Chapter 4

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So, these glitches are really bothering me, but the show must go on! Anyway, lets continue this story, which is about to hit a big stepping point this chapter.

Its been about a week and a half since Pacifica moved in with her aunt.

She has been enjoying her time at her new home but then came the dreaded word every kid hates hearing, SCHOOL!

Except ironically, Pacifica is happy about this because she actually never been to school as she was homeschooled for her entire life.

Pacifica is seen eating breakfast wearing a white t-shirt with a picture of Twenty-One Pilots on it, a pair a pink sweatpants, and a pair of sneakers, that her aunt had to tie.

"I'm surprised you don't know how to tie your shoes," said Amelia.

"The Butlers did it for me," said Pacifica, "Plus I tried myself once and I almost lost a finger. Those bunny ears always throw me off."

"I know that feeling," said Amelia, "now finish up, its your first day in middle school."

"Why is it called middle school?" Pacifica asked.

"I don't know I just know what its called," said Amelia.

Amelia and Pacifica walk into the car and a 16 minute drive later they arrive at Middle School of Piedmont.

After being shown around the school, Pacifica was shown to her first class.

Pacifica barely spoke throughout the day. But it was different when it came to English class, when it's a custom to give a little speech in front of the class.

Pacifica walked up to the front of the classroom and started talking, or in this case mubling.

"Uh, I uh, I....uh," said Pacifica.

"Miss Northwest is something wrong?" The Teacher asked.

"Uuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," said Pacifica.

"I think she has performance anxiety," said A random student.

"Hush now Kaitlin," said the teacher.

Just then the bell rang.

The students left except for Pacifica who just stood there in shock.

"Uh," said Pacifica.

"Miss Northwest, care to explain what that was," said The Teacher.

"Oh, sorry Mrs Popalos," said Pacifica, "you see my life hasn't been....perfect you could say."

"What happened?" Mrs Popalos asked.

4 minutes later:

"And about 2 weeks ago my aunt started to take care of me like a person," said Pacifica.

"You poor girl," said Mrs. Popalos, "you better get home, the school day is over."

"Thanks for listening," said Pacifica.

"As someone who's brother was stuck in an abusive relationship for 10 years, I get what you went through," said Mrs. Popalos.

Pacifica then walks out the school and starts walking home when suddenly....


Pacifica froze for a second.

Pacifica ask as she turned around, "How do you m---Dipper?"

To amazement she looks at Dipper Pines, the boy half of the Pines Twins who visited Gravity Falls the past summer.

"Oh so that's why Piedmont sounds familiar," said Pacifica.

To be continued......

So that happened. Wow I know some of you guys were expecting that twist but lets be honest it wasn't going to take genius to tell you it was inevitlible. Sorry for short chapter, again, but with these stupid Wattpad glitches happening I can't seem to think straight. Hopefully they fix it in the following week. See you guys next time.

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