Lisa barged in.

"It's none of you guys business.." I said as I chopped the carrots hard, griping in the knife tightly.

"......Hm~ Jinnie Hyung? He must be tired! I'll go give me something to drink!" Taehyung took two bottles of coke and went inside, I glanced over at him in the corner of my eyes and saw him smiling at me 'innocently'.

"Oppa! Be careful of you might cut your finger," Lisa reminded me. I shook my head hard and try to focus.
"We still have 2 more day here so what're you planning to do?"

"....I don't know," I simply gave her a boring answer.

"...Oh! Oppa! You know tonight the leaders are holding a contest and we can pick partners! Wanna be my partner? It's gonna be at night so it will be scary!" Lisa squeaked and cling on me tightly.

"Sure, Whatever," I said without giving myself a second thought. Lisa jumped up and down showing me her excitement, and it kinda made me feel a little bit better.
"Good job everyone! The lunch you all made together was amazing! You all had a great teamwork, well..Most if you at least. A couple of you struggled at bit.." The leader looked at me with a fake smile, while gritting her teeth.
"Anyways! You have free time today but be back here at 8 pm! If you are late you will not be included in our activities! Dismiss!" The leader dismissed us and all the student scattered away. Some went into the woods, some went inside, and some just hang around.

I went back inside to my room and saw that Taehyung was there, going through his phone. "Welcome back~" he sang.

"...What did you say to him?" I asked in a deep dark tone.

"Not telling~" he sang once more with his boxed smile. I balled my fist and grit my teeth tight.

"Don't get close to him. Or I'll make you pay," I growled.

"Hehe~ But Jinnie Hyung is so cute!! Did you know he had a puppy and his name is Chim? He showed me a picture of him!" Taehyung chuckled. I walked over to his bed and took him by the collar hard.

"What the hell are you up to?" I glared at him with sharp laser eyes.

"I wonder..." Taehyung smirk while tilting his head. I stared at him for a bit and pushed him away. I walked out and slam the door shut, I stomped over to Jin's room and bust in. He was treating a guy who has a big bloody cut on his arm.

"Be careful next time!" Jin said. The boy bowed to Jin and left. I shut the door and walked towards him, but he didn't say anything.

"Stop pretending I don't exist," I called out.

"What do you want?" Jin said but it wasn't his usual pure nice voice but a more dark voice.

"Is that how you talk to Taehyung too?"

"Why are you suddenly bringing him up?" Jin looked at me with a questioning face.

"What is going on between you two..?!" I asked irritated.

"What the hell do you mean?!? Why are you getting angry all of a sudden?! What did I do wrong this time?!? I don't get yo-" I slam the hand on the wall, on both side of Jin's head, trapping him and shutting him up.

"J-Jungkook...? A-Are you okay..?" I could hear something in his voice. And that something was: Fear.

"You like Taehyung?" I looked down at him, glaring like I'm about to eat him.

"W-What..?!? N-No! It's not like that..!! T-Taehyung is just a good friend..!" Jin's lips were quivering and his pupils were shaking. I moved my face closer.

"Are you afraid of me?"

".....N-No..." his answer wasn't an immediate answer.

"You're so cruel, unfair, evil."

"J-Jungkook..! I think something is wrong with you..! Are you sick..?!" Jin looked off somewhere and I can tell I was making him feel very awkward.

"Your Existence Is Against The Rules, It's A Foul."

"W-W-What're you saying..?!?" He stuttered. I took my right hand to his chin making him face me, I looked down at him blankly.

"You'll never understand," I said and left the room leaving him completely confused.

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