Chapter 20

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Ohi. Sorry about no updates. Haven't had the motivation and I just wanna sleep all day.


Ty's POV:

I awoke, feeling dirty, sore, in pain, and hungry.

I remember everything that has happened in the last day.. And last night.

Oral, anal, masterbating in my face, touching me, sex toys, french kissing (roughly..), BDSM, and fingering.

I was lying on the cold floor, naked, while the two men who had torcured me for at least an hour edited the video to be sent to Adam.

I wrapped my arms around my swollen and slightly scratched stomach. I'm so glad that they left my stomach alone... I hope the baby is okay.

Tears started to pool around me at the thought of the baby being hurt, or of her or she dying, or even me dying...

Stop Ty. You gotta be strong for Adam. He'll be here soon to save you.

I whimpered, sitting up.

"Morning beautiful!" One of the two guys strode up to me, planting a kiss on my lips. I growled softly and he just smirked.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." He started to unbuckle his belt. I whimpered at something that sounded like 'I'm sorry'

"Could you hurry up with the video damnit!" The one guy yelled to the other man.

I tried to curl my body in a way that my private are was covered, because it felt odd being fully naked and in pain.

"C-Could I have some pain medicine...?" I whimpered out.

The man in front of me turned around and looked at me, and smirked.

"Sure!" And he took his fist and punched me, then the world subsided to black.

Adam's POV:

I paced around the house, while Mitch and Jerome were making me dinner since my cooking skills had died because of no sleep and no concetration.

"Adam you need to calm down, and come sit down." Mitch walked into the living room, looking sadly at me.

"I CANT DAMNIT MY CHILD AND BOYFRIEND ARE MISSING AND COULD POSSIBLY BE DEAD!" I screamed into his face, collapsing on the ground, bawling in hands.

Jerome came in and asked if Mitch was okay, then pulled me into his arms and whispered softly in my ear in a soothing voice.

I could see out of the corner on my eye Mitch had a few tears running down his cheek. The phone rang, and he ran over and got it.

"Hello?" He spoke into the home phone, his wet face turning into a shocked and scared face.

"W-wait!" He shouted, but the phone line went dead with a loud BEEEEEEP.

"Who was that?" Jerome asked.

"Someone called and said to check your mailbox Adam.." Mitch spoke softly, then darted outside.

I stood up, wiping my tears. Mitch came in with a red box. He opened it, a confused look upon his face.

"A CD and a bag of-" His eyes widened as he looked at the bag.

"What...?" My heart beat out of my chest as I thought of the many things it could be.

"-A bag of Ty's hair. Not much but.." He bit his lip and handed me the bag.

"Y-Yep... This is his hair.." I hugged it to my chest, the smell of his peaches and cream hair soap lingered faintly.

Mitch went over to the TV and put the CD in, turning on the TV.

I sunk into the couch, shaking like a mad man. Mitch and Jerome sat on both sides of me, holding me like they were my mothers.

The poorly edited CD started, with a man talking. You couldn't see his face though.

"Hello Adam, we hope you got this CD are are watching this because we have a real show for you." I trembled at his scarily deep voice, worrying about what would happen. The video changed to a new scene, with another man wearing a mask to conceal his identity and-

"T-Ty!" I cried out, running up to the TV and pressing my face against it.

The man was talking, but I wasn't listening. Then Ty looked scared, and started screaming and thrashing as the man stripped from his clothes and advanced toward him.

"N-N-NO NO NO!" I cried banging my fists into the TV. Jerome picked me up and held me to his chest as screams, moans, and choking were heard in the background. Mitch just stared in horror. I wailed into Jerome neck as he tried to comfort me. Mitch had ran off, and I could hear him throwing up.

"Shhh A-Adam its okay. " Jerome held me, being as scared and shocked as me.

"W-W-We need to call the detective." He said, grabbing the phone and carrying me to the couch. He called the detective, and the detective showed up. He watched the tape with his other partner and they studied it closely.

"Did you hear that?" The partner said to the detective.

"Huh?" Jerome said. The detective's partner looked at us sadly and spoke,

"I heard a radio in the backround a radio, and a station thats only in a certain area." I jerked up at those words.

"So you can find them????" I smiled, happy that my baby would be home soon.

"Yes and no, the area is about 3 hours away and its kinda big but we should find them in the next 2 days with this new lead." The detective smiled softly.

"Lets go now!!!" I jumped up grabbing all my stuff and getting dressed. I grabbed my picture of Ty when he was 6 months pregnant and kissed it, tossing it in my bag.

"I'm coming Ty, hold on."



I'm at Blttlb77984 's house lol. Shes stalking me while I updated, but she saw nothing >:3


5 more chapters!! (Ending at 25 I've decided.)

Want a sequal? Maaaaaaaybe we could get 30k by the end of this story?

I'll do the final chapter, sequal preview, and prolouges for Merome and maybe the bad guys. (Not sure yet, wip)

I love you guys so so much and you guys are one of the many people that help me from being sad and cutting and doinh bad things. I owe you guys.

I created a Ask Lauren book so go ask me shit! It's bright outside and cold lmao. (Picture included)

Okay, BAIIII!!!


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