Chapter 53

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Now what happens in this Chapter was something that was planned for a while.

The Following takes place a few days after the last chapter.

Oregon State Penitentiary, Visitors Center:

Dipper and Pacifica walk into the Phone Room holding hands.

"Your sure about this?" Dipper asked.

"I want to see if he's redeemable," said Pacifica.

Dipper and Pacifica let go of each other's hands.

"Wish Me Luck," said Pacifica.

Pacifica walks over to the assigned booth and picks up the phone attached to the wall.

"Well well well, seems my little princess returned to papa," said Preston on the other side of the Plexiglass barrier wearing an orange prison jumpsuit.

"I am not your princess," said Pacifica.

"What do you want from me?" Preston asked, "Money? My Bank Account Info? A Simple I Love You?"

Pacifica answered, "No we lost it all after Nevermind all that, No you know I can't speak Dutch and Possibly that."

Preston then starts laughing.

"What's So Funny?" Pacifica asked.

"Oh Daughter you truely own your hair color," said Preston.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" Pacifica asked.

"Because you are oh so stupid thinking that I actually love you," said Preston.

Pacifica then felt the color drain from her face hearing her own father say that.

"Pacifica Elise Northwest, I love to think I lived my life with no regrets," said Preston, "but, being sent to death row made me realize that I have made one major regret. And that's you daughter."

Pacifica stood silent.

"Is this working?" Preston asked, "Is this thing on?"

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" Pacifica Screamed.

Preston Stood Silent in shock.

"You polluted 7 rivers in one day, you killed off 12 whole species of animals to the point of extinction, you once caused a Forest Fire just so you can create a new Family Ski Lodge, But, I'm your Biggest Regret?" Pacifica asked.

"Daughter listen," said Preston, "I-"

"No you listen to me dickhead," said Pacifica, "Was I the one who wanted to be a flying nacho's minion? NO! Was I the one who hid in the basement Bunker while a Ghost was set to kill everyone with fire after they were turned to wood? NO! Was I the one who lost all our money? NO! Those should have been your regrets, but, NOPE, the Twin who lived who happens to be female instead of the son you always wanted survived was your biggest regret!"

Pacifica took a deep breath.

"Do you know how much I sacrificed for our family after we went broke?" Pacifica asked.

"Oh like you sacrificed anything," Preston Scoffed.

"Oh really? I sold 99% my wardrobe on ebay to help pay bills" said Pacifica, "I gave up my last pony to a Horse farm in Pawnee, Indiana because we couldn't afford the stables anymore, and I took up a Job as a waitress at the Diner, even if I got fired after 2 weeks because I accidently caused an Electrical Fire. But, Did You sacrifice anything? No!"

"Pfft," said Preston.

"You know I only came to see if it were possible to save you dad," said Pacifica, "but, clearly I was wrong, you can't be saved. I should have known. The man who made my life a Living hell for almost 13 years. The Bell you used when I disobeyed you, the Win or else mentality you have, the fact I wasn't toilet trained til i was 8 because I thought there was a monster in the toilet when clearly the real monster was some to whom i got half my DNA from."

"Okay no one comes out a winner from that last remark," said Preston.

"I don't care," said Pacifica, "you know what, when you get strapped to that electric chair, I hope you fry up extra crispy."

Pacifica Hangs Up and walks away.

"Come on Dipper let's go home," said Pacifica.

Dipper and Pacifica then left.

Later that night:

Pacifica is seen laying in Bed Crying.

Mabel walks by Pacifica's room and notices.

"Geez, she is not taking this well," said Mabel.

Dipper walked up to Mabel.

"What, did you expect, she had faith that her dad could be saved," said Dipper.

"Bro-Bro, I understand where she's coming from," said Mabel, "I like to look for the good inside of everyone, but, turns out it's harder than you think when it comes to some people."

Gabby rolls her wheelchair next to Mabel.

"My Family For Example," said Gabby.

"Exactly Cutie," said Mabel, "Some People are just straight up bad all the way to the core, Preston, The Spider Lady, Ashton."

"Nice Job Having Mermando Scare Him Mabes," said Gabby.

"Thank You," said Mabel, "anyway my point is, no matter how hard I tried, some people are just jerks threw and threw."

Pacifica is still crying.

"You better go in and comfort her Dipper," said Mabel.

Dipper walks into Pacifica's Room as Mabel and Gabby go somewhere else.

Dipper sits next to Pacifica.

"Go Away!" Pacifica exclaimed.

"Paz, listen," said Dipper, "You may not have succeeded but at least you tried."

"But I didn't want to try!" Pacifica exclaimed, "I wanted to see if it were possible to save my dad, what a fool I was."

Pacifica goes back to crying.

Dipper Comforts her with a Hug.

"Pacifica," said Dipper, "if there's anything i could do for you-"

"Get me Patrick," said Pacifica.

Dipper was taken back for a second.

"What?" Dipper asked in slight confusion.

"I need to talk to my brother," said Pacifica, "there's got to be a way to talk to him, now that I know Ouija Boards are fake thanks to your Great Uncle."

"There's probably a way," said Dipper.

Dipper pulls one of the Journals out of his vest.

"How are you able to do that?" Pacifica asked.

"It's a Long Story," said Dipper, "Mostly involving donuts."

Dipper scans through the journal, before landing on a particular page.

"Bingo," said Dipper.

To Be Continued.......

I was Going to Make this Chapter Longer but, since I haven't Updated in a Long While, I am going to stop it Halfway. Sorry, but, hopefully the Next one is Out sooner since I got some freetime on my hands. See yah guys next time.

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