Chapter 9

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Heeeeey. I'm going to my aunts house today!


Ty's POV:

I woke up from the mess of people around me, feeling sick instantly.


I ran to the bathroom, Adam mumbling for me to come back.

I threw myself at the toilet and hurled, my long hair getting in the way.

Someone had stumbled in and pulled back my hair, me being too busy throwing up to care.

After I finished hurling and wiping my face clean, I looked up and saw Tyler.

"Hi." I croaked out, a glass of water being shoved in my hand. Tyler pet my hair, whispering soft comforting words in my ear.

After I chugged down my glass of water, spitting some out because I used it like mouthwash, I put the glass on the floor and tried to stand up.

Total fail. I fell into Tyler's arms, Tyler having a giggling fit.

"Careful, don't want to hurt yourself."

He carried me back to the living room, setting me next to Adam, who instantly wrapped his arms around me.

Tyler walked into the kitchen, where I started to hear loud kissing.

I look over and Shelby was still asleep...

I got up weakly and poked my head into the kitchen....

I saw Jason and Tyler making out..

I ignored it, and crawled back into Adams arms, falling into a deep sleep.


I awoke to be in my bed, Adam gone.
I looked at my phone, and realized that we were heading home tomorrow..

I pulled off my shirt and looked in the mirror that was above the old teal dresser.

A small bump was there, noticeable if I wasn't wearing a shirt.

I frowned and pull some random clothes and stumbled downstairs with a few other people.

I swear we are morning zombies.

I walked to the kitchen and Ian was cooking up a storm, he did have to feed like, 15 people.

After food was done, we all threw around ideas to do for our last day together.

Everyone settled on a nearby carnival.

I dragged Adam upstairs to get ready for the last day I will see most of these guys.


That's a wrap!

I need a plot line.


So did everyone hear all the good news?



• Ty hit 2 million! Go check out his video about what to do for 2 million!

• YouCube in NY!

I'm getting sad again..

Das it. BAI!!

~ Laurie loves scissors

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