Chapter 15

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Heyo! How's my freaky fangirls (and maybe boys) doing?

Might be starting a new Merome story!

Added this video bc I love it xD

And please go and read/request in my new one-shot book!

And if my IRL friend Brendan is reading...



Ty's POV:

I woke up to the sound of a shower running.

I sit up, groaning. God damn belly...
I lean against my pillow, sweaty from my Night Terror...

*flash back to last night*

After falling asleep at 1 am, I drowned in my dreams...

I was in a white room, strapped to a chair. My stomach was bigger than it was now, so maybe I was 9 months. A man walked in, he came in then shut the door.

"My my... What a lovely stomach..."

My eyes widened at his voice.

"Y-You! You are the one who called me!" He got closer to where we were a foot away from each other.

"Yup. I want your baby Ty..." He pulled out a knife....

Oh my- The man plunged the knife into the outer area of my stomach. Screaming, I rocked my chair trying to get free.

"Stop moving or the baby dies!" He slapped me. No... Not my baby...

I sat still, crying and screaming as he cut out the baby.

After losing so much blood, I started to get dizzy.

"Aww. Look at the baby. All cute and unharmed." He was holding a small bloody thing in his hand.

"M-My baby.... G-Give my baby back!" I softly yelled.

"No thanks." He smirked at me.

Walking over to me, the man kissed me, then left me in the now white and red room to die.

Then I lost consciousness..

I jolted up, Adam already awake and had the lamp light on.

"Baby? What happened? You starting screaming and crying..." Adam said, wrapping arms around my waist. He pulled me on his lap and I buried my face in his neck.

"I-I had a bad dream about the baby..."
I sobbed into his neck as he rubbed my back.

"Well its gonna be okay, because I will protect you." He said.

It took me awhile to stop shaking and crying, but soon after that I fell back asleep.

*flash back overrrrr*

I shivered at the cold air, since it was the beginning of November.

I got up, pulling out some clothes for me to wear and putting them on.

I went downstairs and made coffee and breakfast for me and Adam.

And I think it turned out good.

Adam came downstairs and ate with me, he even complimented the food.

After he left for work I took a shower and got cleaned up.

After standing in the bathroom and doing my hair for 20 minutes, I finally was done. I put on deodorant and hair spray and went downstairs.


I walk over to the door and open it, revealing a bundled up pair of guys.

"Why hello there Deadlox." Mitch giggles.

"Why who are you, and who is the Deadlox you speak of?" I grin, my internet and best friends smiling back at me.

"You!" Jerome laughs.

"Come in its cold!" I chuckle, stepping back from the door.

Mitch and Jerome make their way inside, and sit on the couch.

"I'm almost ready I just need to put my shoes on!" I run off to find socks and shoes.

After getting everything together, we all go out to the Explorer that Mitch drives and get in.

~time skip to café~

Getting out of the car, we head inside the cafe and get a table. It was quite difficult to sit down because of my belly.

"So hows bubs?" Mitch asks while Jerome gets us all drinks.

"Healthy and kicking. I have to take medicine everyday because of the pain he or she is stirring up.." I rest my hand on my belly and stare at it, thinking of what could be going on inside of me right now..

"That means the baby is doing great." Mitch smiles at me.

Jerome sits down and hands me my drink, a peppermint latte with whipped cream on top.

We all drink our drinks until Adam arrives, and then we go to Chipotle for lunch.

Adam went back to work and Merome and I went baby shopping. After all that we went home, Merome leaving for their house.

I stumbled to bed, tired as fuck. Adam was already home.

Laying in bed, the home phone rang and Adam answered it.

"Hello?" Adam spoke, just finishing getting dressed from his shower. "Uh yes?"

He looks over at me and hands the phone. "For you." I take the phone and put it up to my ear.

"Hello Ty, have a nice lunch at Chipotle?"

It was... Him....

Thats when I dropped the phone on the floor and screamed.


Hey... Sorry its been so long...

Sad lately, grades need to be brought up and I'm just stressed and depressed 24/7.

I will finish this story though, I swear.
Thanks for 14k :D 15k and we can do the stuff we talked about?

Lmao I finally got internet for my laptop ^-^

Just know, if your sad or need a friend to talk to just message me k?

Ily guys so much... You guys make me so happy... I like to brag about you guys to random friends at school hehe. You are all perf no matter what and I am your senpai.

And I am Queen. XD

Mkay, BAI!!!


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