Oh No! (2)

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It'd been just over 2 weeks since the cheating scandal had come out and it was our first big interview and tv performance since; it was with Graham Norton and we were all nervous for it but we knew we were safe with Graham.

I looked up from my phone to look at Perrie, who was sitting in front of me staring into space, her skin slightly paler then usual, "you alright babe?"

"hmm?" she said looking at me clearly not hearing what I had said.

"I said you alright babe, you seem a little out of it, that's all?" I repeated, grabbing her hand.

"yeah I'm alright, just not feeling to good," she said giving me a faint smile in an attempt to persuade me.

"oh hun, I'm sorry, are you coming down with something?" I lifted my hand and laid it on her forehead feeling if her temperature was raised but as far as I could tell it was normal.

"Maybe, I could just be stressing though, you know with it being the first one since..." she trailed off looking towards the floor, I watched her as tears began to threaten to fall from the corners of her eyes.

"Come here babe," I held my hand out pulling her over to me on the sofa, "lay your head down and try to sleep, you'll feel much better once you wake up." I whispered as I pulled her head down to lay on my lap, wiping away some of her tears, as she closed her eyes. To calm her down, I began to run my fingers through her hair, humming the tune of 'you are my sunshine' to her. Soon I heard her breathing slow and I knew she was asleep, just as I heard it slow, Jade and Leigh-Anne walked through the door their arms laden with snacks from catering.

"hi Jes" they whispered noticing Pez asleep on my lap. Leigh walked back out of the room to go to hair and makeup I presumed which left Jade who came to sit next to me.

"What happened?" Jade asked laying her snacks on the dressing table, gesturing to Perrie.

"I noticed she seemed kinda out of it and a little pale so I asked if she was feeling alright and she said she was feeling stressed and a bit under the weather so I offered up my lap for her and she fell asleep, bless her, she's not had it easy has she?" I explained running my hand through her hair and wiping away the tear tracks on her face, carefully. 

"No she hasn't." Jade frowned, I could tell she was worrying about Pez more than the rest of us.

A tear began to roll down her cheek and at the sight of it I whispered "aww Poopey what's wrong?"

"It just hurts me to see her like this, she's my baby and she's so stressed and upset that she's making herself poorly, I just want her to be alright it's not the same without our little ray of sunshine." Tears continued to travel down her face, but she just left them as she continued to mess with Perrie's hair.

"I know how you feel, now don't cry bubba, she'll be alright and we have to be strong even if we feel like crying with her OK? Now where's that smile?" I asked wiping the tears from her cheeks and lifting up chin so that her eyes met mine. I pulled a goofy face which caused her concerned expression to develop into a small smile.

"thanks J, I don't know what I'd do without you sometimes, you know just what to say." she said, leaning over Perrie to hug me which I gladly accepted, responding to my statement in the process, saying "that's no problem baby girl, now would you like a cookie or something?" she nodded and so I quickly passed her one which she tucked into, smiling after.

"Jesy?" she asked looking at me, nibbling the edge of a biscuit. 

"yeah?" I replied, adjusting Perrie's head slightly.

It Gets Better// Perrie EdwardsWhere stories live. Discover now