Chapter 43

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"*Whistles* Everyone in the car now!" Alex yelled

"Dad, its 6:30 in the morning," said Dipper, "Just because you woke us up early doesnt mean you'd have to wake the neighborhood up!"

Today was the start of summer, and that also meant the first day back to Gravity Falls.

Pacifica and her mother are traveling in a rented 9 passenger Van with Dipper, Mabel, Mikey, Gabby, Alex, and Veronica.

With the following seating arrangements. (pointless I know but I'm the writer her so, please enjoy the hellscape that is my mind)

Driver- Amelia (she rented it After All, and won a game of Rock Paper Scossors)
Passenger-Alex (He lost driving privileges because he lost a game of Rock Paper Scissors)
2nd Row- Mikey and Veronica (Mikey didn't want to be away from Mommy)
3rd Row- Gabby and Mabel (BFF GOALS)
4th Row- Dipper and Pacifica (they're the couple after all)

While Stan and Ford stayed behind to watch the house as well as Waddles and Cooper.

"And for the love of god don't set the house on Fire," said Veronica.

"Okay I oddly enough never did that," said Stan, "Sixer on the other hand."

"It was ONE EXPERIMENT," said Ford.

"Just don't do anything that would cause our neighbors to dial 911," said Veronica, "and don't harm Waddles or Cooper, Mabel cares about them."

"I learned from the last time Waddles was in danger," said Stan.

"Mom, we're in need of some assistance," said Mabel.

"Just don't make us homeless when we get back," said Veronica as she walks away from Stan and Ford.

"Mikey, get in the car," said Mabel.

"NO MAEMAE!" Mikey Exclaimed.

Veronica walks over to them.

"What's going on?" Veronica asked.

"Mikey doesn't want to leave," said Mabel.

"Home," said Mikey.

Mikey tried to run off until Mabel picks him up.

"Mikey, we're not going to leave home forever," said Mabel.

"Home," said Mikey.

"I got this," said Veronica.

Mabel hands Mikey over Veronica.

"Mikey," said Veronica, "we're not going to leave home forever. We're going to explore the world for awhile and then come home."

"No wowld, Home," said Mikey.

"Time for plan B," said Veronica, "there's cookies in the car."

"COOKIES!" Mikey Exclaimed.

Veronica puts Mikey in his Car seat.

"Were Me and Dipper that bad?" Mabel asked.

"First off its Dipper and You," said Veronica, "secondly, no he is Worse. At least Dipper knew how to keep you calm. Plus I knew what got you in the car."

Veronica then drapes Mikey's Blankie on top of him and hands him his Pooh bear Plushie.

Mikey then falls asleep.

"If only Dipper were like that," said Mabel.

Gabby rolls up next to her.

"If only all brothers were like that," said Gabby.

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