Chapter 45

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This is the start of the end.....Don't worry its just 10 more chapters after this. Just thought I let you people know.

After a quick stop at the Mystery Shack the families arrived at their 4 bedroom Vacation Home for the summer.

One room for Alex and Veronica, one for Pacifica and her mom Amelia, one for Mabel and Gabby, and since he got the shorter straw, Dipper is bunking with Mikey.

"Well on the bright side he can finally sleep through the night," said Dipper.

"Yeah I'll remember you saying that next time he has a nightmare Bro-Bro," said Mabel as she was carrying her and Gabby's bags in.

"He likes Monsters Mabel," said Dipper, "I showed him Monster Inc at 9 months old."

"MIKE WAZOWSKI!" Mikey exclaimed.

"Whatever," said Mabel.

Mabel and Gabby go into their room.

Gabby then throws a Pillow at Mabel.

"PILLOW FIGHT!" Gabby exclaimed.

"Later Cutie," said Mabel, "right now, I need to get my sweater game on, I just need to grab my sweater kit."

"Mabel it's Summer," said Gabby, "its like a Bajillion Degrees outside alone."

"I know, but you know me I can't give up on Fashion," said Mabel, "plus I need to make one or else Mermando won't recognize me."

"I'm pretty sure he'll know who you are by your face," said Gabby.

"Let me live in my world Cutie," said Mabel as she was looking for her bag if Sweater Material, "Where is it?"

"Where is what?" Gabby asked.

"My sweater making stuff," said Mabel, "you know yarn, knitting needles, all that stuff."

Mabel starts freaking out.

"Yeesh," said Gabby, "and I thought I was the Anxious one."

"Not now Cutie!" Mabel exclaimed.

Mabel starts rummaging through her bags.

"Lets see," said Mabel Looking through her first bag, "nope, that's just my Tops."

Mabel checks another bag.

"Nope, that's my skirts, shorts, and Skirts," said Mabel.

Mabel checks her third and last bag.

"Nope," said Mabel, "that's just my swimsuit, socks, and undergar- OH DEAR GOD!"

"What?" Gabby asked.

Mabel pulls out a bra with two fingers.

"You're grossed out by that?" Gabby asked.

"This is my mom's!" Mabel exclaimed.

"EWW!" Gabby exclaimed.

Mabel tossed it accross the room.

"Wait, if its not in any of my bags," said Mabel, "That means...."

"Oh no," said Gabby as she covers her ears.

Mabel starts screaming.

Pacifica runs into their room.

"What happened?" Pacifica asked.

"I left my Sweater Material back home," said Mabel.

"I know I'm probably going to get screamed at for saying that," said Pacifica, "but, how?"

"Uh, I think got distracted," said Mabel.


Waddles comes into Mabel's room back in Piedmont.

Mabel then picks up Waddles.

"Oh I'm going to miss you so much when I'm in Gravity Falls," said Mabel.

Mabel then hugs Waddles for about an hour or so.

"MABEL WE'RE LEAVING!" Veronica exclaimed from downstairs.

"Coming Mom!" Mabel exclaimed.

Mabel puts down Waddles.

"Don't let Grunkle Stan or Ford Barbecue You," said Mabel, "if they try to, then-"

Mabel whispers something into Waddles' ear.

Waddles oinks.

Mabel then grabs her bags with her regular clothes and run downstairs.

Flashback over:

"Waddles Distacted You?" Pacifica asked.

"He's also the reason why I have a bad sleep pattern," said Mabel.

"Is that's why you fell asleep in your mashed potatoes at lunch one time?" Gabby asked.

"I still got some in my ear," said Mabel.

"Mabel, why does this mean so much to you?" Pacifica asked.

"I wanted to make something nice so Mermando will remember me," said Mabel.

"Mabel," said Pacifica, "Mermando will remember you no matter what you wear, plus no offence its summer, sweaters are more of a Fall/Winter thing."

"Yeah no offence Mabel," said Gabby, "it was really hot last summer and you almost got heat-stroke."

Mabel thinks for a second.

"Well," said Mabel, "I wasn't always the sweater queen. You guys are right, maybe I should wear something else."

"Luckily I can help," said Pacifica, "But first-"

Pacifica picked up the Bra.

"Are you grossed out by your own undergarments?" Pacifica asked Jokenly.

"That's my mom's," said Mabel.

"Augh!" Pacifica exclaimed as she threw the bra out the room and into the hallway

"Why is my bra in the hall?" Veronica asked.

"It got mixed with mine mom," said Mabel.

Veronica picks up her bra.

"How did that happen?" Veronica asked.

"I have no clue," said Mabel.

Weird chapter, I know, I have no idea where the bra part. I have no idea where that came from. Next chapter will be better. I promise!

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