Chapter 11

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Time to continue, lets hope we can cure Pacifica's case of the Dips.

Pacifica walks into her bedroom and plops down onto her bed.

"God this is stressful," said Pacifica to herself.

Pacifica picks up her phone and looks at the picture from the sleepover with her Mabel and Gabby.

"Is he going to ask me? Is he going to ask someone else? Jesus this giving anxiety," said Pacifica.


Mabel is walking into her house listening to Marshmello, cause she keeps it Mello.

"And, baby, just please don't go without me
I'm tired of doing it on my own," Mabel sang, "And now I'm stuck here thinking what it could be
You and me."

"Man that's a good song," said Mabel.

Mabel walks upstairs and as she walks towards her room-

"-dance with me."

Mabel stops in her place.

"The heck?" Mabel asked.

Mabel inched towards Dipper's room who is seen in front of a mirror with a picture of Pacifica in the upper left hand corner.

"Okay *breathes in and out* take two," said Dipper, "So, uh, Pacifica, um, do you want to, uh, go to the Boys Choice, um, Dance with me?........Wow even I would throw a ICEE in my face."

"So would I brobro," said Mabel behind him.

Dipper is instantly startled by the sudden appearance of Mabel.

"Mabel what the heck? I told you a million times to stay out of my room," said Dipper.

"You were comfortable with being in the same room as me back in Gravity Falls," said Mabel.

"Like we had a choice," said Dipper, "well we did but that basement room felt funny."

"Yeah now that I think back- wait stop changing the subject," said Mabel, "I know what you were doing."

"No you don't," said Dipper.

"Dipper I know you're lying," said Mabel, "like when were 4 and mom asked you if you stole a cookie from the cookie jar."

"You ate mine," said Dipper.

"Or the fact you say you gave up your baby blankie when its hiding under your pillow," said Mabel.

"No its not," said Dipper.

"I can see it sticking out," said Mabel.

"Ugh, fine I'll tell you," said Dipper, "I wanna ask Pacifica to the Boys Choice Dance."

"HA! I knew it!" Mabel exclaimed.

"What's the big deal?" Dipper asked.

"Dipper, I read what you wrote about her in the journal," said Mabel.

Dipper froze.

"What?" Dipper asked.

"You wrote that when she hugged you she smelled like Champagne and Flowers and that there was some vibe going on," said Mabel, "By the way just because you crossed it off doesn't mean anyone can't read through it."

"I knew I should've erased it, but you can't erase pen," said Dipper.

"Whatever, brobro you should do it," said Mabel.

"I should ask Pacifica to the dance?" Dipper asked, "okay normally you tell me not to go ask a girl out because I would feel like an idiot when they say no."

"We have people who believe Star Wars is documentary," said Mabel, "you're smart enough to know otherwise."

"Well that helps a little," said Dipper, "plus I know she feels the same way."

"How do you--oh yeah the thin walls," said Mabel, "sorry about the sleepover."

"I'm used to it Mabel," said Dipper.

Dipper picks up his phone, takes a deep breath, then calls Pacifica.


Pacifica is still lying on her bed when her phone started ringing.

Pacifica answers.

"Hello?" Pacifica asked.

"Hey Pacifica," said Dipper, "Its me Dipper."

"Oh.......hey diaper, Dipper I mean Dipper!" Pacifica asked.

"DAMMIT!" Pacifica thought.

"Its okay I was called that until 4th grade," said Dipper, "mostly by the bully who was later sent to military school."

"Okay I get it," said Pacifica, "why are you calling me?"

"I was just wondering uh..................."

"Still there?" Pacifica asked.

Meanwhile on the other end:

"Yeah I'm still here," said Dipper.

"Ugh," said Mabel, "good thing I have a script set up for this type of occasion."

Mabel pulls a piece of paper out of her backpack and hands it to Dipper.

"1) 23÷4×97?" Dipper asked.

"What?" Pacifica asked.

"Oops that's my math homework," said Mabel.

Mabel switches papers.

"Try this Brobro," said Mabel.

"Pacifica," said Dipper, "would you do me the honor of accompaning me, Dipper, to the 10th Annual Boys Choice Winter Holiday Dance?"

"Yes I had to go into every detail!" Mabel exclaimed.

Meanwhile on Pacifica's end:


Pacifica stood in silence and shock.

"Pacifica?" Dipper asked.

"What?" Pacifica asked.

"Do you want to go to the Boys Choice Dance with me?" Dipper asked.

"Uh...yes, yes I will accompany you to the Boys Choice Dance," said Pacifica.

"Sweet, I mean cool, I'll talk to you later," said Dipper.

"You too," said Pacifica, "bye."

"Bye," said Dipper.

Pacifica hangs up.

"AUNTY AMELIA CAN WE GO TO THE MALL THIS WEEKEND?" Pacifica asked screamily. (I think I just made that word up)

"Did that boy you like ask you out?" Amelia asked.

"Yes!" Pacifica exclaimed.


"She said yes!" Dipper exclaimed.

"Way to go brobro!" Mabel exclaimed.

*Meow* *Oink-Oink*

"Now I'm going to breakup the fight between Waddles and Cooper," said Mabel, "again!"

And Is Pacifica's case of the Dips cured.....I think so. Also fun fact, the Pines Family Cat, Cooper, I named my actual cat! He is a pain in the ass before you ask. Also to answer LIGHTIFIC_05, no I didn't make Mabel a fan of Marshmello to make you happy, I also like Marshmello, so I did it to make both of us happy, also I've been going through a marshmello kick in the past 2 days so I thought why not. Okay weird I know. Anyway see you guys next time.

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