"One Chance"

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"Hurry, Say it." I heard a voice say and I know that voice didn't belong to Jin. Then I heard whimpering, a voice I knew so well. A voice that I love and cherish so much but He didn't say anything. But it cried out. And I heard:

"J-Jungkook...! S-Sallyeojooseyo..!!
My body body flinched when I heard his voice. His voice was shaky, filled with terror and fear. "Hyung..!! Where are you?!?" I yelled.


"I didn't tell you to tell him," there it was again. That other voice interrupted Jin. I suddenly realized who that voice belonged to.

"Yo. Jungkook," Bang Yongguk. His voice shook my body not with fear but with anger.

"What the fuck do you want?! Lay your hands on him and I'll fucking kill you," I threaten him and I meant it.

"Oh~ I'm so scared!" He chuckled,"Don't pretend you don't know what I want. You know damn well what I want," his voice grew darker and deeper.

"This has nothing to do with Jin-Hyung!! Let him go!" I yelled over the phone.

"Ah~ Jin? That's his name..He is such a precious thing isn't he?" Yongguk said and I grit my teeth tight imaging what could be going on over the phone.

"Don't. Touch. Him." Were the only  words that came out of my mouth.

"I was thinking...You took someone precious away from me..How about I take someone precious from you? Isn't that fair? Jinnie here is super precious isn't he?" I bang my fist on the brick over and over. Pissed. Frustrated. Angry.

"I'll fucking kill you," I felt like my body was about to explode. My blood was boiling uncontrollably that I didn't think my body could handle it. My knuckles were dripping blood from punching the bricks but by now, I couldn't even feel pain anymore.

"Hmm...Giving Jinnie back to you won't be as fun. So, how about we make a deal? Hmm~ What do you think?" Yongguk hissed.

"What?" I grunt.

"How about you bring me back my sister and you can take back Jin alive! Hmm?" Yongguk chuckled psychotically.

"...I can't bring your sister back to you, but I do have something I'll bring for you." I hung up and ran over to Taehyung. Everyone else was also there, they were all gathering around the computer and Namjoon was tracking something.

"We found the place! I was just about to call you!" Taehyung rush me over to them.

"So? Where are they?!" I asked anxiously.

"Let me see...It says...They are at Neulbom Garden....?" Namjoon moves closer to the screen confused.

Jimin shot up snapping his fingers and an imaginary lightbulb appear on top of his head. "Wait!! Isn't that the old abandoned restaurant...?!"

"Ohh~~ Yea! The one that everyone was talking about last year!!" Taehyung agreed.

"Then what are we waiting for! Let get going already!!" J-Hope said outing on his leather jacket. After Namjoon got the address we all head out. Yoongi took the wheel and we drove lighting speed while ignoring all of the honking.
We all got out of the car and looked at the huge restaurant that before brokenly before us. Just looking at the outside was disgusting. There were cobwebs on every corner of the house, rotten wood hanging from the second floor, ripped curtains covering the windows, and ugly dusty color with broken glass scattered on the ground.

As the six of us started to walk in the door bust open and broke off. Men started to appear one by one, I wasn't able to count all of them but I was sure there was around 20 of them. They surround us, the six of us formed a circle with our back facing each other.

"Looks like that dickhead was too scared to face us himself!" Yoongi chuckled.

"He's being a little bitch," J-Hope added.

"He is with Jin-Hyung," I blurted keeping my eyes on the men who were watching our every move.

"WHAT?!? WHAT THE FUCK JEON JUNGKOOK?!? Why didn't you protect him?! How could you let him be in danger like this?!?" Taehyung yelled at me. And I didn't say anything back to him because he was right. Why did I let Jin-Hyung be in danger? Why couldn't I protect him?

"Enough talking you useless shit!" One of the men yelled and he started to attack. It was like he was the signal, because once he attacked. They all did.

One of the men threw a fast punch and I barely dodged it. But as I turn my head around to look at the other my face was met by a strong blow from another guy. I spat out the blood and charged at him. I bashed his leg and threw him on to another guy. Then from behind Jimin whacked him with a rotten wooden plank and finished them off.

Jimin smiled at me with his busted lips. "You should go in. He's probably in the basement, we'll take care of these dorks!"

I was about to protest but Jimin gave me a grim face. My body obeyed his order and ran inside, leaving my gang behind. "JIN-HYUNG!! HYUNG!!" I yelled out running around the house. I did as Jimin had told me and went down to the basement but the door was locked.

I bang on to the door and thrust my body to break it open but I didn't budge. I walked back a little and got some momentum, I ran and kicked the door open. It fell off completely.

I ran inside and saw Jin. He was tied up in a chair, his head was hanging down with wet hair, his shirt was teared open, and his body was sitting there lifelessly.

I stepped closer to him but I felt something hit my head and I crashed down to the floor. The last thing I saw was Yongguk coming in and taking a sitting while looking at me with a blank dead expressionless face.

 The last thing I saw was Yongguk coming in and taking a sitting while looking at me with a blank dead expressionless face

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"There's only one chance as you walk on this dark path." He said.

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