Chapter 9

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Tomatoes! Potatoes! Mabels! I got nothing but random! Heck the other night I had a dream where I had 6 fingers on each hand like Ford. Okay lets get started before I ramble.

The next day:

Mabel wakes up from her slumber too see Pacifica isn't on her air matress.

"What the heck?" Mabel asked.

Gabby then wakes up.

"Where did Pacifica go?" Gabby asked.

"I don't know," said Mabel, "I woke up and poof she's gone."

"Did aliens abduct her overnight?" Gabby asked.

"Gabby, for the last time, aliens would only come to earth just to borrow our phones," said Mabel.

"That maybe E.T.'s excuse," said Gabby.

*Door Shut*

"Thanks Veronica," said Pacifica downstairs.

"Why is she thanking mom?" Mabel asked.

Mabel gets up and runs downstairs to see Pacifica holding a Rite Aid bag.

"Why did you go Rite aid?" Mabel asked.

"Remember last night I dared you to dye your hair to look like Cat from Victorious and you said that you dont have any red hair dye?" Pacifica asked.

Mabel is silent.

"Mom, why did you take her to Rite Aid?" Mabel asked her mom who is lying on the couch.

"I needed to get your father's lactaid pills," said Veronica, "also a dare is a dare."

"*Sigh* I maybe a daddy's girl, but why must he be lactose intolerant?" Mabel asked.

"You know he loves Ice Cream," said Veronica, "and can't have the fake stuff due to his nut allergies." (I'm not lactose intolerant but I can't have the nut milk due to allergies too)

"That was rhetorical," said Mabel, "fine a dare is a dare, but can it wait til after breakfast?"

One Breakfast Later:

Mabel is seen in a bathtub in her swimsuit.

"Why are you in your swimsuit?" Pacifica asked.

"I'm not getting my clothes covered in hair dye," said Mabel, "its easy to get Cooper's Hair and Waddles' mud bath out, but not Ariana Grande hair color."

"Who's Cooper?" Pacifica asked.


A cat walks by.

"Our Cat," said Mabel. (admit it you forgot they had a cat too)

One Hair Dying session later: (I know Lazy Writing)

Mabel is seen in her room with a shower cap on her head with Gabby and Pacifica watching TV.

"Man 600 channels and nothing interesting to watch," said Pacifica, "unless you guys want to watch The Proposal Dubbed in Spanish."

"Don't it will remind Mabel she got a D in Spanish," said Gabby.

"Too late Cutie," said Mabel.

"I forgot to ask," said Pacifica, "why do you call Gabby Cutie?"

"Hey I have Nicknames for all my friends," said Mabel, "plus she is such a cutie."

Mabel pinches Gabby's cheek.

"Mabel please stop pinching my cheeks," said Gabby.

"Then Why do you call Candy by, well, Candy?" Pacifica asked.

"I called her CanCan from Time To Time," said Mabel, "also sometimes its to tick off her mom because she keeps on telling us to call her Candace."

"So when she hits puberty she is going to Bust her Brothers?" Pacifica asked.

"She's an only child," said Mabel, "but Grenda is another story, I don't have one for her."

"You don't have one for me," said Pacifica.

"Paz!" Mabel exclaimed.

"I don't like being called that, but fair enough," said Pacifica.

Pacifica's phone goes off.

"That's the timer, Time to take the cap off," said Pacifica.

Mabel walks up to her mirror as she takes the shower cap off.

"Here goes nothing," said Mabel.

Mabel takes the cap off revwaling her red dyed hair.

"Well on the bright side people will stop calling me Girl Dipper," said Mabel.

"The hair suits you Mabes," said Gabby.

*Honk Honk*

"Crud that's my mom," said Gabby, "Can one of you guys roll me towards the elevator."

"I'll do it, I gotta get home," said Pacifica, "before my aunt has a panic attack."

Pacifica and Gabby leave.

"Thanks anyway Pacifica," said Gabby.

"No problem," said Pacifica.


Pacifica is seen on her bed listening to music.

"Well that was an interesting sleepover," said Pacifica.

Pacifica picks up her phone and look through the pictures and swipes towards a selfie of Mabel, Gabby, and Her, with an annoyed Dipper in the background.

"Dipper, I really hope you like me back," said Pacifica.

Before you ask, no Dipcifica won't just happen in the next chapter, it will happen eventually, and also for that small percentage of my readers who have never watched Victorious, this is what Mabel's new hair color:

Before you ask, no Dipcifica won't just happen in the next chapter, it will happen eventually, and also for that small percentage of my readers who have never watched Victorious, this is what Mabel's new hair color:

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Its Mabel, she is a free spirit! But would probably not want to stay on boat with Dipper or else the ship that shall not be named will happen. Anyway, see you guys next time.

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