"When You Say That You Love Me"

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Ever since Jin and I went to shopping together that day things have gone awkward. I'd see him around school but we just walk pass each other. We don't make eye contact nor talk to each other. And I don't mind because I can still watch him from afar. But the one thing that is bothering me is: Taehyung is always sticking to him and clinging on to him.

"Thanks for treating me nicely~" Taehyung hugged Jin but Jin smacked his head which almost made me laugh.

"Stop getting into fights! You're ruining your handsome face, such a waste. And you'll get kicked out of school next time!" Jin shook his head in disappointments as he put the aid kit away. I stood behind Taehyung and watched Every movement that Jin made.

"Did you say I'm handsome? Hehe~" I watched them bicker and it was just making me even more frustrated.

"Yah. Get out, I need to talk to him," I blurt out cutting off their bickering. Jin and Taehyung looked at each other, Jin nod at him giving him a sign to get out of the infirmary room. Taehyung smiled at me and went out leaving me and Jin alone.

"Say whatever you want to say now," I bluntly said with my hands is my pocket looking at him.

"There is nothing to say," Jin's voice was grumpy and it wasn't the normal bubbly cheerful voice.

"Yah-" I was about to say something hit quickly restrain myself from causing more damage to our relationship. "Look..I'm sorry about the other day...I was just pissed and..." I wasn't very good with apologizing so I wasn't sure how to put these guilty feelings into words.

"...No...I'm not mad," Jin turn away cleaning the table and it was obvious he was mad.

"...Sorry..." I said looking away.

"Jungkook-Ah...I thought through..." Jin's sudden words took my by surprised.

"Eh? You did..?" For some reason my heart was beating faster. I focused my attention to him. My heart was beating fast not because I was nervous, but because there might be a small chance you'd give me the answer I want.

"..It won't work," Jin said looking at the ground. My heart suddenly stopped and it sank to my stomach. I looked at him shocked, frustrated, and confused at the same time.

"Hyung..! Don't say that..!" I embraced him forcefully yet tightly. "You're everything in this world to me," I whispered. And for the first time in many years, I felt like crying.

"Jungkook...I'm really happy you have this strong feelings for me but it's not possible for me to return it. You're still a student, you have a whole plan ahead of you. I'm only here for my class, after that I have to go back to studying...If we were in a relationship..It wouldn't be very stable. So instead of hurting you..I think this is the right choice..." Jin's words were true and sincere. He thought about me instead of thinking about himself first. Just knowing he cared made me feel a little better.

"I don't care! School or what not! Study or what not! Whatever it is I don't care..!!! All I want is Hyung..!!"

"Jungkook, come back to reality." Jin hit my head lightly while chuckling.

"Whether this is a dream or reality, it's not important. Just the fact that you're by my side..." I didn't continue on but just held Jin tightly.

"I didn't even do anything special...I don't understand why you're like this to me. You have a weird taste.

"You brought heaven to me. Don't speak so easily. Because without you, there's no me. You're the best of me."

"Stop it with your cringy lyric-tic words..." Jin struggle and pushed me away. "Give up," Jin said with a smile. Never in my life ever wanted Jin to say that right in front of me with his own mouth.

We stood there staring at each other for about a minute straight. "...Yea...If that's what Jin Hyung want..Ah~ How annoying.." I ruffle my hair in annoyance. I walked out and slam the door shut. As I walked down the hall Taehyung passed me, giving me a pat on my shoulder.

**Jin POV**
Taehyung came in and plopped on the patient bed. "Why'd you do that? You are in love with him aren't you?" Taehyung hummed.

"Yea...But it's better this way. For the both of us."

"For the both of us...you say...But it's only better for you isn't it? Hyung...I think you're the selfish and ruthless one here," Taehyung gave me that boxed smile that his millions of secret.

"Aren't you the one playing around with Jungkook and pretending to like me? Who's ruthless and selfish?" I pouted.

"I was just trying to help a brother out, I guess my plan failed." Taehyung chuckled and sat next to him. "You might regret your decision you know..?"

".....This is how it is supposed to be. Please take care of Jungkook for me," I said.

"...Ah~ You both are big balls of fuck. How annoying~"

"Whatever. Get out of here and head to class before you're late!" I kicked him out of the infirmary room. I sat down in the empty room and looked outside the window. I thought back to everything that had happened. Did I make the right decision?

Jungkook..I'm not sure if I made the right decision but I think it will be better if we stay just dongsaeng and Hyung. But you know...When you say that you love me. Feels like I'm walking across the sky. Was what I thought to myself.

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