Chapter 16

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I want I'm random, anyway lets get started.

"Oh my gosh," said Pacifica, "your baby brother is so cute."

Pacifica is seen tickling Mikey, who is laying in a bassinet, making him laugh.

"Again not as cute as I was as a baby," said Mabel.

"Again Narcasize much?" Dipper asked.

"Aww he noming on my finger," said Pacifica, "its actually kinda gross."

"Yeah for some reason babies explore with their mouths," said Dipper, "its weird but we already prepared for that, thankfully we don't use Tide Pods."

"A friend if mine, not Cutie, ate one once," said Mabel.

Mikey spits out Pacifica's finger.

"I think he sucked the Cheeto dust off my finger," said Pacifica.

"Yeah he likes the cheese flavor," said Mabel, "although he hates it when I have cool ranch."

"Mabel, stop letting Mikey eat your chip powdered covered fingers," said Dipper, "he is only a few weeks old."

Mikey then starts crying.

"Told yah he likes it," said Mabel.

Dipper pinches his nose.

"Take a whiff Mabel," said Dipper.

Mabel does so.

"Oh, god," said Mabel, "What did you eat Mikey?"

Veronica then runs in and picks up Mikey from his Bassinet.

"I'll take it from here," said Veronica, "its okay mommy's gonna change your diaper."

Veronica brings Mikey Upstairs.

"I kinda hope I have a baby like Mikey someday," said Mabel.

"I thought you said you were adopting?" Dipper asked.

"I always said that I want to have one for experience," said Mabel.

"Mabel your thinking your future with Ashton too far," said Pacifica.

"Actually Ashton and I are, uh, well, on rough waters right now," said Mabel.

"Ooh gossip," said Pacifica.

"Look our last couple of dates ended badly," said Mabel, "someone said I sound like a Cheerier Sober Sarah Lynn."

"Who's she?" Dipper asked.

"She's a character on Bojack Horseman who dies of a Drug Overdose in season 3," said Pacifica.

*awkward silence is awkward*

"Good thing I'm Pro-Hugs and Anti-Drugs," said Mabel, "besides I think our next date won't be so bad."

"But if it is?" Pacifica asked.

"Try again the next date," said Mabel, "then again if it happens again. I have this rule if 5 dates go badly its grounds for a breakup."

*knock* *knock*

"And that must be cutie," said Mabel.

Mabel opens the door letting Gabby, holding a WebKin, in.

"Why do you have a WebKin?" Mabel asked.

"I'm going through a Webkins phase," said Gabby, "should I hide this from your baby brother?"

"No all he's doing right now is sucking the cheese powder of on your fingers," said Mabel, "just not the flaming hot kind."

"Mabel stop giving our Baby brother cheeto dust," said Dipper.

"And I keep telling you to stop trying to change me," said Mabel.

Veronica and Mikey are walking back downstairs with Mikey still crying.

"Did you not change him?" Mabel asked.

"No he just won't stop," said Veronica.

Veronica places Mikey back in the Bassinet, Mikey then stops crying and grabs onto the blanket giggling.

"Oh great we got another Dipper," said Mabel.

"Mabel you had one too," said Dipper.

"Oh yeah," said Mabel, "I forgot why my Sleepskirt felt so soft."

"Sleepskirt?" Pacifica asked.

"Mabel's weird invention," said Cutie, "like Sleeppants but in skirt form."

"I'm imaginative like that," said Mabel.

"Okay Figment," said Dipper.

"Stop calling me the Epcot Dragon!" Mabel exclaimed.

"Whatever, I wanna see your baby brother," said Gabby.

Gabby rolls closer to Mikey.

"Aww he is so adorable," said Gabby, "coochie coochie coo."

Mikey starts giggling.

"Looks like both of you guys are big brother and sister," said Gabby, "then again one of you guys was already like that considering one of you guys was born before the other."

"You mean twins don't come out at the same time?" Pacifica asked.

*awkward silence is awkward*

"Again, I don't take Health Class until next month," said Pacifica.

"Mabel claims she is but sometimes I think I'm the one who is older than her," said Dipper.

"Age doesn't mean Maturity," said Mabel.

"Mom," said Dipper.

"I honestly don't remember, I'll check tomorrow after I put Mikey down for his nap," said Veronica.

To be continued.....

Weirdest cliffhanger I know. Anyway sorry if this was sloppy, I have had a weird week, every thing will get back to normal soon trust me, see you guys and gals next time.

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