Chapter 1

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Welcome to yet another Gravity Falls Story, why, well since I failed at Long Distance Romance and LinGF 4 is pretty much a mess, I decided to make one last go at a Gravity Falls Story, a simple one-off story without it spinning off into a franchise like my 16 and Pregnant saga, although I willnnot make any promises. Lets begin shall we?

It was a normal day for Pacifica Northwest, and by normal, it means getting yelled at by her bossy parents and getting told them losing all of their money was her fault. Even though it wasn't and it was because her parents made a deal with a literal Dorito demon.

She is currently in her bedroom lying on her bed, listening to Ed Sheran, and wearing a Yellow Tunic and a pair of jeans.

"I hate my life," Pacifica Thought, "sometimes I just want to leave this town, not for a day, not for a week, not for a month, not for a year, forever."

Pacifica then gets up from her bed and goes to her closet.

"There's got to be something in here that will make me happy," Pacifica thought.

Pacifica looked around her closet only to find nothing, but, she did find something oddly peculiar.

She pushed a couple of dresses aside to see a dusty purple and pink box.

"What the heck?" Pacifica asked herself.

Pacifica Picks up the box and places it on her bed.

"What is in this thing?" Pacifica asked herself.

Pacifica removes the pink lid of the box.

"Wait a second," said Pacifica, "these are my baby pictures."

Pacifica looks around the box to see various pictures of herself somewhere around ages 6 months-4 years old, most of the pictures are of her smiling and playing.

"I was so happy back then," said Pacifica, "but what could have caused me to go from the Happy toddler I once was to the pathetic excuse of a Teen of today?"

Pacifica then notices something different about one of the photos.

"What the-"

Pacifica picks up a framed photo to see her hugging a woman with long black hair.

"Who is that?" Pacifica asked.

Then all of a sudden, something in her brain clicked.

"Wait Aunty Amelia?" Pacifica asked.


4 year old Pacifica is seen running around Northwest manor.

She suddenly stops when she heard some murmuring.

"I don't want you near my child!"

Pacifica looks down the stairs to see her father, Preston, arguing with with his Sister in Law, Amelia Adams.

"Oh Grow Up!" Amelia shouted, "you treat her like an animal."

"She is the heir to the Northwest fortune, she doesn't need you to teach her how to act like a riff raff," said Preston.

"She is a child," said Amelia, "I was treating her like one."

"She is not a child! She is the future of my company!" Preston exclaimed, "I want you out of my manor at once."

"Fine," said Amelia, "But let me say one last goodbye to her."

"*sigh* Fine," said Preston, "But make it quick."

Pacifica runs to her room and hops on her bed.

Amelia came in shortly after.

"Hi!" said Pacifica.

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