Chapter 18

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Bowtie Pasta with Butter...........that's was for no reason, and yes LIGHTIFIC_05 that is your artwork. Now time to jump a few months.

Spring Break April, aka 4 months later:

Mabel is seen Feeding Mikey, who is sitting on his high chair.

"Here comes the airplane full of Kiwis and Bananas," said Mabel.

Mikey knocks the spoon out of Mabel's hand laughing.

"Wow, Mikey really doesn't like Baby Mush," said Gabby rolling into the kitchen.

"I form understand I used to love this stuff at his age," said Mabel.

Mabel eat's a little of the mush, only to spit it out a second later.

"On second thought that could be nostalgia talking," said Mabel, "even though I couldn't remember eating this."

"When did you stop eating that Crap?" Gabby asked.

"I may have ate that stuff until I was 4," said Mabel.

Gabby looked at her confused.

"It also didn't help I didn't leave the crib til I was 6," said Mabel.

"When were you even Potty Trained?" Gabby asked.

"Around 3 years old, a little behind Dipper," said Mabel, "thankfully he helped me not use my pullups."

"Oh, I honestly thought it took you til you were 9," said Gabby.

"Cutie we've been friends since we were 4," said Mabel, "you would've noticed by me not waddling I was already potty trained."

"Waddling?" Gabby asked.

"Mom has always bought thick diapers," said Mabel, "even for the flinger here."

Mabel picks up a different jar of food, strawberry banana flavored, and tries to feed Mikey. Mikey then smacks the food out of Mabel's hands.

"Oh for crying out loud Mikey," said Mabel.

Mikey starts laughing.

"Never have I ever had a baby hate me like this," said Mabel.

"How many babies do you know?" Gabby asked.

"Well other than Mikey," said Mabel, "There is Ashton's little sister Emily.............okay I don't know a lot of Babies."

"How are you and Ashton anywa" Gabby asked.

"Well our date after the cruddy ones went well, and long story short movie dates are easy dates you can't muck up," said Mabel.

"Unless you see any Transformer movies," said Gabby.

"He those more than I do," said Mabel.

Mabel grabs a bottle from the fridge.

"Okay third times a charm," said Mabel.

Mabel places the bottle in Mikey's mouth.

Mikey grabs the bottle and drinks it.

"Well that worked," said Gabby.

*meanwhile upstairs*

Dipper and Pacifica are seen playing Dungeons Dungeons and More Dungeons.

"I'm not gonna lie I litterally thought I would hate this," said Pacifica, "now this makes me wish I could tear this up and set it on fire."

"I told you we don't have to play this game," said Dipper.

"No it makes you happy," said Pacifica.

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