Chapter 3

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Holy shit you guise are hitting the votes like its riding a bike! Soooo 15 votes? Any other ships you wanna see? K bai!
Ty's POV:
After sitting in the darkness, running over what happened, the light starts to peak through.

Voices start to pour through, hundreds, maybe thousands. I open my eyes to see I bright light.

Am I dead?

"Babe!" Someone grabs me, most likely Adam. "Mrphgh?" I mumble out, being squashed by Adam.

"Adam let him go, he needs air." Mitch spoke. Adam let's go of me as my eyes adjust to my surroundings.

I was in a room, laying on a table, with a big conference table in the middle of the room.

"W-Where are we?" I asked with a panicked voice, sitting up.

"Were at PAX. Remember?" Jerome said, looking at me worriedly.

"Oh." Was all I could make out. I looked down at my stomach, pulling my shirt down some more.

"So. Why did you pass out Ty?" Jerome looks at me. I shrug, obviously lying.

"Alright, well the doc gave you some
meds so you should be good for the da-" He was cut off by Adam.

"I don't think it's a good idea for Ty to be up and moving after he just passed out." Adam picked me up like a baby, sitting down in a chair. I snuggled his neck as the two argued.

Finally Jerome and Mitch left to get to the booth in time with the others, leaving me and Adam alone.

"Ty." He started, I could see the pain and worry in his voice. Well I'm screwed.

"I know your hiding something, but I need to know soon. I don't want you passing out on me all the time."

I froze, closing my eyes so I didn't have to see his hurt face.

"I-I can't. Not yet. But you'll figure it out soon."

He sighed, stroking my hair.

"Oh Ty.."

~time skip to two days later~

My stomach was twisted in knots, I had been up since three am eating cookies, which I regret. I laid on the couch in my sweatpants because Adam went to the store.

I looked down at my stomach, realizing I should schedule an appointment with my doctor. I got up, stumbling a bit. Jesus I'm getting fat.

I walked over to my phone, picking it up and going outside. I rang up my doctor, Ella.

"Hello Dr.Collins office, how can I help you?" Her secretary Ann spoke.

"It's Ty, can you put Ella on the phone?" I walked outside, shutting the back door. After Ann sent me to Ella's line, I got comfy in a chair.

"Hey Ty Ty! What's up?" Ella's cheerful voice relaxed me, my sister was always helping me through my depression.

"Hey Ella Bella. I need a favor, and no it's not drugs or hookers." I giggled, resting my other hand on my small bump.

"I'm always happy to do a favor, whatcha need? Car? Money?" She was a doctor, so she had some extra cash in her wallet for her little brother.

"I need you to be my... uh. What would you call the person that does your check ups when your.. pregnant?"
I was blushing, telling my sister first was a weird thing. But we were very close.

"Oh my god! Really! You and Adam finally stopped using condoms?" She squealed.

"Hush up! I haven't told him yet. But I need you to do this for me. Please." I looked around, I thought I heard footsteps...

"Of course! Just come on by when you get back from Boston! I have to go, I was about to take out a kidney for this little girl. Bye, preggo!"

I let out a sigh of relief, smiling. I stood up, brushing some dirt off of myself. I looked down at my phone smiling at the picture of Adam and I. I walked over to the door, bumping into something.

I fell on my butt, pain rippling through my body as I landed.

I looked up to what I hit, and saw a shocked Ian staring down at me.


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