Chapter 21

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Why hello cuties!

New cover made by me! Hehe


Adam's POV:

I jumped into my car, Mitch and Jerome right behind me. Everyone got in their cars and we followed the detective to our destination.

< 3 hours later >

AN:// Did anyone else imagine the Spongebob guy saying that?

We had finally arrived in the area of the radio station, and the detective told me that police cars had the whole area surrounded.

Someone grabbed my hand, I jerked my head to see Mitch smiling at me.

AN:// Anyone want a bajanlox story? Say if you remember the one I had but deleted xD You be an old af fan den.

"It's gonna be okay. Were gonna find him." Jerome came on my other side and wrapped his arm around me. I was lucky to have friends like this.

"Police! Open up!" These words echoed the air as the police busted down doors looking for Ty.

I bit my lip harshly, trying to block out the bad thoughts.

What if he's dead? Or hurt? Or the baby is dead?

Jerome rubbed my back softly as we waited.

Ty's POV:

I awoke to a large bump on my head, aching body, and a growling stomach. I looked up to see the two men fighting blurrily.

"I fucking went to the store and there were cops everywhere! They are gonna find us soon!" One yelled, the other stood tapping his foot.

"Then the deed must be done tonight.." They both turned to me, smirking.

"Good afternoon darling, would you like to play some games later?" One of them walked up to me, but I really couldn't tell because my vision was fuzzy.

"W-What kind of games....?" I somehow managed to say despite my dry as a bone throat.

"We gonna play doctor!~" He giggled in a creepy way. The other man rolled over a cart filled with shiny and most importantly, SHARP objects.

Calm down. Stay strong Ty. Adam WILL come. He will never stop looking for you. He loves you, and the baby.

"H-H-Huh....?" I pressed myself against the wall trying to get away from them.

"Its gonna be so much fun!" I screeched when a needle entered my arm, sending me into a dark and deep sleep.

Help... Please...


Heheeh. Ty is gonna play doctor and get cut up :p


I'm gonna write the last chapters maybe since I have a snow day today. (;

4 chapters left! Sequel preview will be up soon~ You will have to wait a little while for the sequel (month cuz im evil idk yet)

But till then when the time comes, I'm gonna release a new book or two (;

Would you preverted cuties enjoy a smut shippings book kinda like diamond_mining 's?

Debating on releasing a new M-Preg book, Merome book, or - a Munching Brotato book euuuuh.

Lmao. I'm bored. Sorry its so short but this is a filler for all the GOOD action in the next 3 chapters.


Mkay, BAIIII!!!


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