•Mystery Boy Part 1•

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The Katsuki Household
11:00 a.m.

I sat in the drivers seat of Victor's car.......

My hands on the wheel as I turned the corner on Ellison Street, the familiar homes and paved sidewalks on either side of me........

And the smell of supermarket flowers filling up our black Cadillac as I tried to stop the tapping of Victor's feet against the floor.

"She'll love them, Victor," I said quietly, my hand on his moving thigh, another deep sigh escaping his lips as I smiled down at the red roses.

"You sure? What if these aren't her favorite flower anymore?" he said as he looked at me helplessly, as if he were Makkachin without food.

"I'm certain. And the only thing she's gonna love more than a bouquet of red roses is you."

The only response he had was to slide down in his seat with a dramatic groan.

"The pressure is killing me slowly," he said as I kept the lookout for kids playing in the streets, something that happened every day of the year.

Whether it was Christmas Day or just another gloomy, St. Petersburg Monday.

"Yeah, well the nervous tapping of your foot against the car is killing me slowly."

"Hey, I'm the one who is meeting the whole Katsuki family today. Not you, Samurai," he said with a shrug as I rolled my eyes at the blue eyed baby sitting next to me.

"Yeah, well I'm the one who is going to have to pretend to laugh when my uncle asks the question "so which one of you is the girl in the relationship?"

Victor hesitated before he felt the urge to open his mouth again.

"You're the girl."

"Oh, fuck you Nikiforov," my open hand reaching over the glovebox to shove him playfully, an airy laugh escaping his lips.

"I don't think it's the best idea to do that right before meeting the family. But god, just you wait until we head back to that new apartment of ours after dinner," he said as I kept my eyes on the road, laughing as Victor playfully bit my ear. "I'm gonna ruin you."

"Not if my dad's green bean casserole ruins you first, baby."

And only after I said this did we realize that I had pulled up right in front of the cliché suburban house that I had once called home.

And only after I had stopped the car did I realize that Victor's foot had stopped tapping against the floor of the black Cadillac.

His nerves somehow finding their way to me as I finally realized how close to that door we really were.

And how important it was to me that every single person behind it could see Victor in the way that I do.

"Okay, I'll warn you now. My aunt and uncle really like asking questions. Make sure to just nod your heard or say yes, no. It's the only way to survive.

And my two cousins are the most adorable little girls you'll ever meet. But when they ask you to play Barbie playhouse, don't fall for the puppy eyes. They take that game way too seriously.

And my grandma has a great sense of humor, but it's a sense of humor that usually involves either sex, drugs, or some insult at my grandpa. I recommend politely laughing and then changing the subject when she tries to take it further.

And my parents.

Well, I think I've warned you enough about them.

I just, I thought I'd let you know before we opened that door a-and........."

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