Chapter 8

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And now Part Deux, which is a fancy way of saying 2......its probably French I don't know I'm not Google!

"Okay now that is over with," said Mabel, "who's up for Truth or Dare or Don't?"

"Don't?" Pacifica asked.

"Its her way of playing fair," said Gabby.

Mabel picks up an empty glass soda bottle and place it around the 3 of them. She then spins the bottle, then lands on Mabel.

"Uh, do over," said Mabel.

"Oh no you know the rules," said Gabby.

"*cringe* Sometimes I hate you Cutie," said Mabel.

"I know you mean love," said Gabby, "Truth or Dare or Don't."

"Well, can't change the rules now," said Mabel, "Truth."

"Were you Serrious when you said the doctor now had to make you wear a diaper to sleep?" Gabby asked.

"What?" Pacifica asked.

"I'm testing to see how much of her open book personality is opened," said Gabby.

"Check my Instagram," said Mabel.

Pacifica takes out her phone and opens Instagram.

"What's your username?" Pacifica asked.

"@Pr1nc3ssMabel," said Mabel.

"Okay," said Pacifica, "well found the answer to Gabby's question."

Gabby takes Pacifica's phone and reads the caption out loud.

"I like anything but being forced to wear these stupid baby undies at night until we get the money to fix up my problems, yeah that's something even Mabel hates #StupidDoctor," said Gabby.

"Told yah I'm an open book," said Mabel, "also we're suing that doctor, no matter how cute he was."

"If he screwed up your body, you have the right to screw up his bank account," said Gabby.

Mabel spins the bottle landing on Gabby.

"Ha Tables have turned!" Mabel exclaimed.

"Dang it," said Gabby, "okay Dare!."

"I dare you to stand on your legs for a whole minute," said Mabel.

"Serriously?" Gabby asked.

"You've said your walking is getting better," said Mabel.

"Yeah but that's before almost falling towards the counter and almost breaking my Paw Patrol glass," said Gabby.

"Isn't that a show for a little kids?" Pacifica asked.

"Is that pink thing in your bag your blankie?" Gabby asked.

"Touché," said Pacifica.

Gabby then manages to stand.

"I think I can-*screams*"

Gabby lands on Pacifica.

"Well at least Pacifica broke my fall," said Gabby.

"I can't feel my lungs," said Pacifica.

Mabel helps Gabby off of Pacifica.

"Never again?" Mabel asked.

"Deffinately," said Gabby.

2 hours of Spin the Bottle later:

Gabby spins the bottle to land on Pacifica.

"Oops looks like you got the bottle for once Paz," said Mabel.

"Can you not call me that?" Pacifica asked.

"Nope," said Mabel.

"Alright," said Gabby, "Truth or dare."

"Uuuuuuhhhh, truth," said Pacifica.

"Okay," said Gabby, "do you have a crush on someone?"

"Uh wait I mean dare," said Pacifica.

"Okay," said Gabby, "I dare you to tell the truth, Do you have a crush on someone?"

"And you can't say don't this far into the game," said Mabel.

"Darn," said Pacifica, "fine, I have a crush on..........on...............on................."

"Oh," said Gabby, "Something tells me its you Mabel."

"Paz I'm flattered but I'm not into girls," said Mabel, "plus if I were you aren't my type."

"Same here," said Gabby, "but I'm No so I'm into either gender."

"What? I'm not into either of you," said Pacifica, "And stop calling me Paz."

"Well who is it?" Gabby asked.

"You got 60 seconds," said Mabel as she set up a timer on her phone.

"Okay fine fine," said Pacifica, "now I know how it felt when my dad got interrogated for tax fraud when I was 6."

Pacifica takes a deep breath.

"Okay," said Pacifica, "I have a crush on........on.........on-"

"Pacifica if you say on one more time I'm gonna scream," said Mabel.

"PLEASE DON'T!" Dipper exclaimed in the next room.

Pacifica starts blushing.

"OMG its Dipper isn't it?" Gabby asked.

"W-What n-no its not," said Pacifica while blushing harder.

"You do," said Mabel, "OMG, you like Dipper!"

Mabel fangirl screams.


"Sorry mom! Anyway, we have to set you two-"

"No! Please don't say anything," said Pacifica.

"Okay I won't," said Mabel.

"Why are your fingers crossed behind your back?" Gabby asked.

"Cutie!" Mabel Exclaimed.

"Mabel!" Pacifica exclaimed.

"Fine, I'll keep my mouth shut on this," said Mabel.

"You better," said Pacifica.

*Beep Beep*

"Okay time to get in our PJs," said Mabel.

Mabel walks over to her closet and pulls out a Unicorn print footed onesie, or as Mabel calls it, a funsie. (Its Mabel remember, she would call it that)

"I'll be back in 5 minutes," said Mabel.

"Wh-oh right," said Gabby.

"Do you think Mabel would mind I change in her closet?" Pacifica asked.

"I think she would get why you would do that," said Gabby.

Pacifica walks into the closet and change into a pink nightgown with a picture of a diamond on it.

Later that night:

As the Girls are sleeping in Mabel's room, Dipper was lying awake in his room.

"She likes me back," said Dipper, "at least I'm over Wendy. Its not like I'm lying awake at night thinking about Pacifica."

Awkward silence is awkward.

"Oh no," said Dipper.

Awkward ending is awkward. Also if your that stupid, Gabby, which is basically fnafcutie616, is a permanent character in this book. So she will be in most of the chapters in this story. And if you can't tell this is way to slow moving to be a usual one off 10 chapter story. Also I really like the idea and its probably going to be long....yay, I don't have to put this story up for adoption! Alrighty then see you guys next time.

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