"Our Love Will Lit For Eternity"

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"Hmm? Say it louder Hyung. I can't hear you," I said. He looked up at me and his face was priceless. His face was red all up to his ears and his mouth was trembling cutely. His eyes were sparkling and looked like they were on the verge to cry.

"Jungkook-Ah....Don't Go."
"...You. Are you testing my patient again?" I asked but Jin looked away still holding on to my jacket. The bell rang and loud noises of students started to fill up the hallways. "Let go...I really have to go."

"...D-Didn't you hear me?!..I said don't go..!" He raised his voice a bit.

"Why? Why should I stay? Aren't you the one that wanted me to go away from you? I don't understand!! Which is it?! Say it clearly so I understand!!" I started to explode and Jin flinched a little.

"...I...I don't want you..to be away from me..!! I-" I cut him off. I bang my hand on the wall next to his face.

"...What is it? Is this your way of saying...?" I looked at Jin. And it was extreme torture. He looked so lewd yet so innocent.

 He looked so lewd yet so innocent

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"If you make a face like that..." I didn't continue and lean in closer until the thin gap between our lips was sealed off. I yanked him closer and kissed him aggressively yet still filled with gentleness and love. Jin flinched a little and started trembling, I felt it as I held him in my arms. I pulled away and looked at him lovingly,"If you want me to stop, tell me now...or I won't hold back."

Jin didn't say anything but just looked down while griping on to my shirt tight. And that was probably the most happiest moment of my life. I held up his chin and sealed my lips on his once more. This time he kissed back. It wasn't aggressive or possessive, but it was enough to satisfy me because it was Jin.

I lift him up and sat him on the desk, our lips still dancing together with this great sensational feeling. His legs next to my waist and his arms around my shoulder. "Jungkook...We're still in school..!" Jin whimpered pulling away and laying his head low.

"It doesn't matter..No one will come in here, the door is locked anyways.." I whispered and I felt him shiver. Our face was only a few inches apart and before I realized, I was diving for another sinful kiss. I felt myself being selfish and wanting more. I tore Jin shirt and felt his bare skin with my hands, but Jin immediately pushed me away while panting hard.

"J-Jungkook...! What're you..!!" Jin looked at me shocked. I walked back closer to him and embraced him.

"I'm sorry...I'm just so happy I got carried away.." I hid my face between his neck and my arms were wrapped around his waist. "Because...I felt I finally became one with the one I love..!!"

Jin stroke my hair and wrapped his arms around my neck. "Are you an idiot..? That isn't something to cry over..." Jin said. But that just made my tears flow even faster.

That day, I cried silently in Jin's embrace. Nobody else heard but him. As time passes on the hallways were starting to become silent with less students and teacher.

"Hyung...You didn't tell me properly.." I whispered after I calm down, still holding Jin.

"...Do I really have to? You already know my answer.." He said.

"But I wanna hear it from you.." I whined.

Jin didn't reply but just embraced me a little tighter. It was cute. He was too shy to say it, but his actions gave me his answer. "Will It Last..?" He whisper lightly just barely loud enough for me to hear.

"...Hyung, Don't say something like that." I pull away and started to button up his shirt. "Even if we are far away we are looking at the same sky. Even if something happens, if you are here I am not afraid anymore. Even if we are apart my feelings are still the same, we are always together."

"...What if things goes wrong..?"

"Hyung...Don't worry. All of this isn't just a coincidence. It is almost like the destiny of the universe, it is just how it is. Our happiness was expected, because you love me and I love you."

"This kid...Aish! Stop saying such cringy things!" Jin playfully flicked my forehead. I got off the desk and started to back his things. "Jungkook.." he called out my name.


"I might not be able to give you much...But I'm willing to give you as much as I can.." He said. And those words kept echoing in my head over and over again.

"If Jin is willing...I'll take anything you're willing to give to me."

"...In the future, things might not go the way we want...We never know.." Jin said and went completely silent.

"Even so, I keep hoping. Even at the end, if you're with me, I'm okay."

"You really are a big ball of idiot. All you think is positive thoughts," Jin chuckled swinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Of course, If it's with Jin..Everything is positive!"

"The hell...? Why are you acting so fluffy and soft around me when you look like you wanna kill someone when you're around others?" Jin asked tasing his brows.

"Isn't that too obvious? Of course I act different towards someone I love," I simply answered.

"Aish! You talk too much! Let's just go home!" Jin shock his head and walked out. I ran out and followed behind him. I looked at him and smiled when I saw how red his ears were.

Jin is right. There is a possibility our future can crumble. Where there is hope, there is always hardship. But Maybe it's the providence of the universe, it just had to be that. There is no other reason. Meeting Jin was Fate. For sure, or at least to me.

Since the creation of the universe
Everything was destined.
Another crappy chapter! I used lyrics from 5 (I think...99.9% sure) different songs. Can you guess them all?Comment your answer! (Or not..Ur choice! Hehe!) -King

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