Chapter 36

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Hey fnafcutie616, you're in this chapter! Well the character based off of is...lets get started.

"I DON'T CARE!" Pacifica Exclaimed.

Pacifica stomps towards Dipper's room.

"Man who put a bee in her undies?" Mabel asked.

"A what in her undies?" Gabby asked.

"A bee," said Mabel.

*awkward Silence is Awkward*

"Ow," said Gabby.

Mabel walks back into her room.

"Well, T,D or D is cancelled," said Mabel, "she got lucky I would have dared her to tell Dipper she was pregnant."

"Ooh that's evil," said Gabby.

"What's worse I would have her tell him he wasn't the father," said Mabel.

"That's Evil-er," said Gabby, "wait is she-"

"What no! Cutie it was a prank," said Mabel, "plus lets be honest she is so not ready to have kids. Remember last week when she played Candy Land with Mikey?"

"Oh yeah," said Gabby, "I thought people rage quit over losing monopoly."

"I think people can be that way with any board game," said Mabel.

9 minutes later:

"And that's the reason why I hate the JimXBloom Ship when it comes to World of Winx," said Gabby.

"Cutie no offence but I wasn't listening to whatever you were saying for the past 9 minutes," said Mabel.

"Well that's just rude," said Gabby, "I'm starting over, in one episode-"

"Forget it you wanna give Mikey a makeover?" Mabel asked.

"Okay one, rude," said Gabby, "Second......actually That's it, Rude!"

Mabel gets up.

"I'm bored, lets be honest Pacifica is the Nucleus of this sleepover," said Mabel, "even if all she talks about is Dipper."

"Yeah well for a while you only talked about Ashton," said Gabby, "Both During the relationship and after the relationship."

"Whatever," said Mabel as she walked out of the room.

"Why couldn't she still have crushes on Fictional Characters like when we were 6?" Gabby asked herself, "She was much better with a husbando."

Mabel runs downstairs to see Mikey, wearing a Mickey Mouse shirt and Diaper, building a tower with building blocks.

The tower falls.

"Oh man!" Mikey Exclaimed.

"Hey Mikey," said Mabel.

"Uh-Oh," said Mikey.

3 minutes later:

Mabel walks into her bedroom.

"Go sit in the corner," said Gabby.

"What?" Mabel asked.

"You heard the man," said Gabby, "Time Out MaeMae."

"Cutie your really think I'm taking orders from a 1 year old," said Mabel, "especially one who thinks I disappear when I cover my face with my hands?"

"Mabel, when I had to watch him when you were in the bathroom that one time," said Gabby, "I had to give him the entire box of Oreos."

"So that wasn't you who are them all?" Mabel asked.

"Sadly no," said Gabby, "which sucks because they were mega-stuffed."

Suddenly Dipper is seen running past the room in the hallway.

Gabby says, "The heck is your twin bro-"

*puking sounds*

"I think Pacifica told him about the guy and his bed," said Mabel.

"I don't wanna know," said Gabby.

Short chapter I know, I originally wanted to get this out before the new year....that didn't happened, now this book is over a year old holy Crap where has the time go? Well, I did say I dumped the original plan of getting it done by the end of 2018.....Top 5 and Ducktalk kept getting in the way sadly. Well anyway see you guys next time.

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