Chapter 10

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Just kidding, I'm weird. Lets do this.

2 weeks after the sleepover:

Pacifica is seen walking down the halls when a pink flyer on the floor caught her eye.

"What the?" Pacifica asked.

Pacifica picks up the flyer and reads it to herself.

"The 11th annual Boys Choice Winter Holiday Dance.
Saturday, December 23rd.
Special Gluten Free Food Table is for Gluten Sensitive kids only."

"Well there goes the trendsetters eating the cauliflower crust pizza," said Pacifica, "wait is Dipper going to ask me to come to this?"

"That is something I cant tell yah!"

Pacifica looks up to see Mabel even dropping.

"Were you just listening to what I was saying?" Pacifica asked.

"I can be a creep sometimes," said Mabel, "Mostly to my friends, which is 99% if the school."

The Principal walks by.

"Love the red hair Mabel," said the Principal.

"Thanks Principal Johanson," said Mabel.

"Is there anyone you're not friends with or at least hate?" Pacifica asked.

"I actually have a list on my phone," said Mabel, "but to give you sampling, Your Cronies from Gravity Falls, Jeffery Katzenberg, Louise Beltcher."

"The Kid that works at Bob's Burgers?" Pacifica asked.

"She knows what she did," said Mabel.

*Awkward Silence is Awkward*

"Okay then," said Pacifica, "are you hoping for someone to ask you?"

"Anyboy would do," said Mabel, "except for Gerard Lewis, he and I went on a date one time and it ended badly. Ever see the movie Blended?"

"The one with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore?" Pacifica asked.


"It was that bad?" Pacifica asked.

"Worst instead if French Onion Soup it was a bottle of Tobasco," said Mabel.

The bell then rings.

"Oop time to get to Math," said Mabel.

Mabel runs to class.

Later that day after school, Dipper and Mabel are seen walking out of school.

"Oh poop, I forgot my notebook in my locker," said Mabel, "Dipper-"

"Just hand me the bag," said Dipper.

Mabel hands Dipper her backpack.

"Be back in 5 minutes BroBro," said Mabel.

Mabel runs back in as Gabby rolls out.

"Mabel forgot her notebook again?" Gabby asked.

"Yep!" Said Dipper, "Thankfully she made her backpack so obvious its hers and not mine."

"Yeah I can tell by the fact it has the words, 'Mabel's Backpack,' written in a Mabel amount of glitter," said Gabby.

Meanwhile Mabel is seen running towards her locker.

"06-15-12," said Mabel reciting her locker combo to herself.

Mabel opens her locker and grabs her notebook.


Mabel stands in shock for a second then turns her head to see the cutest boy in the school, Ashton Cooper.

"You're name is Mabel right?" Ashton asked.

"OMG Ashton Cooper knows my name!" Mabel Thought.

"Uh yes," said Mabel.

"Did you do something to your hair?" Ashton asked.

"Y-Yeah," said Mabel.

"I like it," said Ashton, "It suits you."

"T-Thanks," said Mabel.

"You know there's this dance coming up," said Ashton.

"Y-Yeah Boys Choice," said Mabel.

"I'm assuming you already gotten got 40 guys asking-"


"Oh, well I was just wondering-"

"Yes," said Mabel.

"W-What?" Ashton asked.

"Yes I will be your date to the Boys Choice Dance," said Mabel

"Oh, awesome," said Ashton, "I'll call you."

"Just message me on Snapchat, my username is the same as my Instagram," said Mabel.

"Okay then," said Ashton, "see you then."

Mabel and Ashton walk their separate ways.

Mabel walks outside smiling.

"Oh no," said Dipper.

Mabel screams like a fangirl.

"Ashton Cooper asked me out to the Boys Choice Dance," said Mabel.

"Shut Up!" Gabby exclaimed.

"I can't!" Mabel exclaimed.

Both Mabel and Gabby scream, causing Dipper to run off.

"I'll see you when you get home!" Dipper Screamed.

Pacifica walks out the school to see the girls screaming.

"What are you girls screaming about?" Pacifica asked.

"Ashton Cooper, the hottest boy in school, just asked me out to the Boys Choice Dance," said Mabel.

".....Okay," said Pacifica.

"Really the hottest guy in school ask Mabel out all you say is Okay?" Gabby asked.

"Look I don't want to talk about it," said Pacifica.

Pacifica walks away.

"What's wrong with her?" Gabby asked.

"Something I never thought I would say about anyone," said Mabel, "She's got a case of the Dips."

To Be Continued:

Woah, that was a lot, also today (aka 02-15-18) is the 2 year anniversary of the Finale, so I thought of mentioning it now. Anyway see you guys next time! ✌

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