Smol Little Bean (7)

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"Up you get mumma, you and baby-cakes have your first appointment today." I said as I shook her shoulders in an attempt to wake her up, "there's a cuppa here love, waiting for you to wake up!"
"no Jade" she whined in response, pulling the covers over her head like a 2 year old
"please" I begged only receiving a grunt in response, "come on Pez, you have a doctors appointment in an hour and you can't be late for it, first impressions and all" I explained, not giving up.
"but I'm so tired," she retorted.
"I know Babes, you can sleep in the car but you honestly have to get ready, Leigh will be here soon," I explained, offering her my hand so I could pull her up "there you are darlin' one cuppa, plenty of milk and a biscuit on the side, just how you like it," I said, handing her the tea I had prepared for her.
She gladly, but a little reluctantly accepted it from me saying "Thanks J."
"Not a problem Hun, how are you feeling this morning?" I asked as she began sipping at the tea.
"Alright, a little nauseous but not as much as I have been, I'm just a little nervous really," she told me her expression conveying what she had been saying.
"Its normal Perrie, is there anything I can do to calm you?" I concernedly asked her, holding her free hand in mine.
"Not really, just you being here is calming me so much." she whispered
"I'm sorry I can't actually go with you baba, but it's the only time I can see Jed." I apologised to her, knowing how much she wanted me there.
"Its fine I have Lee Lee." She said with a slight smile, although I could see there was somthing in her mind. After a short spell of silence, she spoke up saying "what if he does something to me or baby-cakes? I could never live with myself if something happened to them. Oh Jade I'm so scared." I watched as the tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down her porcelain face. Realising her chin was trembling and pearls of water were moving down her face, she looked towards the window as though asking for the light to soothe her fear. My heart broke into millions of pieces as sounds erupted from her throat that weren't all that different from those that you'd hear from a distressed child. Tentatively I opened my arms for her and she accepted, turning her head so it was buried deep in my chest, her shoulders heaving up and down with every heavy, laboured breath she took. "All I've ever wanted was to one day be able to raise a proper family not a disjointed one that doesn't function. Why did he have to do this to me, we were so happy, we had it all, the love, family and friends and in one fell swoop he brought it down. I don't want this anymore, why can't it be easy for me?" She sobbed to which I responded with calming words and soothing phrases.
Eventually I felt her begin to slow down in my arms and I lifted her head so it was directly in front of mine "I know it's been so hard for you Perrie but you're so strong you've fought and pushed through so much. I have no doubt you are going to be the best mammy to this little'n and that they are going to love you no matter how much turbulence there has been, or will be, okay?" I stated wiping away her tears with my sleeve.
"what should I wear?" she enquired her mood changing almost immediately although there was an underlying tone of worry still there.
"Something comfy and loose." I suggested to her knowing that she needed to be comfy as she would most likely be in there for a while doing various things.
"so leggings and a jumper?"
"yep, I'll be in my room if you need me!" I called as I exited turning the corner to my room.

