Katherine (13)

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"Oh My God Perrie, you're white as a sheet." Caitlin shouted at the sight of me in bed, my complexion apparently not all that different to that of the white bed sheet I was lying on, waking me up immediately.
"Hold that thought." I retorted as I pulled myself up and dashed out of the room to the bathroom, flipping the toilet seat up as the familiar wave of nausea hit me like a tonne of bricks. As last night's dinner made a reappearance, I felt my hair being gathered up into some cold hands and another hand circling on my back.
Once I was sure I had finished throwing up, I turned my head to see Caitlin crouching next to me, her delicate features contorted with worry.
"A-a-are you ok Pez?" Caitlin stuttered at my fragile body.
"Yep, it's just morning sickness Cait, I forgot to take my tablets before I went to bed last night, I'm fine." I explained as I shuffled myself so my back was against the wall, in an attempt to combat the immanent dizziness that was sure to hit me in a second.
"Oh right that doesn't stop me from worrying," Caitlin truthfully said "are you sure you're ok?"
"I'm fine I just have to sit here for a while so I don't get sick again but after that I should be fine, call Jade or Jes Or Leigh-Anne if you want some reassurance Cait." I added knowing my friends would be happy to help.
"I might just do that, will Jade mind that I'm calling her on her birthday?" She asked which jogged my memory, realising that it was Jadey's birthday.
Contemplating for a second I replied "No she won't mind."
"Ok" Caitlin relaxed as she stood up and got her phone.
I sighed and rubbed my empty stomach "oh baby what are you doing to me?" I whispered as I heard Cait entering Jade's number and the phone rang twice before:
C:Hi Jade it's Caitlin Pez's sister
J:Hi love, you ok how can I help you?
C:Well I was just calling for some reassurance if I'm honest
J:Ok with what babe?
C:Well when I got up this morning looked at Perrie and she was so pale and so I shouted and she woke up jumped out of bed and just threw up for like 5 minutes and now she's got her head between her knees. Help Jade I'm scared.
J:Shhhh she's alright Cait, it's only morning sickness babes she's fine, the reason she has her head between her legs is because she gets really dizzy after.
C:Oh right is she really alright J?
J:Yes babe she knows what to do
C:How can I help her?
J:Maybe you can help her get up and back to bed in a minute when she's ready.
C:Ok thanks
J:No problem can I speak to her
C:Yeah sure
Caitlin walked back to the bathroom and crouched down next to me "Pez, Jade wants to speak to you."
"Okay" I weakly replied taking the phone from Caitlin
P:Hi Jade, happy birthday
J:Thanks babes, how you feeling?
P:Dizy, tired
J:Ok well we can sort all of them out can't we
J:Has this happened every morning while you've been away?
P: Not as bad, I forgot to take my tablet last night, that's why it's bad today.
J:I'm sorry to hear, do you need me to come over and look after you?
P:No Jade, it's your birthday I'll be fine and if I'm not I'm sure someone else can take care of me, you just enjoy your birthday hun
J:If you say so but if expect updates ever hour alright
P:Fine if you insist
J:Good girl
P:I'll pass you back to Cait now, enjoy your birthday
J:I will bye love you
P:Love you too
I passed Caitlin back her phone and Caitlin said goodbye promising to upate Jade on how I was doing. Everything Jade had said was her typical demeanour.
"Pezza do you need help getting back to bed?" Caitlin whispered to me. I nodded and held out a hand so Caitlin could pull me up. Once I was standing I swayed slightly but regained my footing once Caitlin had snaked her hand around my waist. Slowly we walked through the hall back to our bedroom. Once they were in the room I wriggled back in bed and Caitlin pulled up a chair, sitting next to me as I fell back asleep, stroking my hair in comfort.
⌚️2 hours later⌚️
"Pez, Babe, you feeling any better?" Katherine one of my best friends said as she gently shook my shoulder.
"Noooo go away Jade, I'm not getting up" I mindlessly grumbled turning my head away from Katherine.
"Wrong friend mate, it's Kathers" Katherine explained.
"Kathrine, what are you doing here?" I asked more instantly awake "hold that answer a sec" I said as once again I rushed to the toilet and threw up the bile from my empty stomach. As I gagged I started sobbing as well.
