Chapter 5

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Ty's POV:

"I'm pr-" Before I could finish, screaming and a ring roared through the house.

"Jerome you dummy! You left the Ramen on too long!" Someone, Mitch I presume, screamed from upstairs.

"Mitch that was me!" Ian yelled back, running into the kitchen with the 20 pound fire extinguisher, which was probably as heavy as a feather to him.

In all of this, Adam stood around looking the ceiling, trying to find the alarm.

"Adam the smoke!" I squealed, yanking the doors open to let the smoke out.

Adam finally found the alarm, and it was Jerome's ramen, and Adam's eggs that burned. Everyone was okay, except for me.


How am I going to build up enough courage to tell him again?

Adam walked over me, and sat next to me on the couch, cuddling up to me.

I had sat down because the smoke lingered and I needed to stay conscious so nobody freaks out again.

"Hey baby." He smiled.

I smile back, then see Ian and Fiesh watching us from the kitchen. Fucking Ian. He's getting a pie to the face later.

"Hi." I buried my face into his shirt, holding it tightly.

"So what were you gonna say earlier?" Adam asked softly, petting my hair and kissing my head.

"Mm, nothing really." I was enjoying our cuddle, more than usual.


"Don't keep secreeeeeeets!" He whines. I sighed, standing up.

"C'mon. I'll tell you. But somewhere special."

A grinned slightly at him as I already knew where to take him to.

Baby's R Us...

Just kidding.



I think it's funny. But if you guys want me to actually do it, you vote lol.

Sorry I haven't updated!

SCHOOLS OUT ON THURSDAY WOOOOO! And my birthdays on Father's Day!

But my dad moved out Monday.

So I'm all, meh. And my mom thinks I write gay porn. :p

K BAAAAAAAI! *when I do dis I think of how Adam does it so think of it like that-LOKI*

~ Loki's Bitch JK Laurie

How? ~ A Skylox M-PregWhere stories live. Discover now