Chapter 10

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Ty's POV:

Adam was slightly pissed because he was still tired, which made him cuter.

We got to our room and started pulling out random clothes,

"I swear if this kid gets your traits we are all gonna die."

I giggled and pulled out my skinny jeans and my Panic! At The Disco sweatshirt thing, since there was going to be a breeze today.

I slipped on my jeans, socks on and my sweatshirt over my tee.

Adam, who had finally out on his belt, looked hot. He was wearing jeans and a polo shirt.

I wolf whistled, and he started giggling.

"Hush. Hand me my brush pleaseeee."

I tossed him his brush and bowed, which sent him in a laughing fit.

Jerome poked his head in the door and look at both of us as if we were crazy. I just winked at him and chuckled.

*when they are arriving*

We had to take like, 3 cars. Which is annoying, but we made it anyways.

We parked close to the entrance, since we had so many people. We all went off in different directions, deciding to meet back up for dinner at 7.

Me and Adam wandered around, playing some games and eating junk food. The norm.

But later, as the evening Sky turned pink and orange like a painting, we went onto the ferris wheel.

"But you know I'm afraid of heights!" I whined, somehow agreeing to this.

Adam wrapped his big soft arms around me, shielding me from everything that could ever scare me.

"I'm here silly, I thought this would be a pretty place to watch the sunset." He smiles, kissing my head.

By the time we got to the top, the Ferris wheel had stopped. And we were stuck up there, the stupid thing broke down.

I shook in Adams arms, hiding from the window thing.

"Hey. I'm here okay?" Adam held me closely, kissing me softly.

Adams kisses were like angels hugging you, or sweet puppies, I don't know help to describe them. They were magical.

I held his hand as he kissed me, and I didn't pull back. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me to his chest. It seemed like forever that we kissed, and it was.

Finally the Ferris wheel let us out, and we walks around looking for our friends.

Finally we found some, but not in the way we wanted to..

"I knew it! I knew you were bi!" A girl screamed from somewhere close to us.

"Isn't that-" Adam was cut off by more yelling.

"Yeah I am! You have a problem?" A boy yelled, a little softer than the girls.

"I wouldn't if you hadn't kissed your best friend!"

Tyler and Shelby, it took me a minute to realize it.

When I did I bolted off to find them, Adam hot on my heels.

"Shelby just shut up! I saw you with that other guy!"

The screaming stopped. It was dead silent. We found them, and pulled them apart.

Shelby was just frozen in place, Tyler furious and Jason hiding behind Tyler.

"I'm sorry Tyler.." Shelby looked ashamed.

"We both fucked up. Its alright. Friends?" Shelby nodded and embraced him.

I walked over to Jason and pulled him away, Jason still kinda in shock.

"What happened? When did you and Tyler start dating?"

He looked at me with a crimson face, looking at his feet.

"Were not dating.. We just have been kissing and stuff. He kinda confessed his love for me this morning."

I giggle and pat his back, "Nice."

After everything, we all headed to Olive Garden were we had a nice dinner, and then returned home.

Me and Adam dropped all of our stuff on the floor when we got to our room, and just took off our clothes and crawled in bed. I looked at the clock, it read 12:34.

I yawned, kissing Adam and mumbling something that sounded like a goodnight, earning a snore from him.

I smiled, putting a hand on my belly and falling asleep to the faint hum of the highway.



I had to get my home gurl, aka @ProDoesWriting to help me with ideas. Thanksssss.

So yeah, I've been busy, lala sad, lalal shit. I have no excuse.

I've been at farm camp and been volunteering all week. I have to get up at 6 AM again for my last day tomorrow.

We get Chickfila and shaved ice doe!

Mhm. I'm also trying to update Finding Love In Your Arms.

My new friend, @Skylox_lover, something like that, gave me some ideas.

So yeah. Bai.

~ Doo da Doo!

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