•His Lips•

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Yuri's Point Of View

My tired eyes slowly opened to reveal the early morning sunlight that shone through the window.

Light winds accented by melodic chirps the birds made outside filled my ears as I let out a quiet yawn.

My body felt sore and I slightly moved around so I could stretch out.

So tired..........

As I tried to lift up my arm, I found that I not only lifted up my own but I lifted someone else's.

An arm that was way heavier than mine.

I could suddenly feel soft breaths caress the back of my neck and it sent shivers down my spine.

And I turned around to find the only person who could possibly have that effect on me.


My face became so close to his that our noses barely touched and his hair lightly grazed my skin.

The way he looked when he slept was...mesmerizing.

Oh god.

That was definitely the most creepy thing I had ever said in my entire 23 years of living.


His hair cascaded around his features as his pale skin was illuminated by that morning light.

His cheeks were painted over with shades of pink and his eyes were relaxed and serene.

It was almost as if he was brighter than the sun itself.

I got so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't even notice his eyes flutter open, revealing those deep colors of the ocean waves.

"Mmm, morning sleeping beauty," he murmured with his accent that held a deep, raspy tone.

I thought his accent couldn't get any better, but Jesus.

I was so wrong.

It was easily the sexiest sound my ears had heard.

"M-Morning," I said in a tone that gave me away as uncomfortable and awkward.

Then again, that was me all the time.

No surprise there.

I found myself not being able to speak anymore because the events from last night had entered my brain, in vivid detail.

Flooding my brain within a single moment.

Like the feeling of Victors warm lips against mine and the way he held me in his arms........

Oh god.

I was in his apartment.

On the couch.

He was almost on top of me.

Shit, shit, shit.

This was way too much, I was being suffocated by reality coming down on me.

I wasn't mad about my reality, I was just crippling with anxiety and sexual frustration...

Which are two emotions that you never want to put together.

I watched Victor as he yawned and pulled me closer to him and buried his head in my shoulder.

This was not happening.

"You know, I've never slept that good in my entire life," he said with a deep sigh as I felt his hand hold my waist.

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