"Shhhh it's alright let it all out, Cait isn't home anymore so just cry babe, it's fine" Kathrine comforted as she pulled back my hair and rubbed my back. After a minute, I stopped gagging and leaned back, resting my weight on Katherine. Katherine wrapped her arms around me and rested her head on mine. "You're pregnant aren't you" Katherine said pressing a kiss on my head.
Weakly I sighed saying "this isn't how I envisioned telling you" which caused Katherine to laugh.
"Well, you know I kinda guessed it when I got no drunken snapchats last night and Cait called me this morning saying you needed me because you were ill. How long have you known?"
"Guess." I jokingly retorted knowing Katherine would have already guessed how long.
"Hmmm about 2 months," Kathrine guessed adding "You're due in July as well," on the end to make herself sound as impressive as possible.
"You bet ya, so your here because my darling sister called you?" I asked, shivering a little.
"Yep, you should of heard her Pez she was concerned about you and she said she knew why but couldn't tell me why because you had said not to. It was so cute, she cares about you so much." Katherine explained rubbing her hands on my arms attempting to warm me up.
"I know I'll have to show you the video of her finding out it's so funny. So where is she then?" I asked, recalling how Katherine had said she wasn't home.
"I think she's gone to Liam's house babe, don't worry about her." Katherine said as she readjusted herself so she was sat next to Perrie.
"Liam as in her boyfriend Liam ?" I questioned as I started pulling myself up to standing but failing as a wave of dizziness hit her.
"The one and only, don't worry about them, she's fine. But you aren't are you? Shall I take you to my apartment so you have some quiet and you don't have to bother Cait again?" Katherine asked as she wrapped her right arm around me and pulled me to standing holding my hand in her free one. She started to walk me through the house to presumably the kitchen or living room. We had to pause a couple of times so I could steady myself against a wall.
"I'm fine Kathers, honestly the nausea has gone now for the day, I don't want to be a burden."I attempted to persuade my friend as we walked to the kitchen.
"No Perrie you're coming to stay with me and that's final, I promised Jade I'd look after you considering you're too stubborn to accept her help, now have some breakfast if you can and I'll pack your stuff, don't even start to try to argue missus." Katherine said as she helped me sit down in front of a piece of toast.
Reluctantly, I started eating and less than 30 seconds later Katherine popped her head around the door and said "your phone won't stop going off, I think it's the girls." as she passed me the phone.
"thanks" I said before looking down at my phone and reading the messages from the Little Mix Group chat:
Jesminda: Happy Birthday🎊🎉 Poopey💩, I hope you have a wonderful day and I cant wait for the drunken text messages🍸🍹, keep us posted on how your day is going xx 😘
Lee Lee: Happy Biryhday🎉 J, love you lots speak soon xx😍
Jadey: thanks girlies😘, I'm guessing Pez is still asleep💤
Jesminda: Probably she sleeps even more now she has the baby on the way🚼🤰🏼
Jadey: never mind, I know what's happened to her. Cait just rang me all panicked because Pez just threw up but I've spoken to her and she has reassured me she does not need me to come and look after her
Lee Lee: oh dear I thought it had subsided😢
Jadey: it has, but she forgot to take her medicine ln so she threw up this morning😢
Jesminda: well I hope you get feeling better soon Pez😘
Lee lee: yeah I'm sorry your not feeling well babes but I'm sure it'll be worth it in the long run😘👩‍👧👩‍👦
Jade: get better soon love, don't hesitate to call love and don't forget about my updates😍
Me: Thanks guys Kathers is round now sorting me out she is forcing me to go to hers for the weekend so I have quiet. I Just finished throwing up 😩but I'm much better now, Cait is out with the boyf and according to Katherine is fine now, thanks Jade you really managed to calm her down she was in a right flap before she spoke to you. Don't worry I'll keep you posted and ring if I need any thing, love ya xx😘
Me: Oh and Happy Birthday Jade🎉🎊have a message in writing rather than just having your friend croak it down the phone 5 minutes after they have been sick, sorry😘 xxx
After I had finished writing both of the messages I switched my phone off and focused on finishing the dry piece of toast that was sat in front of me. It took me 10 minutes but I managed to finish it just as my friend came round the corner with my suitcase, "ready to go ma love?"
"yep." I said as she stood up and made her way to the door and out of the house.

It Gets Better// Perrie EdwardsWhere stories live. Discover now