"Are You Saying You Like Me Right Now?"

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"Looks like everyone made it!" Everyone gather back near the leaders to listen to their announcement. "We made a little game for you guys! We hide many flags inside the woods, and with your partner you have to find as much as you can. The pair with the most flag wins!"

"Is there a prize?" I heard one of the students asked.

"Yes! There is a prize! Five homework pass and this trophy!" The leader held up a shining trophy, it was huge and it was filled with sparkling gems. "You have five minutes to decide your partner! When you hear my whistle, take you flashlight and go get those flags!"

Students were going left right and center bumping into each other to find their partner. "Oppa! Here, I got you a flashlight!" Lisa ran over to me and handed me the flashlight.

"Eh? You already chose your partner? What about me?" Taehyung cling on me and shook me lightly.

"Go find another person..." I said annoyed.

"Ah! Jinne-Hyung!!" Taehyung suddenly yelled getting my full attention. Jin walked over to us with a box of flashlight he was handing out to the students. "Wanna Be my partner?"

I glared at Taehyung and I'm sure he saw my expression but he just kept getting closer to Jin. "I don't think I can join. I'm just here to help if anyone is hurt," Jin said handing Taehyung a flashlight.

"Yo! Lead! Can Jinnie-Hyung come?! That way he'll be able to help anyone that gets hurt in the forest and the other nurse can stay here!" Taehyung explained to the Leader.

"Is that okay with you Doctor Kim?" The leader asked and Jin nodded.

"I'm not good with scary thing though...I wouldn't be much help..." I looked at Jin and his expression was pitiful. He looked really pale and his was griping on the the flashlight tightly.

"Don't worry!" Taehyung intertwine their hands together,"I'm always here for you!"

I felt like my insides were going to burst. I felt like killing something...Or even someone. My temper were at maxed, I tried my best to hold it in. But Lisa hand my hand with her soft tiny hands, I looked at her and she gave me a small smile. I felt a bit more calm when I saw her smile.

After the five minutes were over the  whistle was blown and every pair rush into the woods with their flashlight. On our way Lisa and I collected as many flags as we saw. "Why did you look so anger just a couple of minutes ago?" Lisa asked looking around the area for flags.

"...None of your business," I said.

"Did you and Taehyung get in a fight?"

"None of your business.." I answered.

"Are you feeling better?"

"None of y-"

"THEN WHAT IS MY BUSINESS?!?" Lisa suddenly yelled throwing me off guard. I've heard her yell not get angry at me before. "You're always keeping things to yourself!! You never tell me anything! Aren't I your girlfriend?! What am I to you?! Do I not mean anything to you?! Why is it so hard just tell me little things?!? I just wanna help..." Lisa started to make waterfall from her eyes. I looked at her not knowing what the hell I was supposed to do.
"Oppa..You're really mean."

I stood there silent as waterfall kept rushing down from Lisa. I walked closer to her, I rose my arms to hug her but hesitated, but I hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry...." I mumble. She slowly hug me back while crying out loud.

It was my fault for not realizing. Lisa have been with me since middle school. She never left my side and is always there for me. But it was my fault that I never payed attention to her, maybe I took her kindness for granted. Or maybe I'm just a fucked up person.

"Oppa...Won't you tell me you love me? Just this once? Even if it's just this once..! Please..!" Lisa looked up at me. I look down at her hesitating, I just wanted to return the favor and all she did for me.

"I love you...Lisa.." I said trying hard not to cringe and Lisa hugged me even tighter. Then I heard a snap from a stick around us, I turn towards the sound but only saw two shadow running away. Who are they?
We were all back to the campus and the winner were announced but it was us. Lisa and I were talking and wandering off, spending time together, and forgetting about Jin.

"How many did you guys get?" Taehyung and Jin walked over to us, and I noticed a large bandage was wrapped around Jin's arm.

"18....And what happened to him..?" I asked pointing at Jin's arm.

"Oh..There was a flag in some rocky area, Jin went over there and fell. I tried to save him but I couldn't make it in time, he scratch his arm on one of the sharp rocks." Taehyung held Jin's hand lightly. I handed my flashlight to Lisa and walked to to Taehyung.

"You bastard!" I punched him over the face and threw him on the ground.

"Oppa!! // Jungkook!!" Lisa and Jin yelled at the same time. I took Taehyung collar and punched him rapidly.

"Jungkook..!! Stop! What're you doing?!" Jin tried to pull me away but I didn't budge. I heard students calling for the teachers but I didn't care.

"Jeon Jungkook..!! Stop!!" Jin tried to pull me away.

"Out of my way!!" I pushed him away.

"Ouch..!!" I heard Jin in pain and I immediately stopped. I looked over and saw his bandage filled with blood. I got up and ran over to him.

"I'm sorry..!! Are you okay-" before I could finished I felt his left arm rush with a hard punch me across my voice.

"What the hell are you thinking?!?" He yelled at him and ran over to Taehyung. I sat there lifelessly blank, and nothing was processing in my head. All I felt was the hot fire burn from his fist.

"Are you okay?!? Get him inside!" I heard Jin say and the other students helped him.

"Jeon Jungkook! Your actions Are unnecessary! We are not here to have a fight, we are here for a field trip! Go to you room and you will not be joining us on tomorrow's activities. I've known you for 3 years...But you're still the same. I hope you can rethink about your actions in the future." One of the Leaders names was Jisoo, she have known me since my freshmen year and have helped me a lot with school. Hearing her scold and yell at me was unpleasant.
Everyone were in their room all deep asleep but I couldn't sleep at all. And Taehyung hasn't return back yet either. I got up and went to Jin's room, I knocked on his door but there was no answer. I knocked again, louder.

Jin opened the door,"What?"

"...Can I come in?" I asked. He moved away from the door and I went in. He shut the door and sat down far away from me.

"Where's Taehyung..?" I said looking around.

"Leader Jisoo gave him to another room."

I just nod. It wasn't that I wanted to hurt him but I just felt pissed that he wasn't able to protect Jin. "Is your arm okay..? Sorry about earlier.."

"Whatever. It doesn't matter...Jungkook...Taehyung told me something.." Jin looked at me and I looked at him. I had a weird sensation about this atmosphere. I fell like I knew what he was going to say.

"Look...If he told you about me have feeling for you and stuff...Uh. I'm not saying it's flash but I'm not sure if it's true...But I think it's mostly..!" I panicked.

"Are You Saying You Like Me Right Now?"

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