"You're The One I've Been Searching For"

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"I told you to protect Oppa!" I was walking down the hospital hall seeing Taehyung about to gets scold by Lisa.

"Lisa. Stop messing around with him." I called out, she quickly ran to my side and cling on to my arm.

"Oppa..! Are you feeling better? I was so worried.." She said in a sheepish girly voice which made me cringe.

"I'm fine. It's not that big of a deal."

"I told you to not get into fights anymore for so long! And have you quit smoking? Huh?!" She brought her face closer with an untrusting face.

"Of....course.....! Totally quit!" I gave her the most awkward smile. I looked past Lisa who was still whining and saw Taehyung and Jin talking to each other. I couldn't hear what they were saying but they were smiling and laughing with one another. To me: It was unpleasant to watch.

I took my hand away from Lisa and walked over to them. And both of them immediately stopped talking, and thats when I figured they were talking about something they didn't want me to know."Let's go home," I said glaring at Taehyung but all he did was give me an innocent boxed smile.

"Okay! Jinnie-Hyung, I'll text you!" Taehyung sang as he walked out ahead with Lisa. I stood there in front of Jin watching him wave at Taehyung with a sweet smile, that he gave never shown me.

"Yah...Don't get close to him." I growled.

"It's Hyung. Not 'Yah' and don't worry, I'm not trying to steal your friend. I have some friends of my own, surprisingly."

"....When can we have a long talk?" I asked.

"...Look. Jungkook-Ah... I don't know what I am to you. Your savior? Your hope? The one that understand you? I don't care. It was in the past, I'm sure anyone would have done the same as me. Don't let it get to your head, they didn't mean anything special."

His word stung me hard, so hard that the wound might never be healed."So...They didn't mean anything special to you...? Ah..I thought someone finally understood me..I guess you're just like everyone else. Everyone is so fucking fake, it pisses me off."

I bumped his shoulder hard as I walked past him, out the hospital. Taehyung and Lisa were already in the car, I went in and slam the door hard and loud. Taehyung chuckled and drove off. "Oppa, Wanna come over? Let's have dinner together! Please! Please!" Lisa cling on to me again, she push her away annoyed.

"Yah. Kookie, that's not how you treat your girl." Taehyung hummed.

"Give it me to." I said to Tae.

"Eh? Why should I? He gave his number to me. You should ask him yourself if you want his number." He chuckled. I kicked his seat and was about to explode at him, but Lisa held me back."

"He said 'Jungkook have really grown into a handsome man. I'm proud of him'..." Taehyung said softly and slowly.

I slowly sat back in my sit and looked out the window reminiscing what he said. "Tsk..! What is it that he proud of?"
"I fucking told you to leave me alone in school!" I said walking away from Lisa as she kept following me along.

"Oppa! You're not fully healed yet! I need to take care of you like a good girlfriend would!!" She said holding my hand tightly.

"For the millionth time! You're not my gir-"

"Ah! Jinnie-Hyung!! You're here!!" I got interrupted by Taehyung's voice from afar. I looked over and saw Jin and Taehyung together, Jin was giving him a white bag and Tae was giving something back to him. I took my hand away from Lisa and walked over to him.

"Ah..Jungkook...Hi." Jin smiles awkwardly.

"Why are you here?" I asked grimly.

"For....for..Uhh..Something...." He said avoiding eye contact. I took his hand and drag him away to the school roof.

"Speak." I demand.

"Yah. Use honorific when you talk to your elders! Aish, you can't even do that? How a-" I bang hands on the railings by his thighs, trapping him. He looked up at me with an innocent pure sparkly eyes.

"Jin-Hyung, What're you doing here? Better?" I tilt my head. He didn't reply, but there was a small pause. It was just us staring at each other like no one else existed except us.

"YAH! You really have grown!" He wrapped his arm around my neck and ruffle my hair. "You've become so manly now! Haha! You used to be such a weak crybaby!"

"Huh?!? I was never a crybaby..! And let me go!" He pushed him away and looked at him astonished.

"What?" He said blankly.

"Why are you acting so normal now? And Why are you really here? Didn't you say you don't want to talk to me anymore?" I started shooting questions left right and center.

"I'm here because Taehyung said bring some medicine for you. And why not act normal? It's like a reunion between long lost brothers!" Jin tie-toe and ruffle my hair again.

"We are not brothers! Don't treat me so casually!! I don't see you that way!!"

"Yet you still look and think of me for the 8 years we were apart?" Jin smirked. "Taehyung told me a lot at the hospital. Hahaha! Did you really miss me that much?" Jin way laughing by himself while I was just staring at him still shock and confused.

"....Yah. I'm still mad at you." I said looking away and Jin's windshield laugh stopped.

"Ah..Let me just tell you I didn't mean what I said at the hospital to be harsh. I didn't mean any harm. I was just doing what anyone would have done."

"What're you talking about? Not everyone would have told me what you told me. It was because it was you... Jin-Hyung." I said trailing on.

"Finally called me by my name. Yah. I didn't know you were that much in love with me!" He brought my head down and out his arm around my shoulder and looked up at the sky.

"What hell is wrong with you? I'm not in love with you. That's weird...I just think...I don't know. It's like you're my Hero. Nothing more, nothing less."

"A Hero? That doesn't sound bad. Then since I'm your hero, I'll protect you!" There it was again. That sound, that weird feeling, his words were to soft and precious. They may not mean anything to others, but they were worth gold.

I looked at Jin as he was looking around the school garden. That's when I realized that it was him. I wanted to tell him: You're The One I've Been Searching For.

But I can't say that to him. That would ruin my image. I'll just let thing stays as they are now, I'll pray in the future we can stay as Hyung and Dongsaeng.

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