"I Need U"

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"Look...If he told you about me have feeling for you and stuff...Uh. I'm not saying it's flash but I'm not sure if it's true...But I think it's mostly..!" I panicked.

"Are You Saying You Like Me Right Now?"
I didn't answer but sat there silent and I was sure Jin could tell what my answer was. "J-Jungkook..! Look..! It can't be like this. This isn't right-"

"I KNOW!" I yelled making him flinch,"I know...I really do know..But...I can't help it Hyung.." I looked at Jin with weak eyes. His expression was painful and his eyes was filled with mixed of sorrow and fear.

"Hyung..!! I really don't know how this happened! I was never like this. I've never felt like this but it just suddenly happened. Hyung..! I really hate this too! Ugh! Every time o see you it just hurts, I rather not you at all."

"This is not right!! Jungkook, you're going crazy!" Jin stood up with balled fist. I stood up and walked in front of him looking down with dead blank eyes.

"You're right. I'm going crazy. Insane. And who's the one that caused me like this?" I didn't answer. I saw his lips quiver and his pupils shake. He took some steps back but I took step forward. It kept going on until he his the wall.

"Because of you, I'm becoming ruined, I wanna stop, I don't want you anymore. But I can't do it, this sucks! Why am I in love alone, why am I hurting alone. Why do I keep needing you when I know I'll get hurt? Whatever I do, I can't help it
It's definitely my heart, my feelings
But why don't they listen to me?!?" I punched the wall next to Jin's Head making him flinch.

"J-Jungkook..I-I think you sh-"

"Why is it you? Why did it have to be you? Why can't I leave you?" I was filled with mixed emotions I didn't know how to control it. All of the emotions over never felt before were hitting me. Like rocks that were harder with each throw.

"Jin-Hyung...Please...Help me. Stay by my side.." I begged. It was the first time of my life, I begged to someone.
"I Need U," Jin stood there silent without saying a word but just kept gazing at me.

"You're not saying anything, please, I'll treat you well."

"You're in the wrong, Jungkook. You already have someone that loves you very so much," Jin suddenly spoke and I was caught off guard by what he said.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Lisa. She is such a sweet and wonderful person isn't she? She really loves you. She always put you at her number one. And weren't you two hugging in the woods too?" When Jin said that that clicked in my head. The two shadow I saw were probably Jin and Taehyung.

"One time she came over to me and said 'Make sure to treat Oppa nicely so you won't get hurt anymore!' You're lucky to have her. I cannot be someone like her," he said with a sad smile.

"I'm not asking you to be like her. Even if she loves me, I don't love her so how can I be happy?" I asked but Jin chuckled.

"Isn't that the same? You love me but I don't feel like that about you," Jin smiled and it was really playing with my temper.

"Then. I'll just make you fall in love with me," I said and flicked his forehead. I moved away from him and walked to the door.

"Hyung...I'm not gonna give up on you that easily. When I want something, I'll get it."

"Jungkook...Things weren't suppose to be like this..!!" Jin said. And he was right. Things weren't supposed to be like this, but it was better this way. Because if I had to hide my feelings for him for the rest of my life, that means I would just be torturing myself for the rest of my life.

"You're right. Everything is really messed up. But even if it's just 5%...No. even if it's just .1% Hyung, Please. Give me a chance to make you fall for me."

"Are you stupid? Who ask people about something like that?! Aish! You're really out of your mind! What have you been doing for the past years?! I don't get you at all!" Jin ruffle his hair while shaking his head in confusion.

"All those past years, my mind was filled with you."

"Ew! Stop that! Get out!! GO! Go to sleep!" I looked at him and saw him red all the way out to his eyes. He ran over to me and pushed me out of his room. I chuckled at the expression of Jin that I just saw.

I knocked on the his door once more. "W-What now?!" I heard Jin yell in anger and embarrassment.

"Nothing. Just wanted to say Good Night."

"Good night and now leave!" He yelled. I chuckled at his response and went back to my room. I saw Taehyung packing his things in his suitcase.

"Don't worry, I'm just here to get my stuff to move to my new room," she smiled and winked at me.

"Why did you tell him?"

"Why not? Aren't you happy? This turned out fine didn't it?" He said with a hum at the end.

"He doesn't feel the same for me so what the point?" I sigh and plopped on my bed.

"Giving up? Then that is making it so much easier for me," Taehyung said as he zipped up his suit case.

"Easier for you? What the hell are you talking about?" I head shoot up and glared at him. Taehyung opened the door holding his suitcase, he look back at me with his boxed smile.

"If you don't make your moves fast, then I'll do it. Stealing him isn't hard. Don't worry, even if he doesn't choose you. He still have me!"

With that he left. Leaving me confused and blank.

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