"You Don't Have Me But I Am Filled With You"

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"You've really changed Kookie! Just because of that guy? You don't even hang out with us anymore!" Jimin-Hyung was whining and kept telling me how he missed me and that I missed out all the epic fights.

"Sorry Hyung, you guys have fun. I have plans today."

"Tsk! I'm mad at you just so you know!" I was sure Jimin was pouting on the other side of the phone.

"Whatever. Bye." I hung up and when back to picking my clothing. I was thinking hard on what to wear, which was rare since I usually wear the first thing I see. But today was special. Today is a sunny Saturday and I'm going to hang out with Jin. Last night, he gave me a call saying he wanted me to help him go shopping, and of course there was no way I could refuse him. Now I can spent the day with him. All day. Just the two of us.

"Oh~ You have a date?" My big sis, Bora, was standing by my door eating so chips.

"Mind your own business," I didn't care to look at her and kept going through my closet.

"Let your big sis pick for you!" He pushed me aside and went through my closet. "Mom and dad are not here so you're lucky! If they were here they'd kill you."

"Tsk! Dad wanted to kill me since I was born," I snickered.

"Yah. You know the reason... That's in the past. Kook, you need to forget the past and move on. Right now, the only reason he hates you is because of your rebellions and your attitude. Learn to have manners and respect for others." Bora-Noona never talks seriously but when she does I hate it. Because she is always right. "Anyways! This is the perfect outfit!"

"What kind of outfit is that?" I stared at the outfit she picked out for me. It wasn't my style at all, I'd feel uncomfortable if I wear that for the whole day.

"Ya! These are the new trend! I picked the best out of all your black ugly clothings!"

"Tsk! What do you know about trend! And I like black clothing." It's always like this. Arguing about little stuff.

"Aish! I'm about smack the shit outta your rabbit face!" I held her hand up in the air threatening me.

"What rabbit face?!? I'll chop you up if you don't get outta my room!!" I threaten her back.

"Whatever. When you come home you'll be thanking me for choosing 'this kind of outfit' for you!" She gave me a sassy look and left. After she closed the door I kicked and punched the area where she stood, and finally got ready.
"Who's that?"

"I've never seen him before?!"

I heard whispering, murmuring, and staring as I walked down the street. Why the fuck is everyone looking at me for? Did Noona pick a weird outfit? Tsk! Whatever. I didn't dress like this to impress you all anyways.

I kept walking trying to ignore all of the stares and whispers

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I kept walking trying to ignore all of the stares and whispers. I walked over to a bench under a tree and called Jin. "Hello?" Jin answered.

"Yah. You're the one that invited me and you're not even here yet?"

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