Chapter 1

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Heyo! I adopted this book from my biggums, Pro!

5 votes for the next awesome chappie?


Ty's POV:

I rested my hand on my flat stomach, though it won't be this flat very much longer. I looked back up at the mirror, my pale shirtless figure stared back at me. How am I going to tell him? What will he think? How did this all even happen?

"Ty? Babe?" Adams soothing, yet worried voice echoed through the bedroom door. "What's taking you so long? Our flight leaves in an hour"

"I'll be out in a sec" I called back, quickly slipping on a black tee and a pair of sneakers. I quickly ran my fingers through my dark brown hair, only to have it flop back over my face. I sighed."Whatever" I mumbled, picking my jacket up before heading heading to the lounge room where Adam waited.

"You ready for PAX 2016?" He asked excitingly.

"I can't wait to see the old team again." TeamCrafted broke up around two years ago, a few months after Quinten, James, Adam and I left. Since then, a lot has happened. Ian and Maddie got engaged, Quinten and Annie got married, we sold the L.A house, and of course; Adam and I have been official since October 2014.

We lived in L.A, not far from the old house, Mitch is in Montreal, Jason in Texas, Jerome in New Jersey, Ian now lives in Boston and Quinten in Toronto (Canada).

Tomorrow was the first day of PAX East, and we were all flying out to Boston for the event. Most of us are staying at Ian's, including; Mitch, Jerome, Jason, Quinten, Annie, Tyler and Shelby. We were all doing panel together with Ryan, Ashley and Preston.

Adam and I arrived at the airport. We were approached by a few fans, they were really nice and were heading to PAX too. We signed a few things for them and and took some photos before boarding the plane.

One thing went through my mind for the whole flight, and that was; 'how is this even possible?'


The plane landed smoothly in Boston. We got off the plane and collected our luggage. Ian was meant to meet us here at 3:30, so we had 20 minutes to wait out. 20 minutes of waiting, our minds free to think of anything, bringing that one thought back.

"Babe, are you okay? You seem really quiet." Adams sweet voice snapped me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied. But what was I going to tell him? No Adam, I'm not okay, I'm freaking pregnant. A male, who is pregnant!

"Okay then." He said softly, obviously not believing me, but he knows he shouldn't push on it.

A few minutes later, we spotted Ian walking through the crowd with a 7 year old Colton on his back. He put Colton down and he immediately ran up to us.

"Uncle Ty! Uncle Sky!" He screamed, hugging both of our legs.

"Hey buddy" Adam said, ruffling his straight, caramel brown hair.

"How's it going little fella" I said, lifting him up.

"I beat Uncle Mitch and Uncle Jerome in the Hunger Games!" He squealed in excitement, making Adam and I chuckle.

"Good job buddy" Adam said, just as Ian caught up with us.

I put Colton back down and grabbed my suitcase, following Ian to his car. We chucked our bags in the trunk and I hopped in the passenger seat. Leaving Adam in the back with Colton. I caught a glance at Adam in the rear view mirror, he was playing 'tickles' with Colton. 'Maybe this isn't such a bad thing?'

We arrived at Ian's house shortly after. Mitch, Jerome, Tyler and Shelby had already arrived and chooses their rooms. Mitch took the basement, of course, Jerome said he'd sleep anywhere, so he had the couch in the basement, Tyler and Shleby had the 1st guest bedroom and Adam and I chose the 2nd one. Leaving Quinten and Annie with the 3rd one and Jason with the couch.

Around 6pm the everyone had arrived and we had ordered pizza for dinner. We decided to have an early night because it was going to be a big day at PAX tomorrow.

"Goodnight babe, love you" Adam whispered, wrapping his arms around my body.

"Goodnight, I love you too"




If he was reading this now..


Jesus fuck I would die.

K baaaaai!

~ Lkkkkkkkkkkkk

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