Chapter 13

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Now Dipcifica is a thing! Yay! Well in this story that is, I'm still waiting for a sequel where it can be fully canon instead of partly canon because of the books. Anyway lets start on this chapter then!

It is now 2 weeks after the dance, everyone has rested well since afterwards it was Christmas Break, and Mabel and Ashton decided to go out.

But today she invited Him over, as well as his little Sister Emily because she wanted to see her pets.

"Dad, not to sound annoyed but there is no need to Baby Proof the house," said Mabel.

"You said that boy you've been fooling around with is coming over with his little sister," said Alex.

"Then why did you go into the box that says, use for when the new baby starts walking?" Mabel asked.

"Doesn't hurt to be prepared," said Alex.

"Dad mom hasn't given birth to the boy or girl yet," said Mabel, "There is no way that baby is walking out of mom's Who-ha!"

"Hey I'm worried," said Alex.

"Its not even your kid!" Mabel exclaimed, "also you went way over board on the whole ordeal."

"What's wrong with that?" Alex asked.

Dipper then tumbles down the stairs.

"OW! Why is there a baby gate on top of the stairs?" Dipper asked.

"Okay maybe I went a little-"


"A moderate-"


"Okay intensely too overboard," said Alex.

*ding dong*

"I got it," said Mabel, "and Dad, please don't be weirder than Dipper."

"Strangely not offended by that," said Dipper as he got back on his feet.

"I'll do my best," said Alex.

"Why did mom plan the gender reveal for today of all days?" Mabel asked herself.

Mabel opens the door.

"Hey Mabel," said Ashton.

"Hey Ashton," said Mabel.

Mabel notices a little girl with a pacifier holding Ashton's hand.

"Hey you must be Emily," said Mabel.

Emily takes her pacifier out.

"Hi," said Emily.

Emily replaces her pacifier.

"Aww she is so cute!" Mabel exclaimed.

Mabel pinches Emily's cheeks making her giggle.

"Alright Em," said Ashton, "lets go in."

Ashton holds onto Emily's hand as they walked inside, and Cooper the Cat walked by them.

"Kitty!" Emily exclaimed.

"No Emily," said Ashton, "we got a kitty at home."

"Kitty," said Emily.

"Don't worry Emily," said Mabel, "I know someone you'll like better than that silly old kitty."

"Bu I wanna pet da kitty," said Emily.

"*Whistle* Waddles!" said Mabel.

Waddles then comes to Mabel.

"Piggy," said Emily.

Emily pets Waddles making him Snort, which causes Emily to laugh.

Meanwhile Dipper goes back upstairs and goes into his room.

"Okay so the dance went well," said Dipper, "time to see if she wants to go out as couple."

Dipper takes out a piece of paper and his phone.

Meanwhile with Pacifica she is laying on her bed watching Bojack Horseman. (Btw do any of you guys watch that show, if so, tell me if it's any good, just got Netflix and thinking of binging it soon.)

"Man someone get that horse some Prozac," said Pacifica.


Pacifica answers her phone.

"Hello?" Pacifica asked.

"Hey Pacifica," said Dipper.

"Oh Hey Dipper," said Pacifica.

"Pacifica," said Dipper, "I was wondering if you, uh, like to come over for dinner sometime?"

"Like a date?" Pacifica asked.

"Uh, yeah like a date," said Dipper.

"Sure, what time and date?" Pacifica asked.

"Uh, 6pm on Saturday the 15th, is that any good?" Dipper asked.

"Let me check my calender," said Pacifica, "hhmmm I may have to help Stephen Curry with his Math Homework some other time."

"Your making that up aren't you?" Dipper asked.

"No but my aunt scored tickets to a Golden State Warriors game tonight and I was trying to learn what basketball is," said Pacifica.

"Funny," said Dipper," I will see you soon."

"Bye," said Pacifica.

Pacifica hangs up.

"Yes!" Pacifica exclaimed.

Meanwhile with Dipper.

"Alright not prepare the menu," said Dipper.

*crash* *Baby Laughter*

"What the Heck?" Dipper asked himself.

Dipper ran downstairs to see Emily Riding Waddles like a horse with Mabel and Ashton chasing after her.

"I told you it was a bad idea," said Mabel.

"In all fairness thinking rationally is my weakpoint," said Ashton, "well next to science."

And that is it, sorry for the abrupt ending, it took me two days to write, also Pines Baby Number 3's gender will be revealed next chapter.

Also before I go I want to you guys to give some love to fnafcutie616, as you guys know she is the basically the inspiration for Mabel's Friend Gabby/Cutie, well she was recently bullied at her school due to her Mild Spastic Cerebral Palsy, which pretty much leaves her with Limited Mobility. I know what she is going through as I went through, except I have a much lower form of CP, when I was that exact same age as her, it felt like a case of deja vu actually. And a lot of you guys know I always condemned bullying because all they want to do is to make you feel small. Guys show your love and Support to Her as I show her love and support everyday.

But anyway see you guys next chapter.

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