Chapter 6

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So this is actually my second time writing this chapter, the first time was a flop so, now for the 2nd try.

Dipper is seen Helping Mabel out if the car.

"Thanks Bro bro!" Mabel exclaimed.

"Hey you would do the same, well more like have since you keep on getting sick when I'm sick," said Dipper.

"In all fairness I'm not the brightest crayon in the box sometimes," said Mabel as she grabbed her crutches.

Dipper and Mabel walk into school.


A girl in a wheelchair rolls up towards the Pines twins.

"OMG Cutie," said Mabel.

"Hey Gabby," said Dipper rolling his eyes.

"Geez Mabes," said Gabby, "I know your foot is messed up but I didn't think it would take a month to get out of the hospital."

"The doctor didn't know what he was doing," said Mabel, "he was pretty bad, scratch that really bad......I now have to wear a diaper at night."

"Something tells me he got his MD online," said Dipper.

"What's an MD?" Gabby asked.

"I don't know," said Mabel, "In his case it would Be Mighty Doofus."

Skip to Lunchtime: (cause I'm lazy)

Mabel sits down at a table as Gabby rolls in next to her.

As they were eating Gabby noticed something odd.

"Mabel why is Dipper talking to that blonde girl over there?" Gabby asked.

"Cutie, please tell me your lying," said Mabel.

"Mabel, I never lie," said Gabby, "except last night when I told my mom I will go to bed early when I was really Bingewatching Winx Club til 3am."

"That does explains why you fell asleep in study hall," said Mabel, "but I highly doubt that.......wait a minute."

Mabel examines the girl Dipper is Talking to, and sees it is none other than Pacifica Northwest.

*glass breaking*

"Dang it Clumsy Daryl stop bringing your grandpas coca cola bottles to school," said Gabby.

Mabel screams in fear.

Dipper and Pacifica notices.

"And that would be Mabel over there," said Dipper.

Mabel panics and hides under the table.

"Tell them I ran away to deliver the heart of Te Fiti with Maui," said Mabel.

"That's the Plot to Moana," said Gabby.

"You heard me," said Mabel.

Dipper and Pacifica walk up.

"I can see you under the table Mabel," said Dipper.

"DANGIT!" Mabel exclaimed.

Mabel gets back up.

"Why is Pacifica doing here from Gravity Falls?" Mabel asked, "is she going to make fun of my broken foot and call me a cripple?"

Pacifica then hugs Mabel.

"You poor little thing," said Pacifica.

"Did I hit my head under the table or something?" Mabel asked.

"No Mabel I am extremely sorry," said Pacifica.

"There must be a portal to parallel dimension under this table," said Mabel, "Quick Cutie pinch my arm."

"Mabel if you were dreaming Dipper would've turned into a dragon by now," said Gabby, "also this Pacifica girl is nicer than what you said she was."

"That was the old me," said Pacifica, "Mabel I've truly changed, I'm not my parents lump of clay anymore, all in asking is for your forgiveness Mabel."

Mabel scratches the back of her neck.

"Look Mabel I didn't mean what I said to you this past summer," said Pacifica, "that was my parents stupid upbringing, believe me, heck I was once like you allong time ago, I was a little ball of energy all happy and craved hugs and candy and other junk. Basically, *sigh* I'm sorry."

*Sincere silence is Sincere*

Mabel hugs Pacifica.

"New Bestie!" said Mabel.

"What am I then Chopped liver?" Gabby asked.

"Cutie I told you I can have multiple besties," said Mabel, "remember when I told you about Candy and Grenda."

"You mean the Wolverine wannabe and the One Dipper questions if she is, well, a she?" Gabby asked.

"She has a man's voice!" Dipper exclaimed.

End of Chapter, sorry for the wait, I couldn't figure out what to write, turns out writing with music playing works. Anyway, if you didn't know Gabby aka Cutie is actually based on my little Wattpad Wheelchair Buddy fnafcutie616, plus Mabel would befriend someone in a wheelchair, we all know that as a fact. Okay see you guys next time.

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