•Till Death Do Us Part•

445 28 43

April 5th
The Wedding

Yuri's Point of View

Yuri's Point of View

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I choose you.......

To be none other than yourself,

Loving what I know of you,

And trusting who you will become.

I will respect and honor you,

Always and in all ways.

With you, I pledge to repair one small piece of the world.

I take you to be my spouse,

To have and to hold,

In tears and in laughter,

In sickness and in health,

To love and to cherish,

From this day forward,

In this world and onto the next.

I could feel my head spinning as I climbed up step after step, with my ears listening to the soft pat of my feet against the delicate flooring.

But I knew it was more than just the height of a staircase that was making my head run wild.

I knew that I was somehow desperately trying to process how it truly felt to be comforted by my dad's own words and within his own arms..........

Which was something that I still couldn't picture or imagine as something real and concrete.

Something obtainable.

It didn't even feel real in the memory of when we had cried into each other's shoulders in that hallway and wiped away whatever boundary was keeping us away from forgiveness.

I guess it had always been a fragment of my imagination or a dream that I figured would never come true........

But somehow, it did.

It came true.

And when I finally reached the fifth floor and caught sight of our room at the end of the slim hallway............

Teach Me ⚣ VicturiWhere stories live. Discover now