Chapter 5

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I just want to say something incredibly random, OPRAH FOR PRESIDENT! That is all.

Previously on My New Home:

Pacifica walks out of school and starts walking home when suddenly....


Pacifica froze for a second.

Pacifica ask as she turned around, "How do you m---Dipper?"

To amazement she looks at Dipper Pines, the boy half of the Pines Twins who visited Gravity Falls the past summer.

"Oh so that's why Piedmont sounds familiar," said Pacifica.

And now back to our regularly scheduled potato:

"What the-What are doing here?" Dipper asked, "Gravity Falls didn't get a zombie apocalypse did they?"

"If they did it would've been on the News," said Pacifica.

"I highly doubt that knowing no one knows where it is," said Dipper, "But still why the heck are you here?"

"It's a long story," said Pacifica.

Dipper opens up his backpack to grab a bag of Doritos.

"I got time," said Dipper.

One Story later:

"And about 2 weeks ago I moved in with my aunt," said Pacifica, "also I may have gain a few pounds but I had a good reason to."

"Why?" Dipper asked.

"If you saw my torso you would see my ribcage," said Pacifica.

Dipper pukes a little in his mouth then swallows it.

"I'm full," said Dipper.

"But enough about me," said Pacifica, "What's going on with you."

"Me, nothing," said Dipper, "Mabel, sadly everything."

"I was about to ask where is Mabel?" Pacifica asked.

"She's in the hospital," said Dipper.

"SHE'S WHAT NOW?" Pacifica asked.

"The hosp-"

"I heard yah, I mean what's wrong, whatever she has I will help fund to find a cure," said Pacifica.

"She doesn't have anything," said Dipper, "which I find weird because with all the sugar she eats she would have diabetes."

"Oh," said Pacifica, "Then why is she in the hospital?"

"This is going to be average length so we should get walking," said Dipper.

They start walking.

"It happened about a month after we left Gravity Falls," said Dipper, "She and her friends along with their mom, went out to the Six Flags in Valero, but, on the way back they got in a car accident."

"Oh My Gosh," said Pacifica.

"Don't worry no one died," said Dipper.

"How do you know I was going to as-"

"Its costumary," said Dipper, "Everyone got out alive but Mabel did sustain minor injuries that may have put her in the hospital until today."

"How Minor?" Pacifica asked.

"Lets just say," said Dipper, "next time you see her you'll see her walk with crutches."

"Her Leg is broken?" Pacifica asked.

"Mostly her foot and ankle but yes," said Dipper.

"Poor Mabel," said Pacifica.

Later that day Pacifica went home to see Amelia on her laptop.

"Does Thai food sound good for tonight?" Amelia asked.

Pacifica doesn't answer. (To quote Stephanie Tanner, How Rude!)

"What's wrong?" Amelia asked.

"Remember when I moved in I froze in shock when you told me the name of the Town you live in? Today I found out why it sounded familiar," said Pacifica, "and the name is Dipper."

Okay that's it, sorry of its sloppy but these Wattpad Glitches were annoying me. Next chapter Mabel Finally makes an apperance! Shout out to LIGHTIFIC_05 and I will see you guys next time.

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