"Don't Go"

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It's been about a week now. And I've started to distant myself from Jin, I did as he asked me to. Of course, I felt lonely and dead inside but if it makes Jin happy then I'm fine with it. I was getting ready because Lisa invited me to go shopping with her, so I thought since I don't nothing else to do, I should clear my head.

I walked along the side walk with my earbuds in listening to some music. I turn the corners and felt a strong firm weight hit my chest. I looked down and saw Jin, he was carrying medical supplies along with some books.

"Oh..." left my mouth.

"Ah..Jungkook..! Haven't seen you in a while," he smiled but I looked away. Holding myself back. "Mind helping me out for a second?"

"Didn't you want me to stay away from you?" I spat my words at him.

"I did say that but-"

"I'm sorry, I scheduled some plans with Lisa. Bye." I left without making an expression on my face, at all.
"What about this?" Lisa said showing a black dress with golden laces.

"Uhh...Better than the first one?" We were shopping together and Lisa kept asking me which dress is better like I'd know shit about dresses.

"Eh..? Really? You think it'd look good on me..?" She asked examining the dress up and down.

"You look good in anything," I said without realizing. I was too focused on looking for accessories. I got startle a bit when Lisa started laughing like a witch out of the blue. "What..?"

"Wow! Oppa have really changed! But thanks for the compliment! I'll buy this one!" She winked. We went through many more stores and stop by to eat as well. I've known Lisa for 3 years but I've never seen her this happy, she was smiling and was always energetic where ever we go.
To be honest, I had fun with her too.
"Today was a blast!!" Lisa said waving her ice cream in the air.

"Yea. It's was pretty cool," I asked taking a sip of my coke. There was a silence that lingered around us for a while.

"How's things going?" Lisa suddenly said.

"What do you mean?"

"With Jin-Oppa. Aren't you guys dating? So, how's things working out?" I choked on my coke and let out some loud cough while punching my chest.

"What?! What kind of shitty talk are you talkin' about?!" I turned to her but she was facing elsewhere.

"I already know everything. You're in love with him aren't you..?" She said and I definitely felt a hint of sorrow and disappointment in her voice.

".......When did you find out?" I asked letting out a sigh.

"..During our field trip...I saw you guys hugging..And Taehyung-Oppa told me 'You should free Kookie now. He is all grown up now' so I knew something was up.." Lisa smiled at me. "I mean...I knew you never had feelings for me but just hanging out with you was so much fun! And you know...I really liked Oppa.."

"....I know, and I'm sorry.." I said looking away unable to face her.

"No, Don't be. If Jin-Oppa can make Oppa happy then I don't mind. I've know you for years and whenever you're with him, you're most happy."

"..But He...Doesn't feel the same as I do." There was a dead pause.

"What? What are you saying? Not in love with you?! How is that even possible?!" Lisa shouted at me. I chuckled a bit. I knew she was just trying to lighten the mood and I also knew she was working hard to make me smile. And I'm thankful for that.

"He is so far away from me. No Mater How Crazy I Run, I Remain In The Same Place." I took another chug of coke. "

"...Don't run too much or you'll get scars on your feet. There are others who are willing to wait for you...You know..?" Lisa gently held my left hand. I turn to her and we met eyes, but I immediately looked away and took my hand away.

"Even though my feet are full of scars, I smile whenever I see him..I'm happy enough even if I can't get him." I stood up straight and looked at her. "I'm sorry Lisa. But if it's Jin-Hyung, I'll run forever even if I have to. Only thing I can do is love him."

"....I really can't beat him, huh? Don't worry! If something goes wrong, you can always come back to me!" She winked and smiled. "Come on! At least take me back home!" She took her things and cling on to my arm. I was about to pull my arm away but for some reason, I thought this could be the last time she'd cling on to me. So, I let her be and walked her home.
Next week came around and it felt like it was just rinse and repeat. Me trying my best to ignore Jin. Taehyung always clinging to Jin. And Me and Lisa hanging out. Nothing seem to change much. But nowadays, Jin would start a conversation with me first, but just for a little bit.

"Hyung," I said. We were in the infirmary room alone after this dudes left. I got in a fight with some fuckers and we all ended up here. "Stop."

"Eh? Stop what..?" He asked while bandaging my wounds.

"Didn't you say to stay away from you? Then why are you getting close to me? Do you enjoy torturing me that much? Is it fun to see me suffer?" I asked. I knew these questions were harsh for him but I wanted it all out.

"!!!...N-No..! I'm no-"

"Then why? If you hate me then just don't talk to me at all. I've been holding myself back for about 3 weeks now, I'm torturing myself for you."

"I don't hat-" before Jin could finished my phone rang. I took the call.

"Hello...? After school...? Sure, if you pay. Okay......Whatever...Later." I answered and hung up. I got up and put back on my jacket.

"Was that Lisa...?" Jin asked standing up with me.

"Ye, she's wanted to go to the movie theater. She asked me to go with her so...I have to go. Bye bye," I waved goodbye and walked passed Jin. But I suddenly felt a small yet strong pull on my jacket. I looked back and saw Jin looking down at the ground with griping on a small part of my jacket.

"Don't Tell Me Bye Bye..." He softly said.

"...Hyung...If you don't let go..Then I might misunderstand."

"...Don't...." Jin said something just I couldn't hear him properly.

"Hmm? Say it louder Hyung. I can't hear you," I said. He looked up at me and his face was priceless. His face was red all up to his ears and his mouth was trembling cutely. His eyes were sparkling and looked like they were on the verge to cry.

"Jungkook-Ah....Don't Go."

Probably one of my worst chapter (Even tho there are a lot). I'm not satisfied. -King

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