"Why Is God So Cruel?"

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My head hurts. I felt weak. My body was numb and I couldn't feel anything. I opened my eyes but my vision was failing me. I shook my head a couple of times until my vision came back to clear view. I tried to stand but realized I was tie up on a chair. I struggle but it was no use at all. I looked at my surrounding and saw Jin by the corner, sitting lifelessly like the last time I saw him. Watching him without the ability to do anything made me feel useless and weak.

"Pitiful," A voice came in as the door opened. By the time I looked at who it was Yongguk was already standing in front of me. "Doesn't it hurt seeing someone precious to you like that? Hm~ Doesn't it hurt you to the core?" He smirked.

"You piece of..!!" I tried to struggle out from the rope but they were tied so tightly. "This had nothing to do with Jin!!"


"Your sister is dead...BECAUSE OF YOU-" a powerful punch was introduced to my face. And another. And another. And another. And another.

"Huh? My fault?!? YOU WERE THE ONE THAT KILLED HER!!" And again Yongguk threw his fist at me a couple more times.

"Tsk!...What kind of shit talk is that?" I spat out some blood. "That day..I thought we agree to fight fair and square. She was the one that involved herself and got herself killed."

~~Around 1 Year Ago~~~
"Huh? Really? Just knives? You really have a death wish today don't you?" I smirked at him while tossing my knife in my hand.

"Tsk! Kid sure can talk. Don't worry! You won't talk for long, I already prepared a grave for you," Yongguk smirked back at me with a light chuckle. We stood in the middle while the other gangs stood in a circle watching.

The tension started to built up he took a step forward with a cocky grin that ticked me off. I attacked with a full swing but he backed up out of range. Without letting me balance myself he rush to attack but before I could defend he drove his body and slam me to the brick wall.

He pull me up with my collar, almost tearing it with his strong grip. He grin and held his knife up high but I kneed his gut and slice his side while backing up. He held his side while glaring at me.

Without anymore hesitation we charged at each other. Everything was moving so fast, neither of us stopped or had the idea to stop. The other gangs were watching while enjoying the brutally.

"Yah! Just give up! Y-You're...You lost..!" I said while panting. Yongguk and I were full of bruises, cuts, and blood.

"G-Give up...? Tsk..! Fuck you..." He tried to pull himself up but he fell back down. He looked pathetic and weak.

"Tsk!....Let's Just End This." I pull myself up and grip hard of my knife with my bloody hand.

"Yongguk-Oppa!! What're you doing to him?!? Don't hurt my brother!!" I heard a voice and a young girl was pushing through the gang members to pass through. She ran to Yongguk, who was on the ground, and helped him up.

"Yah. Are you crazy? Move." I glared at her and I saw her tremble, her eyes were shaking and her grip on her brother's hand got tighter.

"Y-Yona..Run...Run..!" Yongguk was pushing her away but she wouldn't let go. I felt disgusted just by watching them.

"No..!! Don't hurt him..!" Yona begged me while her tears filled her face.

"Yah..Move or I'll kill you too.." I glared at her making her flinch. Yongguk push her away, hard, and stood up slowly.

"Touch her and I'll kill you...." Yongguk said while looking at the ground.

"Then...I'll just kill you first!" I charge at him but that's when everything went wrong. My blade pierced through the wrong person. I looked up and saw that same young girl holding up her arm protecting her brother.

"Y-Yona....YONA!!!!" He yelled.
~~~Present Time~~~
"Don't fucking blame me for that shit..." I said.

"You heartless dick...!" He punched the wall next to me. I looked at him but saw something more important behind him. Jimin was signal through the small window. He gave me a thumbs up, probably signaling me that everything is clear up outside.

"If I was a nice person I would feel back for you...But too bad, I'm not!" I yelled and kicked Yongguk Jr. making him drop to his knee. Right after, the other bust in. Jimin and Suga untie me while the others took care of Yongguk.

As soon as I was release I rush over to Jin and untie him as fast as I can while trembling and murmuring his name. "Hyung...! J-Jin-Hyung..! Wake up..! It's me..! Jungkook..! Hyung..!" I embraced him and shook him softly trying to wake him up. I put his palm on his chest and felt his heart still beating, making me feel more at ease.

"Jungkook-Ah...Calm down..! Let's go home and let him rest first.." J-Hope suggested and I nod.

We drove off towards home. I held Jin in my arms tightly, trying to calm myself. The other were in complete silence. Yongguk was sitting next to Namjoon with ropes tied from head to toe. And his face covered with Suga's jacket. I looked at Jin who was still unable to open his eyes. I held him tighter while closing my eyes.

Jin...Why? Why do I feel like this even when you are right in my embrace. Why does God always makes us feel lonely? You're right next to me yet I still feel empty. Maybe that's because I'm not running fast enough. But, Even if we're covered in scars, we can smile if we're together. Even if it hurts like this if you and I are together, I can smile.

I'm so sorry readers!! I fucking suck at writing fight scenes! Forgive me! I'll try to write better in the future! -King

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