Chapter 2

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So I have seen a great response to the first chapter. Lets hope you enjoy this, also if I go into a random tangent in the middle of this, its because of Logan Paul....yeah if you make a joke video about suicide, its proof you have no that's done, and I recently passed 500 followers, lets get started.

Pacifica is seen in the back of Amelia's car dozing in and out.

"Paz did you get any sleep last night?" Amelia asked.

"Have you seen what they put me on?" Pacifica asked, "Peacock Feathers, surprisingly not the best material for mattresses."

"How about you lay down and sleep while I drive," said Amelia.

Pacifica lays down on the back seat.

"Its cold back here," said Pacifica.

"Good thing I brought a blanket," said Amelia.

"No thanks I'm good," said Pacifica.

Amelia opens the glove box and pulls out a small pink blanket.

"Are you sure?" Amelia asked as she handed Pacifica the blanket.

Pacifica looked at the blanket in awe.

"Blankie?" Pacifica asked.

"Yeah," said Amelia.

Pacifica grabs the pink blanket.

"I thought my dad destroyed it when I was 3," said Pacifica.

"He said he did," said Amelia, "But, I swiped it when he wasn't looking. Kept it safe ever since, and I may have recently washed it so its nice and fresh. But I do believe you may be used to sleeping witho-"

Amelia looks back to see Pacifica sleeping snuggling the blanket.

"I knew she would do that," said Amelia, "Just like when she was a newborn."

Later that night:

Amelia pulls into the garage of her house.

"Okay Paz," said Amelia, "time to wake up."

Pacifica wakes up and rubs the sleep off her eyes.

"Welcome to your new home," said Amelia.

"Aunty Amelia," said Pacifica, "Where are we?"

"Oh I forgot to tell yah," said Amelia, "we are in my house in Piedmont, California."

Pacifica freezes for a second.

"Something wrong?" Amelia asked.

"No," said Pacifica, "It's just, there's something about that name that sounds familiar."

"Eh," said Amelia, "Maybe it will come to you at some point."

"Probably," said Pacifica.

"Okay let me show you around," said Amelia.

Amelia showed Pacifica around the house, including the kitchen, bathroom, living room, and then something that Jogged Pacifica's memory a little.

"And this is where you will be sleeping," said Amelia.

Amelia opens up the door to reveal a room with mint green walls, various stuffed toys and dolls, and a queen size mattress.

"Wait a second," said Pacifica.

"I knew this would help," said Amelia, "This was the room I put you in when your were little."

"Huh?" Pacifica asked.

"From time to time your parents dropped you off here when then went on business trips and such," said Amelia, "I got so accustomed to you coming over so many times I set up this room just for you."

"So I always slept in a bed that big?" Pacifica asked.

"No you had a crib here," said Amelia, "But by the time you were 2 you kept on tryong to crumb out so I figured it was time to switch."

"Smart move," said Pacifica, "Even back on the manor I hated being in a crib. It was like a baby prison."

"That what I usually called them," said Amelia, "Now how about you make yourself comfortable whole I make us some dinner."

Amelia leaves the room as Pacifica lays down on her bed, she laid on her side to see plush versions of Mickey and Minnie Mouse.

"I can get used to this," said Pacifica.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, sorry it is shorter than the last chapter, I was going to make it longer but I decided not to. Also I was going to release it yesterday, January 4th 2018, because I litterally had a blizzard but then Wattpad was down for who knows how long so......yep! See you guys next time!

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