"My Hand Held Out To You Is Destiny"

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And just like that night, his face was surrounded by the moonlight. I quickly took a grip of his hand tightly."Seokjin..!! You're Kim Seokjin right..?!?" I asked anxiously. The guy stared at me in silent.

Our Encounter. All Of This Is Not A Coincidence. The Two Of Us Found Fate. Found Fate.
"Eh..? Excuse me..?" He said taking his hand away from me.

"You're Kim Seokjin right..?!" I grab his shoulders tightly and shaking him lightly.

"I-I'm sorry..! I don't know who that is. I'm kinda busy right now..!!" He pushed me away and ran off quickly. I was about to run after him but Taehyung grab my arm and shook his head side way.

I let out a sigh and we kept walking."Dude..I swear that's him..! It has to be! He looks just like the picture..!!" I exclaimed.

"Really? Why do you even wanna see him anyways? It's not like you're in love or some shit. You already have a girlfriend." Taehyung rolled his eyes as he out his hands in his pocket.

"Deep shit. The fuck? Of course I don't have a crush on him. I just...felt that...Nevermind." I mumble.

"......Whatever. Night." Taehyung waved goodbye and took off without me. I shook my head and walked towards home with the my mind filled with the image of Seokjin.
"Are you kidding me? Early in the morning? Why can't you pick like in the afternoon or something?" I glared at Woojin. Woojin is a nasty bastard who always wanted to start a fight, his gang aren't even that strong.

"Don't mock me Jungkook. I'll demolish you." He sneered. We were out numbered. It was just me and Taehyung with 8 other Low life surrounding us. They all smiled and took out their pocket knife in hand.

"I'm a little rusty in the morning but I guess we'll just have to work with it." Taehyung started stretching a bit.

As one attacked another followed Taehyung and I made a perfect teamwork. I targeted Woojin, but behind me another kicked my knee. I fell down and looked back but there's no one there. Confused, I glances up at the truck just in time to see the big guy kick me across the face.

Hearing the commotion, other people started to crowd around. I used the knife from one of the knocked out guy and charged at the Woojin. Not only did I take down Woojin,
I also drove in hard through his body to peg another guy in the way.

"JUNGKOOK! LOOK OUT!!" I heard Taehyung shout but before I know it a sharp knife pierced through my stomach, I grab on to the man's hand and kicked him away, hard. I pulled out the knife from my stomach and counterattack by stabbing him back. I fell to my knee holding on to my bloody stomach and cough out some blood.

I heard sirens and ambulances coming closer and closer, Taehyung rushes towards me and put my arm over his shoulder."Hurry..." I said in pain. He drag me away from the scene.

"You okay? Let's go to the hospital..!" He said.

"No way! There is no need...! It's just a small-"

"Yah! If Jimin or you chick sees you in pain without being the hospital then I'm gonna get beaten by both of them!" Taehyung drag me to the ER without even listening to me.

As we enter the ER the nurses took me  to lay me on a bed and the doctor came and observed the knife cut. I closed my eyes and endure the pain.

"Seokjin-Ah..!! Hurry..!" I heard one of the nurse say. And that named clicked in my head.

"Sorry..!" I heard a familiar voice. I then felt a strong cool breeze as my shirt was unbuttoned. I opened my eyes and saw him again. Seokjin, he was so concentrated on treating my wound that he didn't say anything. As I stared at him I couldn't even feel any pain.

"There..! All done!" He finally looked at me and we made eye contact and stared at each other for a few second."You...!! Jeon Jung-" He stood up immediately covering his mouth. I slowly sat up and looked at him with a straight face.

"Kim Seokjin..So you do remember me." I glared at him. But I didn't mean to scare him, I was just pissed he pretended to not know me that night.

"Ah..! Listen..I-"

"JUNGKOOK-OPPA!!" A high pitches sweet voice cut off Seokjin. I saw Lisa run towards me and embraced me tightly. I looked passed Lisa and saw Seokjin with wide hazel eyes popping with an astonished expression.

"Yah..! Oppa..! What happened?! Didn't I tell you not to fight anymore..! Don't make You're girlfriend worry so much..!" Lisa whined. I sigh and pull my hands up and hugged her softly. And I looked back to see Seokjin but he was gone.
"Why are you here?" I called out and Seokjin jumped a little when he heard my voice. The hospital roof was a bared place, but the cool breeze filled the atmosphere.

"You should be resting.." Seokjin said.

"I'm fine..." I said then there was a SUPER and I mean SUPER awkward silence."...So...It's been 8-9 years huh..?"

"...Yea..I guess...Looks like Jeon Jungkook has really grown up!" He smiled and I felt that his smile was more painful to me then the knife cut.

"Of course..Stupid. I'm 17 years old turning 18, a Junior in High School now, I'm not a 4th grader anymore."

"I see..And you even found yourself a girlfriend. Impressive." He smirked.

"Tsk. Whatever, she just says we are dating. I don't really care, I just go along with whatever she says so she stops being annoying." I said as I looked out to the city.

"How mean."

"Anyways..What about you..?" I turn to Seokjin.

"Well...I'm 21 now and I'm shooting to be a doctor. So I'm working here for part time and get more experience so I'm starting as an assistant." I nod as Seokjin spoke.

"Seokjin has really became something else.." I mumble.

"Yah. It's not Seokjin, It's Hyung." He flicked my forehead and chuckled. And for some reason I let it slide. If it was Jimin or Taehyung, there ass would be down in hell by now.

"...I've been looking for you for so long.." Unexpected words came out of my mouth.


"Seokjin is the only one that saw through me and understand me...! I feel that I can be comfortable around you. I knew it..!" I rambled on.

"Hold on..! J-Jungkook..!! I think you've got things wrong, anyone would figure out your problem.."

"But no one has ever tried to help me..! Or comfort me! Not my parent or friends! It was Seokjin..! You'll stay by my side and tell me how to BE me won't you..?! Do you understand me..?!"

"Seokjin..!! Doc needs you!" One of the nurse shouted from the door. Seokjin reply back to her saying he'll be down.

"Let's Talk Later Jungkook..!" He turn away but I quickly grip tight in his hand. He turn back to look at me with a pitiful expression.

"My Hand Held Out To You Is Destiny. Hyung...You'll take it won't you?"

"!!!!..I-I have to go..!" He took his hand away and ran back downstairs.

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