"Bye Jadey" Perrie and I called back to her, as we exited their flat.
"Ready then?" I asked her, as we waited for the lift.
"Yeah, I'm a bit nervous but it's normal so" she said with a shrug stepping into the lift. 
"I am so excited you're gonna be a mummy, I can't honestly wait to see my little god-son or god-daughter" I exclaimed opening the car door with my keys.
"God-son or god-daughter eh? Who said anything about you being god-mum?" she joked climbing into the car.
Doing the same I stated "well you know I'm the best person for it!" which received an eye roll from her.
⌚️at doctors surgery⌚️
"Edwards?" We heard a doctor call. Perrie stood up out of her chair as did I and we walked towards the doctor. Once we had reached her she said "Hello, you must be Miss Edwards, I'm doctor McClain, nice to meet you!" offering her hand to Perrie as we walked down the corridor.
Perrie shook it and responded with a simple "hi".
We were soon in her office and she offered us a seat across the desk from her, "how can I help you today?"
"well about 2 weeks ago I began feeling unwell and just a little off, so Jade, my friend, suggested I took a pregnancy test and I guess that's why I'm here." she explained rather matter-of-factly.
"Okay, so this was about 2 weeks ago?" Dr McClain asked, typing away.
"yes, but I think I'm about 6 weeks pregnant."
"Ok and have you had any persistant symptoms?" She asked.
Perrie immediatly nodded saying "All of them really, apart from hightened sense of smell, because I can't smell."
"Ah I see, so have you had morning sickness?" The doctor looked up, slightly pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose.
"Yep, it's been awful, I've sort of been bed bound because of it."
"Ok, we can give you some medication for that because by the sounds of it you have it quite severely, I'll have the tech grab you a prescription." She said, typing somthing else
"That's alright, so I would suggest we do an ultra-sound then however we will most likely have to do it vaginally because of how early you are, is that okay for you?" she asked noticing Perrie's shocked expression.
"Yes I guess" she muttered overthinking the whole situation.
"Ok we'll do that after I ask you a few questions. The first being are you financially sound and stable to support a family?"
"Perfect, next, are you feeling mentally capable of looking after a small baby?"
"I think so, I'm a little anxious about it all but I presume that's normal?"
"absolutely normal to be a little nervous. The final thing I have to ask is the family situation you are in with regards to the baby's father and help with supporting you and the baby."
At this Perrie became a little withdrawn but with a squeeze of my hand for reassurance she answered, saying,"Unfortunately the father and I are no longer together as he cheated on me but I have close Friends and Family who have expressed their willingness to help me so in a supporting way I am fine."
"I see, so there is little chance of him being in the baby's life?"
"No, I wouldn't be comfortable with it for various reasons but like I said I have a good support network."
"Okay lets get you set up then," she said standing up and leaving the room. Before Perrie followed suit she looked towards me and smiled, tears brimming at the edge of her eyes which I wiped away with my hand, I grabbed her hand and we followed Dr McClain into a small room with an examination bed. "You'll need to change into a gown and strip down then lie on the bed and I'll be right back with everything I need. If you want some privacy you can change in the bathroom," and with that she exited leaving Perrie staring at the gown.
"she's very matter of fact isn't she?" I commented as I watched Perrie pick up the gown. She began to peal off her hoodie, startled I hurriedly said "I can turn around if it makes you more comfortable."
"There's no need Lee I've literally vomited on you before now so yanno it doesn't bother me you seeing me naked." she hummed back as she removed her leggings, so she was stood in front of me in her bra and nickers. She unfolded the gown and marvelled at it's size saying "this is massive, two of me could fit in this!" before pulling it on asking "will you tie it up for me?" I nodded stepping behind her beginning to tie each of the ribbons until they were all tied. Next she sat on the bed and wriggled her undergarments off, throwing them on the pile of clothes I had just folded."I think this calls for a picture don't you?" she asked picking her phone up from next to her and gesturing for me to come next to her, she held her phone up chirping "smile" pressing the capture button as she did.
Only moments later a knock could be heard from the other side of the door and Dr McClain entered with a machine wheeling behind her. She began to set up while I took a seat next to Perrie, my hand swimming towards her's, clasping it giving it a quick squeeze in reassuringly. Her eyes looked towards me and she changed her worried look to a faint smile though I could still see the worry in the blue glassy orbs. "Right we'll get started now, it may hurt a little so just tell me if you want me to stop okay?" the doctor said looking towards Perrie who managed a short nod in response. She reclined Perrie back and began the ultra-sound. As she started it Perrie gripped my hand tighter yelping a little with the pain. "Okay, let's see what we can see here" she said looking towards the monitor, "here we are and well if I'm not mistaken, that Miss Edwards, is your baby," pointing out what looked like a white bean surrounded by grey. She used the courser and pointed out the head and the body to us, after that she took a measurement of the baby. "So like you expected it is measuring around 6 weeks and is giving me a predicted due date of July 9th, I'll just get the heartbeat and then get you sat back up." As she told us the due date Perrie looked at me with wide eyes and I knew her thought was exactly the same as mine- the day before her birthday. All of a sudden we heard a loud strong heartbeat fill the room and Perrie's eyes welled up with tears "good strong heartbeat good job baby," the doctor said.
She finished up and sat Perrie up, slowly, steadying Perrie when she wobbled, "easy now, don't want you fainting no do we?" She chuckled.
"Wouldn't be the first time" Perrie sighed, closing her eyes slightly.
"Have you fainted before?" The doctor asked, as she pressed a few buttons.
"Yeah I did a couple of weeks ago, it was kind of the start if it all" Perrie explained, I nodded along with her, recalling the whole thing.
"Ah I see, that was probably to do with the morning sickness but I think I'll have a blood test scheduled for you just in case" Dr McClain told her, with a sorry smile.
"Okay, will that be today or?" Perrie questioned clearly nervous.
"I'm afraid it has to be done Nil By Mouth so it'll have to be scheduled for a couple of days. The receptionist can give you more information when she books your appointment."
"Okay" Perrie nodded, slightly more relaxed.
"Right the last thing we need to do is weigh you and measure your waist, then your free to go" she said, helping Perrie up, walking her over to the scales.
"Right if you hop up for me" she said, standing to the side. Perrie did as she was told and the doctor noted down her weight. After that she measured Perrie's waist and then bid us farewell leaving Perrie with an envelope full of pictures of her baby. She got dressed and, once we had sorted her next few appointments, I offered her my hand as we exited the surgery
"You happy chuck?" I asked, patting her leg, when we reached a traffic light about 10 minutes later.
"Yeah, it was nice to see them but I still hate doctors." She said, smiling when I glanced at her.
"Unfortunately it's not somthing you can escape now you've got a smol little bean" I said making her chuckle.
"I guess not," she shrugged, "hey Lee?" Perrie said, I saw her looking at me out of the corner of my eye.
"Yes" I said, attempting to focus on the road.
"Do you think we could go and spy on Jadey on her date?" She asked, a smug grin on her face.
"Yeah, but I reckon we get Jesy first" I suggested a menacing smile on my face too.
This was going to be a lot of fun!

Hey it's me!
So I'm not too happy with how this is turning out atm, it's very very cliché. In order to move around that I've changed a few later chaps but they're way off so I'm afraid you're going to have to deal with the year old cliché writing as much as possible 🙈. I promise it'll end up being less so eventually 😂
Saying that if you have anything you'd specifically like to see, do say! It can't be anything huge because it's mostly written but if you have any ideas of be open to them!
Thanks a bunch you wonderful people!
~H xx
P.S. I am so pissed off about the brit thing you have no idea 😂😂

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