Chapter 34

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One Party Later.......

Pacifica is seen walking into her Aunt's house with a Goody bag and one of those Paper Party Hats.

"Well that was more eventful than I expected," said Pacifica.

Pacifica walks into the kitchen to see her aunt having a cup of hot Chocolate.

"Did Mikey enjoy his gift?" Amelia asked.

"He made her and Mickey kiss," said Pacifica.

"Awww!" Amelia exclaimed.

"Although what happened after the party was cuter," said Pacifica.

"Why?" Amelia asked.

1 hour earlier:

It was getting late, all the Guest who brought their infants left. And the only ones left are the Pines' and Pacifica.

Mikey is seen playing in a Box.

"And daddy said it was a bad idea to get Mikey a giant empty Box," said Mabel.

"In your dad's defence he barely remembers Dipper and You being 1," said Veronica, "babies always wound up playing with the Box."

Mikey is seen Laughing in his Box Fort.

"Okay little guy time for bed," said Veronica.

Mikey runs away screaming.

"Ugh, I liked it better when he was crawling," said Veronica.

Then out of nowhere Dipper snatches Mikey.

"Nice try baby bro," said Dipper.

Mikey starts babbling angrily.

Dipper hands Mikey over to Veronica.

"Time for Beddy Bye," said Veronica.

Mikey starts crying.

"Sorry Mikey but you can't stay up forever," said Veronica.

Veronica takes Mikey to his bedroom, switches him into his pajamas and place him in his crib.

Veronica kisses Mikey on the forehead.

"Night-Night Mikey, mommy loves you," said Veronica.

Veronica leaves the room.

"Wow, he is handful huh?" Pacifica asked.

"Yeah," said Veronica, "But its worth it, although Dipper and Mabel's first birthday was more memorable because out of nowhere Dipper said his first word."


"How did you know that was his first word?" Veronica asked.

"I didn't say that," said Pacifica.


"Mabel is that you?" Veronica asked.

"That wasn't me," said Mabel.


"Dipper?" Veronica asked.

"Okay my voice hasn't been that high since I was 3," said Dipper.

"Then if it's not any of you," saod Veronica, "then who-"


Veronica turns around to see Mikey standing in his crib.

"Mommy! Mommy!"

"OH MY GOSH! Mikey said his first word," said Veronica.

"Mommy," said Mikey.

"No way," said Dipper.

Mikey points to Dipper.

"Dip-puh," said Mikey.

"Aww Baby Bro-Bro is talking," said Mabel.

Mikey points to Mabel.

"Mae-Mae," said Mikey.

"Told yah that nickname would catch on," said Mabel nudging at Pacifica's shoulder.

"Whatever Mabel," said Pacifica.

Mikey points to Pacifica.

"Paz," said Mikey.

"Aww," said Pacifica.

Present time.

"I thought you don't like being called Paz," said Amelia.

"He's 1 so I give him a pass on that," said Pacifica.

Pacifica yawns.

"I'm going to bed," said Pacifica, "Night Aunty Amelia."

"Night Pacifica," said Amelia.

Pacifica walks into her room and instantly falls asleep when she laid on her bed.

So that's it, but next chapter there will be a big surprise!

Also I decided to go back to the planned 50 chapters. I decided, screw it if it isn't over before 2019 then whatever. See you guys next time!

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