Chapter 14

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Well this is going to be an insane chapter! Prepare for insanity!

Tonight is Dipper and Pqcifica's first date, and Dipper is seen in the kitchen preparing a meal, he was told by his parents a thousand times that the best a man could do for a woman is to cook a delicious meal, which is just another way of Saying dad can cook and mom can't. (That would probably be me in 10-20 years)

Dipper is preparing a simple 3 coarse meal, starting with a simple salad, then a main coarse of Tuscan Chicken and a side of Toasted Farfalle in a Garlic Butter Sauce, and for dessert, well first it was chocolate lava cakes, then Mabel ate both of them, so he went with double chocolate Brownies.

Mabel then walks into the kitchen.

"Ooh, brownies!" Mabel exclaimed.

"Back off Mabel," said Dipper.

"Oh c'mon brobro," said Mabel, "at least let me have one!"

"Mabel they are hotter than lava," said Dipper.

"Pfft it cant be that hot," said Mabel.

Mabel touches a brownie, only for it to lightly burn her thumb.

"OW! Okay point taken," said Mabel.

"Mabel you've been acting weird for the past few days," said Dipper, "is it that time of the month?"

"No, and you know it when you see it when I scream into my bubblegum pink pillow," said Mabel, "also I'm mad at you because you got your wish of wanting a brother."

"Mabel," sakd Dipper annoyed.

"Hey I want that baby inside of mom to be a girl," said Mabel, "I've always wanted a sister!"

"Trust me there not worth it," said Dipper.

Mabel slaps the back of Dipper's head.

"You deserved that," said Mabel as she walked away, "I'm going upstairs and watch Netflix in my Funzie."

*ding dong*

"Oh Crap she's here," said Dipper.

Dipper runs towards the door.

"Okay one last thing," Dipper whispered to himself.

Dipper checks his breath.

"Thank you Snow Smasher Mints," Dipper Whispered.

Dipper opens the door to see Pacifica wearing a Purple Dress with a white coat.

"Hey Dipper," said Pacifica.

"Hey Pacifica," said Dipper, "come in."

Dipper lets Pacifica in as she removes her coat.

"Allow me to take care of that coat for you," said Dipper.

"Ooh, what a gentleman," said Pacifica.

Dipper Takes Pacifica's coat and places it in the coat closet, and Cooper Walks out of the closet.

"Your cat was in the closet?" Pacifica asked.

"When Mabel got Waddles we seemed to forget about him from time to time," said Dipper. (Sounds like the fandom!)

Dipper escorts Pacifica into the Dining room, lightly dimmed with the only light being a Strawberry scented candle.

"Sit down, and enjoy some bread while its still warm," said Dipper.

"Wow," said Pacifica, "did you do this all your self."

"Well with a little help from the internet," said Dipper, "and the Pillsbury Dough Boy."

Pacifica Giggled.

"I'm gonna check on Dinner," said Dipper, "you wait right here."

Dipper walks into the kitchen finishing up.

He returns moments later with 2 plates of Salad, when he sees Pacifica looking a picture.

"Aw, you looked so cute," said Pacifica.

"Oh Crap," Dipper Thought, please don't let it be the Lamby Dance, please dont let it be the Lamby Dance."

"Is that you with your blankie?" Pacifica asked.

"Is that you with your blankie?" Pacifica asked

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"Oh thank god," Dipper thought

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"Oh thank god," Dipper thought.

"Yeah that's me," said Dipper, "I was one of those kids you don't want to separate them from their Blanket of Security."

"Do you still yours?" Pacifica asked.

Dipper blushes deep red.

"Its okay I still have one too," said Pacifica.

One Dinner later:

Pacifica is seen wiping her face with a napkin.

"That was delicious," said Pacifica.

"Thanks, my dad taught me how to cook," said Dipper.

"He is a good man," said Pacifica.

"Well at times he is," said Dipper.

Pacifica laughs at his remark.

They then both hold each others hands.

"Pacifica there is something I really want to say to you," said Dipper.

"Oh my gosh its happening," Pacifica thought.

"Pacifica, I l-"

"OH MY GOD MY WATER JUST BROKE!" Veronica Screamed from upstairs.

Dipper Facepalms.

"GREAT TIMING MOM!" Dipper exclaimed.

That timing was perfect wasn't it? Okay if you guys like the chapter, leave a comment and vote! And I will catch you guys next time.

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